
Top 200 Alan Bradley Quotes (2025 Update)
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Alan Bradley Quote: “None of the books were in alphabetical order, which made it necessary to cock my head sideways to read each one of the spines. By the end of the third shelf I began to realize why librarians were sometimes able to achieve such pinnacle levels of crankiness: It’s because they’re in agony.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “If you’re insinuating that my personal hygiene is not up to the same high standard as yours you can go suck my galoshes.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I was learning that among friends, a smile can be better than a belly laugh.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It was like a bit of flypaper stuck to your finger that you couldn’t shake off. The bloody thing clung to life like a limpet.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Was he being what Daffy called “ironical”? She had once told me that the word meant the use of veiled sarcasm: the dagger under the silk. “The smiler with the knife!” she had hissed in a horrible voice.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “The possibilities seemed endless, which made it all the more exciting, since possibilities are so much more thrilling than certainties – or so I’ve always thought.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It is not the dead who are to be feared, I thought, but rather the living. Only the living can cast you down among the dead.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “We were all of us like the proverbial ships that pass in the night, signaling only briefly to one another before sailing off over the horizon into our own patch of darkness.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “There are, in fact, no halos in the Bible – just as there are no cats or accordions.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “There’s something in human nature, I’m beginning to learn, that makes an adult, when speaking to a younger person, magnify the little things and shrink the big ones. It’s like looking – or talking – through a kind of word-telescope that, no matter which end they choose, distorts the truth. Your mistakes are always magnified and your victories shrunken.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “The first step in gaining the upper hand is always to seize the moral high ground, and to be able to do this with no more than a single word is nothing short of genius.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I’m at that age where I watch such things with two minds, one that cackles at these capers and another that never gets much beyond a rather jaded and self-conscious smile, like the Mona Lisa.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “During a long career in TV broadcasting, I spent a lot of time contributing to other people’s creations.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I dreamt of turrets and craggy ledges where the windswept rain blew in from the ocean with the odor of violets. A pale woman in Elizabethan dress stood beside my bed and whispered in my ear that the bells would ring. An old salt in an oilcloth jacket sat atop a piling, mending nets with an awl, while far out at sea a tiny aeroplane winged its way towards the setting sun.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “A boy is content to be made into a civil man by caning, or any one of a number of other stratagems, but a girl, being disqualified by Nature, as it were, from such physical brutality, must remain forever something of a terra incognita. Don’t you think?”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Everyone else in the world is sorry. Dare to be something more than that.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I could have gone either north or south but decided to strike off north because it was my favorite direction.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “There is genuine joy in being alone in the dark inside your own head with no outside distractions, where you can scramble from ledge to rocky ledge, hallooing happily in a vast, echoing cave; climbing hand over hand from ledge to ledge of facts and memories, picking up old gems and new: examining, comparing, putting them down again and reaching for the next.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Although it is pleasant to think about poison at any season, there is something special about Christmas, and I found myself grinning.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I visualized myself pulling on my mental thinking cap, jamming it down around my ears as I had taught myself to do. It was a tall, conical wizard’s model, covered with chemical equations and formulae: a cornucopia of ideas.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Mediocrity, I discovered, was the great camouflage; the great protective coloring. Those boys who did not fail, yet did not excel, were left alone, free of the demands of the master who might wish to groom them for glory and of the school bully who might make them his scapegoat.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “There are choices in life which you are aware, even as you make them, cannot be undone; choices after which, once made, things will never the the same.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It is the hallmark of the beast in us,” Dogger continued, “which requires a modicum of truth in our transgressions, no matter how finely distilled; no matter how thinly diluted.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “TV and film taught me to think cinematically. Teaching others to edit, for example, provides a great deal of insight into the millions of ways in which given elements can be put together to tell a story.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “How could I possibly learn to survive in such a pagan place, where trams were streetcars, vans and lorries were trucks, pavements were sidewalks, jumpers were sweaters, petrol was gasoline, aluminium was aluminum, sweets were candy, a full stop was a period, and cheerio was goodbye?”
Alan Bradley Quote: “This was an interesting thought; it had never occurred to me that one’s name could be a compass.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Mirages of happiness, I thought. If you walk towards them, they will never grow any closer. Eventually they will vanish into thin air, like the Lady of the Lake.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “What are we going to do, Dogger?” It seemed a reasonable question. After all he had been through, surely Dogger knew something of hopeless situations. “We shall wait upon tomorrow,” he said. “But – what if tomorrow is worse than today?” “Then we shall wait upon the day after tomorrow.” “And so forth?” I asked. “And so forth,” Dogger said.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It was the chemistry that caused this lifting of the spirits. Chemistry lifted you up out of the mud and flung you up among the stars.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It is no longer enough simply to solve crimes: We modern private detectives must also be able to come up with catchy names for our cases.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I was an early reader, and my grandmother, who as a child had been forbidden to read by a father who believed books to be frivolous time-wasters, delighted in putting her favorite volumes into her grandchildren’s hands.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Giving someone the benefit of the doubt is not so simple as it sounds. What it means, in fact, is being charitable – which, as the vicar is fond of pointing out, is the most difficult of the graces to master. Faith and hope are a piece of cake but charity is a Pandora’s box: the monster in the cistern which, when the lid is opened, comes swarming out to seize you by the throat.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Foolishness in a grown man, no matter how lighthearted, is disgusting.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “To my mind, if Nature had wanted us to have bright red fingertips, She would have caused us to be born with our blood on the outside.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I don’t care’ is the last bit of baggage to be tossed overboard in a losing argument.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “The spectrum on the list is very broad. It includes leftists who think that whiny liberals should be stuffed in a sack and drowned.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Motherhood could be a grim old business, I decided, and one that could never, really, be shared. In spite of her gentle exterior, there was a part of the Inspector’s wife that was forever beyond knowing. Perhaps it was like that with all mothers. I.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Theater, I suppose, is a form of mass mesmerism, and if that’s the case, Shakespeare, despite his chemical shortcomings, was surely one of the greatest hypnotists who ever lived.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It always surprises me after a family row to find that the world outdoors has remained the same. While the passions and feelings that accumulate like noxious gases inside a house seem to condense and cling to the walls and ceilings like old smoke the out-of-doors is different. The landscape seems incapable of accumulating human radiation. Perhaps the wind blows anger away.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I shot him a broad smile, a smile wide enough to present him with a good view of the wire braces that caged my teeth. Although they gave me the look of a dirigible with the skin off, Father always liked being reminded that he was getting his money’s worth.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Even the most foul of us likes to believe we have a saving grace.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Horehound sticks are meant to be shared with friends, don’t you think?′ She was dead wrong about that: Horehound sticks were meant to be gobbled down in solitary gluttony, and preferably in a locked room, but I didn’t dare say so.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Gorging on sweets together creates as strong a bond between two people as being in love.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Although Fate loves coincidences, it does not chew its cabbage twice.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “As anybody with two older sisters can tell you, a closed door is like a red rag to a bull. It cannot go unchallenged.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “There is a certain type of person to whom a closed door is a challenge – a dare, a taunt, a glove thrown down – and I am one of them. A closed door is more than a mystery to be solved: It’s an insult. A slap in the face.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “It has been my experience that facetiousness in the mouth of someone old enough to know better is often no more than camouflage for something far, far worse.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Die, witch,” I managed, making a cross of my forefingers.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “I had to suppress a smile. Sherlock Holmes once remarked of his brother, Mycroft, that you were as unlikely to find him outside of the Diogenes Club as you were to meet a tramcar coming down a country lane. Like Mycroft, Father had his rails, and he ran on them. Except for church and the occasional short-tempered dash to the train to attend a stamp show, Father seldom, if ever, stuck his nose out-of-doors.”
Alan Bradley Quote: “Memories, I was coming to realize, can be sharper than daggers.”
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