
Top 500 Aristotle Quotes (2025 Update)
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Aristotle Quote: “Humility is a flower which does not grow in everyone’s garden.”
Aristotle Quote: “Definition of tragedy: A hero destroyed by the excess of his virtues.”
Aristotle Quote: “Yes the truth is that men’s ambition and their desire to make money are among the most frequent causes of deliberate acts of injustice.”
Aristotle Quote: “Money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of all modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”
Aristotle Quote: “A change in the shape of the body creates a change in the state of the soul.”
Aristotle Quote: “Character is revealed through action.”
Aristotle Quote: “When you are lonely, when you feel yourself an alien in the world, play Chess. This will raise your spirits and be your counselor in war.”
Aristotle Quote: “Quitting smoking is rather a marathon than a sprint. It is not a one-time attempt, but a longer effort.”
Aristotle Quote: “Wicked men obey for fear, but the good for love.”
Aristotle Quote: “The soul suffers when the body is diseased or traumatized, while the body suffers when the soul is ailing.”
Aristotle Quote: “Hippodamus, son of Euryphon, a native of Miletus, invented the art of planning and laid out the street plan of Piraeus.”
Aristotle Quote: “The real difference between democracy and oligarchy is poverty and wealth. Wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy, and where the poor rule, that is a democracy.”
Aristotle Quote: “A common danger unites even the bitterest enemies.”
Aristotle Quote: “In a polity, each citizen is to possess his own arms, which are not supplied or owned by the state.”
Aristotle Quote: “Knowledge of the fact differs from knowledge of the reason for the fact.”
Aristotle Quote: “Authority is no source for Truth.”
Aristotle Quote: “It is of the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it.”
Aristotle Quote: “No one loves the man whom he fears.”
Aristotle Quote: “It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible.”
Aristotle Quote: “Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young.”
Aristotle Quote: “Art takes nature as its model.”
Aristotle Quote: “Friendship is two souls inhabiting one body.”
Aristotle Quote: “Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers, and oligarchy in which the rich; it is only an accident that the free are the many and the rich are the few.”
Aristotle Quote: “If things do not turn out as we wish, we should wish for them as they turn out.”
Aristotle Quote: “Worms are the intestines of the earth.”
Aristotle Quote: “We do not know a truth without knowing its cause.”
Aristotle Quote: “Nothing is what rocks dream about.”
Aristotle Quote: “The physician heals, Nature makes well.”
Aristotle Quote: “Nature operates in the shortest way possible.”
Aristotle Quote: “Bring your desires down to your present means. Increase them only when your increased means permit.”
Aristotle Quote: “To be ignorant of motion is to be ignorant of nature.”
Aristotle Quote: “For though we love both the truth and our friends, piety requires us to honor the truth first.”
Aristotle Quote: “The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons.”
Aristotle Quote: “Men are swayed more by fear than by reverence.”
Aristotle Quote: “Women should marry when they are about eighteen years of age, and men at seven and thirty; then they are in the prime of life, and the decline in the powers of both will coincide.”
Aristotle Quote: “Men come together in cities in order to live: they remain together in order to live the good life.”
Aristotle Quote: “It is likely that unlikely things should happen.”
Aristotle Quote: “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.”
Aristotle Quote: “The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want.”
Aristotle Quote: “Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice.”
Aristotle Quote: “That which is impossible and probable is better than that which is possible and improbable.”
Aristotle Quote: “The end of labor is to gain leisure.”
Aristotle Quote: “Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.”
Aristotle Quote: “Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. A true friend is one soul in two bodies.”
Aristotle Quote: “Whether we call it sacrifice, or poetry, or adventure, it is always the same voice that calls.”
Aristotle Quote: “Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.”
Aristotle Quote: “The character which results from wealth is that of a prosperous fool.”
Aristotle Quote: “Gentleness is the ability to bear reproaches and slights with moderation, and not to embark on revenge quickly, and not to be easily provoked to anger, but be free from bitterness and contentiousness, having tranquility and stability in the spirit.”
Aristotle Quote: “Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.”
Aristotle Quote: “The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.”
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