
Top 400 Anthony Trollope Quotes (2025 Update)
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Anthony Trollope Quote: “The natural man will probably be manly. The affected man cannot be so.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “But the strength of the minority consisted, not in the fact that the majority against them was small, but that it was decreasing. How quickly does the snowball grow into hugeness as it is rolled on, – but when the change comes in the weather how quickly does it melt, and before it is gone become a thing ugly, weak, and formless!”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “The rising in life of our familiar friends is, perhaps, the bitterest morsel of the bitter bread which we are called upon to eat in life.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “There are certain phases of mind in which a man can neither ride nor shoot, nor play a stroke at billiards, nor remember a card at whist, – and to such a phase of mind had come both Crosbie and Dale after their conversation over the gate.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Upon the present occasion London was full of clergymen. The specially clerical clubs, the Oxford and Cambridge, the Old University, and the Athenaeum, were black with them.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “It is, however, no doubt, true that thought will not at once produce wisdom. It may almost be a question whether such wisdom as many of us have in our mature years has not come from the dying out of the power of temptation, rather than as the results of thought and resolution. Men, full fledged and at their work, are, for the most part, too busy for much thought; but lads, on whom the work of the world has not yet fallen with all its pressure, – they have time for thinking.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “A novelist’s characters must be with him as he lies down to sleep, and as he wakes from his dreams. He must learn to hate them and to love them.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Nevertheless, it is not an uncommon thing to hear openly at the clubs an account of what has been settled; and, as we all know, not a council is held as to which the editor of The People’s Banner does not inform its readers next day exactly what took place.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Lady – very slowly, and with a voice perhaps hardly articulate, carrying on, at the same time, her engineering works on a wider scale. “Well, I don’t exactly want to leave you.” And so the matter was settled: settled with much propriety and satisfaction; and both the lady and gentleman would have thought, had they ever thought about the matter at all, that this, the sweetest moment of their lives, had been graced by all the poetry by which such moments ought to be hallowed.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Here in England the welfare of the State depends on the conduct of our aristocracy.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “And I think that when once he had learned the art of arranging his words as he stood upon his legs, and had so mastered his voice as to have obtained the ear of the House, the work of his life was not difficult.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Miss Proudie was not quite so civil. Had Mr. Robarts been still unmarried, she also could have smiled sweetly; but she had been exercising smiles on clergymen too long to waste them now on a married parish parson.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Do they sit altogether mostly all the morning?” “I fancy they do.” “I suppose there’s some way of dividing them. They tell me you know all about women. If you want to get one to yourself, how do you manage it?”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “It is not what one suffers that kills one, but what one knows that other people see that one suffers.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “No doubt arrogance will produce submission; and there are men who take other men at the price those other men put upon themselves.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “No one ever on seeing Mr Crawley took him to be a happy man, or a weak man, or an ignorant man, or a wise man.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Though Mr. Crawley was now but a broken reed, and was beneath his feet, yet Mr. Thumble acknowledged to himself that he could not hold his own in debate with this broken reed.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Men and not measures are, no doubt, the very life of politics. But then it is not the fashion to say so in public places.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “If it comes to be a question of soul-saving, Mr. Bunce, I shan’t save my place at the expense of my conscience.” “Not if you knows it, you mean. But the worst of it is that a man gets so thick into the mud that he don’t know whether he’s dirty or clean. You’ll have to wote as you’re told, and of course you’ll think it’s right enough. Ain’t you been among Parliament gents long enough to know that that’s the way it goes?”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “But yet his thoughts were very tender to her. Nothing reopens the springs of love so fully as absence, and no absence so thoroughly as that which must needs be endless. We want what we have not; and especially that which we can never have.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “But then the pastors and men of God can only be human, – cannot altogether be men of God; and so they have oppressed us, and burned us, and tortured us, and hence come to love palaces, and fine linen, and purple, and, alas, sometimes, mere luxury and idleness.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “There’s nothing like going on with a thing.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Men very skilful in unravelling such mysteries were sent to Paris, and the police of that capital entered upon the search with most praiseworthy zeal. But the number of life-preservers which had been sold altogether baffled them. It seemed that nothing was so common as that gentlemen should walk about with bludgeons in their pockets covered with leathern thongs.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “I am not fit to marry. I am often cross, and I like my own way, and I have a distaste for men.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “But these extravagances were due perhaps to whisky-and-water, and that kind of intoxication which comes to certain men from momentary triumphs. Tifto could always be got to make a fool of himself when surrounded by three or four men of rank who, for the occasion, would talk to him as an equal.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Of course he had committed forgery; – of course he had committed robbery. That, indeed, was nothing, for he had been cheating and forging and stealing all his life.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Heroes in books should be so much better than heroes got up for the world’s common wear and tear.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “They who do not understand that a man may be brought to hope that which of all things is the most grievous to him, have not observed with sufficient closeness the perversity of the human mind.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “How happy could he be if it were only possible for him to go away, and become even a curate in a parish, without his wife! Would there ever come to him a time of freedom? Would she ever die? He was older than she, and of course he would die first. Would it not be a fine thing if he could die at once, and thus escape from his misery?”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Had he yielded to the claim, the attack would have been as venomous, and very probably would have come from the same quarter.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “There is nothing perhaps so generally consoling to a man as a well-established grievance; a feeling of having been injured, on which his mind can brood from hour to hour, allowing him to plead his own cause in his own court, within his own heart, and always to plead it successfully.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Of course, Lady Arabella could not suckle the young heir herself. Ladies Arabella never can. They are gifted with the powers of being mothers, but not nursing mothers. Nature gives them bosoms for show, but not for use. So Lady Arabella had a wet-nurse.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “I don’t know much about ladies’ judgements,” said the old man. “It does seem to me that when a lady makes a promise she ought to keep it.” “According to that,” said Kate, “if I were engaged to a man, and found that he was a murderer, I still ought to marry him.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “The best way to be thankful is to use the goods the gods provide you.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “I know no place at which an Englishman may drop down suddenly among a pleasanter circle of acquaintance, or find himself with a more clever set of men, than he can do at Boston.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “When a man is ill nothing is so important to him as his own illness.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “It is admitted that a novel can hardly be made interesting or successful without love? It is necessary because the passion is one which interests or has interested all. Everyone feels it, has felt it, or expects to feel it.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Speeches easy to young speakers are generally very difficult to old listeners.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “The idea of putting old Browborough into prison for conduct which habit had made second nature to a large proportion of the House was distressing to Members of Parliament generally.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Blessed are the peace-makers,’ miss, ’for they shall be called the children of God.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “When men think much, they can rarely decide.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “Speaking of New York as a traveller I have two faults to find with it. In the first place there is nothing to see; and in the second place there is no mode of getting about to see anything.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “She had seen no one who had so touched her. But she was alive to the romance of the thing, and was in love with the idea of being in love.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “We can generally read a man’s purpose towards us in his manner, if his purposes are of much moment to us.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “It is good to be beautiful, but it should come of God and not of the hairdresser. And personal dignity is a great possession; but a man should struggle for it no more than he would for beauty.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “He possessed the tact of becoming instantly intimate with women without giving rise to any fear of impertinence. He had about him somewhat of the propensities of a tame cat. It seemed quite natural that he should be petted, caressed, and treated with familiar good nature, and that in return he should purr, and be sleek and graceful, and above all never show his claws. Like other tame cats, however, he had his claws, and sometimes made them dangerous.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “To feel that your hours are filled to overflowing, that you can barely steal minutes enough for sleep, that the welfare of many is entrusted to you, that the world looks on and approves, that some good is always being done to others – above all things some good to your country; – that is happiness.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “As for me, I will believe in no belief that does not make itself manifest by outward signs. I will think no preaching sincere that is not recommended by the practice of the preacher.”
Anthony Trollope Quote: “She was an old woman who thought all evil of those she did not know, and all good of those whom she did know...”
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