
Top 300 Aesop Quotes (2025 Update)
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Aesop Quote: “A false tale often betrays itself.”
Aesop Quote: “Precious things are for those that can prize them.”
Aesop Quote: “Benefits bestowed upon the evil-disposed, increase their means of injuring you.”
Aesop Quote: “Straw shows which way the wind is blowing.”
Aesop Quote: “While I see many hoof marks going in, I see none coming out. It is easier to get into the enemy’s toils than out again.”
Aesop Quote: “What is most truly valuable is often underrated.”
Aesop Quote: “Fools take to themselves the respect that is given to their office.”
Aesop Quote: “It is easy to propose impossible remedies.” The.”
Aesop Quote: “Plodding wins the race.”
Aesop Quote: “I thought these grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.”
Aesop Quote: “The Boys and the Frogs SOME BOYS, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in the water and began to pelt them with stones. They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water, cried out: “Pray stop, my boys: what is sport to you, is death to us.”
Aesop Quote: “Each person has his strong point.”
Aesop Quote: “In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.”
Aesop Quote: “In a crisis, give help first and then advice.”
Aesop Quote: “The Fawn and His Mother A YOUNG FAWN once said to his Mother, “You are larger than a dog, and swifter, and more used to running, and you have your horns as a defense; why, then, O Mother! do the hounds frighten you so?” She smiled, and said: “I know full well, my son, that all you say is true. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear even the bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away as fast as I can.” No arguments will give courage to the coward.”
Aesop Quote: “Misfortune tests the sincerity of friendship.”
Aesop Quote: “It is useless attacking the insensible.”
Aesop Quote: “Acquaintance softens prejudice.”
Aesop Quote: “If you wish me well, do not stand pitying me, but lend me some succour as fast as you can; for pity is but cold comfort when one is up to the chin in water, and within a hair’s breadth of starving or drowning.”
Aesop Quote: “Our mere anticipations of life outrun its realities.”
Aesop Quote: “It pays to be content with your lot.”
Aesop Quote: “We learn from the things we suffer.”
Aesop Quote: “The safeguards of virtue are hateful to the evil disposed.”
Aesop Quote: “Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in.”
Aesop Quote: “The loiterer often imputes delay to his more active friend.”
Aesop Quote: “If we really want something done, it is best to do it ourselves.”
Aesop Quote: “There can be little liking where there is no likeness.”
Aesop Quote: “Be content with what nature made you, or run the risk of earning contempt by trying to be what you’re not.”
Aesop Quote: “All men are more concerned to recover what they lose than to acquire what they lack.”
Aesop Quote: “Time and place often give advantage to the weak over the strong.”
Aesop Quote: “The cat always leaves a mark on his friend.”
Aesop Quote: “Conceit may bring about one’s own downfall.”
Aesop Quote: “None but those who work are entitled to eat.”
Aesop Quote: “AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, “The dew.” The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.”
Aesop Quote: “It is foolish to try to imitate the skills of others.”
Aesop Quote: “Try before you trust.”

236. “Try before you trust.


Aesop Quote: “If you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do you fawn on me?”
Aesop Quote: “The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.”
Aesop Quote: “People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.”
Aesop Quote: “Your words, O Hares! are good; but they lack both claws and teeth such as we have.”
Aesop Quote: “If you don’t want to lose, you should wait for the right opportunity.”
Aesop Quote: “Forbear harping on what was of yore, for it is the common lot of mortals to sustain the ups and downs of fortune.”
Aesop Quote: “He is not to be trusted as a friend who illtreats his own family.”
Aesop Quote: “Pleasure bought with pains, hurts.”
Aesop Quote: “He collected audiences around him, and flourished and exhibited and harangued.”
Aesop Quote: “A SWALLOW, returning from abroad and especially fond of dwelling with men, built herself a nest in the wall of a Court of Justice and there hatched seven young birds. A Serpent gliding past the nest from its hole in the wall ate up the young unfledged nestlings. The Swallow, finding her nest empty, lamented greatly and exclaimed: “Woe to me a stranger! that in this place where all others’ rights are protected, I alone should suffer wrong.”
Aesop Quote: “He who shares the danger ought to share the prize.”
Aesop Quote: “The North Wind and the Sun.”
Aesop Quote: “The Oxen and the Axle-Trees A HEAVY WAGON was being dragged along a country lane by a team of Oxen. The Axle-trees groaned and creaked terribly; whereupon the Oxen, turning round, thus addressed the wheels: “Hullo there! why do you make so much noise? We bear all the labor, and we, not you, ought to cry out.” Those who suffer most cry out the least.”
Aesop Quote: “All of us, the great and the little have need of each other.”
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