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Top 300 Andrzej Sapkowski Quotes (2025 Update)
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Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Because how am I to know, dammit? When I cut my finger, I bleed. I bleed every month, too. I get belly-ache when I overeat, and a hangover when I get drunk. When I’m happy I sing and I swear when I’m sad. When I hate someone I kill them and when – But enough of this! Your answer, witcher.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Men are psychologically unstable, too prone to emotions; not to be relied upon in moments of crisis.’ ‘That’s.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Isn’t it beautiful here? Idyllic, damn it. A feast for the eyes!”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “At least here some people have gathered with whom I have something to talk about. People who don’t break off their conversations when I approach. People who, though they may not like me, say it to my face, and don’t throw stones from behind a fence. I’m riding with them for the same reason I rode with you to the log drivers’ inn. Because it’s all the same to me. I don’t have a goal to head towards. I don’t have a destination at the end of the road.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “At a certain moment the vampire glanced at the Witcher, smiled, and nodded in acknowledgement and admiration.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Why, Geralt? Ciri is normal. She has normal feelings, she accepts emotions naturally, takes them for what they really are. You, obviously, don’t understand and are therefore surprised by them. It surprises and irritates you. The fact that someone can experience normal love, normal hatred, normal fear, pain and regret, normal joy and normal sadness.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “For him the points of the compass have no great importance. It’s all the same to him which one he chooses, as long as he’s not idle. That is truly a witcher’s principium. The world is full of evil, so it’s sufficient to stride ahead, and destroy the Evil encountered on the way, in that way rendering a service to Good. The rest takes care of itself. Being in motion is everything, the goal is nothing.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Geralt groaned softly, as usual when Dandelion was assailed by nocturnal talkativeness.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Do you understand what this neutrality is, which stirs you so? To be neutral does not mean to be indifferent or insensitive. You don’t have to kill your feelings. It’s enough to kill hatred within yourself. Do you understand?”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Sword can always be drawn again, faster than you imagine.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Playing the bagpipes – as everyone knows – is the best remedy for depression.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “The wish, Geralt! Hurry up! What do you desire? Immortality? Riches? Fame? Power? Might? Privileges? Hurry, we haven’t any time!’ He was silent. ‘Humanity,’ she said suddenly, smiling nastily. ‘I’ve guessed, haven’t I? That’s what you want, that’s what you dream of! Of release, of the freedom to be who you want, not who you have to be. The djinn will fulfil that wish, Geralt. Just say it.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “When someone tells me he is politically neutral,’ Francesca smiled, ‘I always ask which politics he specifically has in mind.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Love,’ Fringilla said slowly, ’is like renal colic. Until you have an attack, you can’t even imagine what it’s like. And when people tell you about it you don’t believe them.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Those are just stories, Codringher.’ ‘You’re right: stories. But do you know when stories stop being stories? The moment someone begins to believe in them.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “A choice which should be respected, for it is the holy and irrefutable right of every woman.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “If Geralt was pleased about anything, it was only that nobody could see him – for it was a truly ridiculous sight.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I waited here, in the tavern – it wasn’t fitting, after all, for me to follow you into that haven of dubious delight and certain gonorrhea.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I know my fate whirls about me like water in a weir. It’s hard on my heels, following my tracks, but I never look back.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “War demands casualties. Peace, it turns out, does too.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I’m not certain,’ Regis said, smiling through pursed lips, ’that you’re treating the right illness. I’d also like to remind you that one should treat causes, not symptoms.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Oh, Stregobor, it would be great if the cruelty of rulers could be explained away by mutations or curses.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “And a day will come, perhaps, when we shall stop believing at all that something is lurking in the darkness. We shall laugh at such fears. Call them childish. Be ashamed of them! But darkness will always, always exist. And there will always be Evil in the darkness, always be fangs and claws, death and blood in the darkness. And witchers will always be needed.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “No. I rarely laugh. I really need to have a good reason to laugh.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I’m alive, she thought. So it’s not the end of the fight. The fight only end with death, everything else is just an interruption.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I know you’re almost forty, look almost thirty, think you’re just over twenty and act as though you’re barely ten. And being aware of this, I usually furnish you with precise instructions.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “They observe the principle, Master Witcher, that since the end is justified, the means must be found.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Ma, per dirla col vampiro Regis, procedere senza meta era meglio che stare fermi senza meta, e molto meglio che arretrare senza meta.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “The merchant, lowering his head, said nothing. ‘Well, what can I say, it’s a base world,’ he finally muttered. ‘But that’s no reason for us all to become despicable. What we need is kindness. My father taught me that and I teach it to my sons.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Each time we are indebted we pay off the debt to ourselves. In each of us lies a creditor and a debtor at once and the art is for the reckoning to tally inside us.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You remind me, Geralt, of an old fisherman who, towards the end of his life, discovers that fish stink and the breeze from the sea makes your bones ache. Be consistent. Talking and regretting won’t get you anywhere. If I were to find that the demand for poetry had come to an end, I’d hang up my lute and become a gardener. I’d grow roses.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “The game is called,” said the witcher slowly, “don’t do unto others what you would not have them do to you.’ You don’t have to.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I’d much rather stab you from close-up, looking you in the eyes,’ continued the elf. ‘But you stink most hideously, human, so I’ll shoot you.’ ‘As.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Not for the first time, the criteria by which women judged the attractiveness of men remained a mystery to him.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “That laughter, thought Ciri watching swarms of black birds flying eastwards, that laughter, shared and sincere, really brought us together, her and me.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “The fair-haired maid of Cintra, who for some unknown reason had not killed him, seemed insane. The white-haired fiend was not insane. He was calm and cold. And killed calmly and coldly.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “I’m rarely invited to feasts for the pleasure of my company.’ ‘You’re probably not very interesting company, then.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You don’t believe in it, you say. Well you’re right, in a way. Only Evil and Greater Evil exist and beyond them, in the shadows, lurks True Evil. True Evil, Geralt, is something you can barely imagine, even if you believe nothing can still surprise you. And sometimes, True Evil seizes you by the throat and demands you choose between it and another, slightly lesser, Evil.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “So many little animals, oh my. There can’t be so many anywhere else.’ ‘There can’t,’ he muttered. ‘Nowhere else. This is Brokilon.’ ‘What?’ ‘Brokilon. The Last Place.’ ‘I don’t understand.’ ‘No one understands. No one wants to understand.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Geralt, who always maintained there was no such thing as an ugly woman, suddenly felt compelled to revise this opinion.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “He’s just “me, me, by myself, all alone”. A lone wolf! But you can see he’s no hunter, that he’s a stranger to the forest. Wolves don’t hunt alone! Never! A lone wolf, ha, what twaddle, foolish townie nonsense. But he doesn’t understand that!”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Did you hear, boys? The witcher will remain here for three days because that’s his fancy. And I, priestess of Great Melitele, will for those three days be his host, for that is my fancy. Tell that to Hereward. No, not Hereward. Tell that to his wife, the noble Ermellia, adding that if she wants to continue receiving an uninterrupted supply of aphrodisiacs from my pharmacy, she’d better calm her duke down. Let her curb his humors and whims, which look ever more like symptoms of idiocy.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You know her very superficially. As, incidentally, she knows you. It’s quite typical of the relationship which binds you, or did bind you. Both parties aren’t capable of anything other than a strongly emotional evaluation of the consequences, while ignoring the causes.” “She.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “In order to become a witcher, you have to be born in the shadow of destiny, and very few are born like that. That’s why there are so few of us. We’re growing old, dying, without anyone to pass our knowledge, our gifts, on to. We lack successors. And this world is full of Evil which waits for the day none of us are left.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You took advantage of a madman’s ravings to strengthen your own authority.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You will dance to the tune they play. Or you will take leave of the dance-floor. Because the orchestra’s podium is too high for you to climb up there and tell the musicians to play some other tune. Realise that at last. If you think another solution is possible, you are making a mistake. You mistake the stars reflected in the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “No, Chireadan,’ he answered. ‘I wouldn’t disagree. Thank you for the warning. But this only concerns Dandilion. He suffered at my side, in my presence. I didn’t manage to save him and I couldn’t help him. I’d sit on a scorpion with my bare backside if I knew it would help him.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “Local nitwits pretended to be well-informed.”
Andrzej Sapkowski Quote: “You did this because something – about which I know nothing – convinced you that destiny exists, holds sway over us, and guides us in everything we do.”
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