
Top 150 Andy Andrews Quotes (2025 Update)
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Andy Andrews Quote: “Even a small amount of perspective can change our lives. Because even the smallest amount of perspective can change how we are able to navigate hard times.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “One way to define wisdom is the ability to see, into the future, the consequences of your choices in the present. That ability can give you a completely different perspective on what the future might look like.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I start every day making sure I’m where I need to be and thinking like I need to think.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “And that destination for which we should strive is one of a successful life not necessarily a life of success.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “A standard is an agreed-upon level of quality or attainment. One. One level of quality or attainment that is agreed upon. In other words, when a society grows comfortable with the idea that there can be many standards, the people have, in effect, accepted the reality that there will be no standard. Anything goes. And that, my friends, is exactly what happened to a once great, once wealthy, once undefeatable world power.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I am not a “Christian author.” I am an author who is a Christian. While my books reflect my faith, they are not intended as teaching tools for a Christian audience per se. My books are stories created around principles that work for everyone and they work every time.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “When a king begins to act like a king, it is not long before someone else is king! Serving is a way we can place value on one another. A wise man is a server.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Truth is truth. If a thousand people believe something foolish, it is still foolish! Truth is never dependent upon consensus of opinion. I have found that it is better to be alone and acting upon the truth in my heart than to follow a gaggle of silly geese doomed to mediocrity.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “No matter how long it takes or how desperately a person battles or denies, the truth always-always-makes itself known.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I started finding humor in everything. I used to watch a lot of TV, and I finally figured I didn’t need to watch TV to find funny stuff. I just watch the commercials. I mean, the commercials just blew my mind.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “You are where you are because of your thinking. Your thinking dictates your decisions. Decisions are choices.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “From this moment forward, I will accept responsibility for my past. I understand that the beginning of wisdom is to accept the responsibility for my own problems and that by accepting responsibility for my past, I free myself to move into a bigger, brighter future of my own choosing.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Knowledge is one thing. We’re awash in knowledge. Wisdom is rare. There’s a big difference.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Remember, young man, experience is not the best teacher. Other people’s experience is the best teacher. By reading about the lives of great people, you can unlock the secrets to what made them great.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Wisdom is what separates average people from extraordinary people.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “It is not enough to recognize what is right and true. One must control the impulse to do what is wrong and easy.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “It’s a lot more interesting to learn and discover real-life principles when they are revealed in the form of a story.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I am who my friends are. I speak their language, and I wear their clothes. I share their opinions and their habits. From this moment forward, I will choose to associate with people whose lives and lifestyles I admire. If I associate with chickens, I will learn to scratch at the ground and squabble over crumbs. If I associate with eagles, I will learn to soar to great heights. I am an eagle. It is my destiny to fly. I will seek wisdom.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “The answer, of course, is that we are always and forever influenced by those with whom we associate. If a man keeps company with those who curse and complain – he will soon find curses and complaints flowing like a river from his own mouth. If he spends his days with the lazy – those seeking handouts – he will soon find his finances in disarray. Many of our sorrows can be traced to relationships with the wrong people.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I am a teacher and the reason I’m a teacher is because I’m learning as hard as I can. I’m not any different from anybody else. I am searching and having some success finding answers.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “As children, we were afraid of the dark. Now as adults, we are afraid of the light. We are afraid to step out. We are afraid to become more.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Failure exists only for the person who quits. I do not quit.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Your choices, your words, and every move you make are permanent. Life is lived in indelible ink, boy. Wake up. You’re making little bitty brushstrokes every minute you walk around on this earth. And with those tiny brushstrokes, you are creating the painting that your life will ultimately become – a masterpiece or a disaster.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Of course it does, Jomes answered earnestly. Many of life’s treasures remain hidden from us simply because we never search for them. Often we do not ask the proper questions that might lead us to the answer to all our challenges. We are so caught up in fear and regret, that hope seems a foolish endeavor. Proof of hope, however, is not only possible, it is an overlooked law of the universe.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “The way a person thinks is the key to everything that follows – good or bad, success or failure. A person’s thinking – the way he thinks – is the foundation structure upon which a life is built. Thinking guides decisions. Thinking – how a person thinks – determines every choice.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I possess the greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind, the power of choice.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “People who are labeled as disrespectful do not get the same opportunities afforded to those who are labeled as respectful.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Because how you think determines who you are, it also determines who you are becoming and who you ultimately become.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “It is a fact that fewer than 10 percent of Germany’s population of 79.7 million people actively worked or campaigned to bring about Hitler’s change.17 Even at the height of its power in 1945, the Nazi political party boasted only 8.5 million members.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “It is astonishing with how little wisdom mankind allows itself to be governed.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “So how does one become a person whom other people want to be around? Let me make a suggestion. Ask yourself this question every day: ‘What is it about me that other people would change if they could?”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Your acceptance, your opportunities, and your finances are all part of a sliding scale that yields increase or decline according to your body of work. What you do. How you act.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “We can choose not to allow the choices and actions of someone else to dictate our own.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I just think it’s amazing that a person could lose everything, chasing nothing.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Be careful about what you think you know. Because you can’t always believe everything you think.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Everyone has a worst time in their life. There’s always a worse time. We are all either in a crisis, coming to one or coming out of one.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “There are no hopeless situations, sweetheart, only people who have grown hopeless about them. You still have choices you can make.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Your big picture will never be a masterpiece if you ignore the tiny brushstrokes. You’re trying so hard to be successful that true success is eluding you.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “It’s time to stop letting your history control your destiny.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Worry is just imagination used in an unproductive way.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “My smile has become my calling card. It is, after all, the most potent weapon I possess.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Do battle with the challenges of your present, and you will unlock the prizes of your future.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “I think a lot of what is involved in finding a noticer is to watch people and see what fruit people have on the tree. You examine that life and see if it has the kind of fruit you want to produce in your life.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “You will become a lighthouse of personal growth and power, and by your example and leadership, you will prevent many a worthy man from crashing his life upon the rocks of mediocrity.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Only true remorse and “Will you forgive me?” can press the reset button.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “A wise man will cultivate a servant’s spirit, for that particular attribute attracts people like no other. As I humbly serve others, their wisdom will be freely shared with me. Often, the person who develops a servant’s spirit becomes wealthy beyond measure.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Those who are critical of my goals and dreams simply do not understand the higher purpose to which I have been called.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “We think in our society today that the way people change is that they have to have a deep desire to change or that the way they change is they have to hit rock bottom. But neither of those things is true.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Should I? Should I not? Go forward? Go back? Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape.”
Andy Andrews Quote: “If it is true that your choices determine your destiny, and if the truth is that your thinking determines your choices, then it is, in fact, your thinking that determines your destiny.”
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