
Top 150 Adrian Tchaikovsky Quotes (2025 Update)
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Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “How much worse to think yourself wise, and still be as ignorant as one who knew themselves a fool?”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “I could do such things, what they are I yet know not, but they would be the terror of the Earth.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “He could be human, in that last moment. He could exalt in his ability to destroy.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “The secret of gunpowder is that anyone – a man, a woman, a child, a cripple – can kill with it.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “They’re not plundering a tomb, they’re robbing a corpse, and the difference between those two things is scale and longevity.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “In his own mind, Senkovi was known for his sense of humour, an organ that in truth amused only himself.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “The past is no man’s clay for remodelling. It is fired the moment it is moulded, alas. I.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “He ended up hovering next to the doorway, realizing that some part of his mind had resigned itself to a future of dealing only with a few other humans, and had perhaps preferred that.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “He, who had translated the madness of a millennia-old guardian angel. He who had been abducted. He who had seen an alien world crawling with earthly horrors. He had feared. He had loved. He had met a man who wanted to be God. He had seen death. It had been a rough few weeks.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Yes, the universe was built on a certain common logic that could be expressed by numbers, but those numbers themselves were an arbitrary construct that was culturally specific.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Males do not form such groups – for who would have any use for a large group of males?”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “He felt that familiar, baseline unhappiness of someone who would be judged entirely according to moral decisions made by others.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “She asks them what they think those lights in the sky are: those below are astronomers enough to know that they are unthinkably distant fires. They are like your sun, she says. And around one such was a world much like your own, on which other eyes looked up at those distant lights, and wondered if anything looked back down.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “I am only now, at the wrong end of three centuries after loss of contact, beginning to realise just how broken my own superior culture actually was. They set us here to make exhaustive anthropological notes on the fall of every sparrow. But not to catch a single one of them. To know, but very emphatically not to care.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “What was the use of a mad scientist if they suddenly decided to start making sane decisions?”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “What they used to call non-neurotypical. Except, as we all went that way, it would eventually have to have been called typical. Because sometimes non-neurotypicality is what you need.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Useless, surely. Might as well rely on thoughts and prayers.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “That was the problem with associating with criminals. It led to Newtonian espionage. Each action produced an equal and opposite reaction and you couldn’t use without being used in turn.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “God is better disposed towards those who feign the right humility.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “An ancestress of hers stole the Sacred Eye of the Messenger from the ants, back when the ants were the great power in the world and not merely a convenient operating system to run Avrana Kern on.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “New food. Different food. That had everyone’s interest. Across the span of the web, that was strung in mistlike sheets from tree to tree across their forest, he felt the others rousing, rising from their torpor. There was always food, even for so many bodies as Mother’s Brood ran to, but variety was welcome.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “The problem with judgement calls is that they’re only ever good or bad in retrospect.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “It was the curse of the Old Empire, that division of man against man that was the continual brake on human progress.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Ah, yes, hindsight, always my weapon of choice.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “For that, I thank him. A vast and worthless education is the greatest gift a child can have.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “You think you’re imposing order by tightening the vice, cracking down, police on the streets, curfews and stop-and-search and let’s-see-your-ID. Except, you look at any place and time when that’s been instituted, you tell me whether history records those as havens of peace and stability. You show me when top-down imposition of order has done anything except fan the flames.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “You will fail, and when you do, you must do everything you can to fail as little as possible. Don’t let the failure get its teeth into you. You will make decisions that come with a cost. That is Command.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “The whole audacious, ridiculous plan of his had worked out in every particular, save that he had failed to adjust for the destructive stupidity of the rest of humanity.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Sitting in that cell with him as he wheezed his last hours away, I could feel my presence eroding, the desert wind smoothing over all the footprints I had ever made.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “We’re getting along platonically just exactly fine.” Meaning we spent all afternoon throwing things at Plato and it was hilarious.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “I’m trying to keep track of all the ways this venture is likely to kill me but, yes, that’s one of them.’ She looked up at him without flinching. ‘Seriously, I am more concerned about that satellite. You need to cut us free right now. You need me isolating the ship’s systems so that thing can’t just walk in and take over.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Magic knows not light or darkness. It is the Power Elemental, that predates any such concerns,” he told her archly, somewhat sabotaged by the smug smirk that always crept onto his face when he was pontificating. “Besides, what need we fear the Dark, when we have you to show us the way to the Light?”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “What’s the point of making better people, if they’re still sad and afraid and lonely?”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “World peace, man. Forever and forever.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “He had bred them and mutated them and played all sorts of God, and now they wanted to know why and he had no answer.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Also, she’d been taught to think that the Parthenon were the right and the good. And rather than that meaning they got to do what they liked, and their actions would be whitewashed as right and good because of who they were, it meant they had to actually do right and good things.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Dictators don’t make the trains run on time, Rufus. They run down the rail networks because they travel in private planes.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Anyone wants out, then get out, no hard feelings. For I am in a mood to do some truly stupid things.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Oxygen was – to quote Mikhail Elesco, the team’s top geologist – a needy bastard that couldn’t stand not to be in a relationship, no matter how toxic.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “The Greater Good morphed into self-interest so easily; human history was full of it.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Perhaps it was survival rather than victory, but sometimes just surviving was your definition of a win.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Like a bloody cave,” was Lief’s assessment, “and it stinks of magic.” Penthos gave him an arch look. “And you’d have a sensitivity for magic?” “It has floating lights, and that bloke over in the corner is wearing a crown of glowing ice, and his mate’s got the head of a parrot. I don’t think you need to be Grand Archmage Woddleflot to pick up the delicate scent of magic.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “One of the Academy Masters once said that nobody ever made a statue of a man running away. My answer to that is that very few living men get statues.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “She had racked her piecemeal recollection of her species’ history and found only a hierarchy of destruction: of her species devastating the fauna of planet Earth, and then turning on its own sibling offshoots, and then at last, when no other suitable adversaries remained, tearing at itself. Mankind brooks no competitors, She has explained to them – not even its own reflection.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “She may die, and her eyes look into that abyss and feed her with a terror of extinction, of un-being, that is perhaps the legacy of all life.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “You want to fling yourself forwards past the badlands of the war, this is where you end up. And I’ll be waiting for you. Nobody gets by me.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “It is always at my back,” he continued, “and sometimes it grows bold and its teeth are at my throat. It drags me down, and if I did not carry a shield against it, I could not get up from beneath its weight.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “But then blame is just credit for something that’s gone wrong.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “Take away my machines and they would be at each other’s throats with swords and knives instead. Then take away their steel and they would pick up rocks and clubs. There is no saving them: they are merely the fuel for war’s engines. Only we, Totho – we are the point, the reason. We, because, alone amongst this destruction, we create, and we create so that they may destroy, so that we may create anew.”
Adrian Tchaikovsky Quote: “I never wanted to have choices. Choices are hard. Choices can be wrong.”
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