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Top 100 Ben Shapiro Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ben Shapiro Quote: “Authoritarians rarely recognize their own authoritarianism. To them, authoritarianism looks like simple virtue.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Like the Bible, Aristotle didn’t define happiness as temporary joy. He saw happiness in a life well-lived.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “It’s because black, Hispanic and Native-American children are disproportionately likely to live with single mothers. And children living with single mothers misbehave more often than those living with fathers. A study from Great Britain of 14,000 children showed that children were twice as likely to manifest behavioral problems by the age of 7 than those raised by their natural parents. Those numbers continue to diverge as children grow older.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “As a society, we have robbed men of their protective missions. Men who seek to protect women and children are called anti-feminist, gender normative. Men have abandoned their responsibilities to the state. As for building things – well, there too, men have been told that to build is to act selfishly, without concern for the community. And young men have no male role models, since many of their fathers have abandoned them or abandoned true maleness in pursuit of vainglorious brutality.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Happiness, then, comprises four elements: individual moral purpose, individual capacity, collective moral purpose, and collective capacity.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “And as for social justice, if social is supposed to be opposed to individual, then social justice is by definition unjust. The.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “For leftists, the answer to domestic violence isn’t to deal with any of the issues that could lead boys to become abusing men. The answer, instead, is to lecture Americans about the use of the word “sissy” – not because that solves the problem, but because it makes those on the left feel warm and fuzzy inside.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The creation story itself is designed to demonstrate how the first man, Adam, used his innate power of choice wrongly – and we are all Adam’s descendants.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The new authority figures of the porn generation are many, and nearly all are members of a coarsened pop culture – one fed by the destructive malaise of the relativist world.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “After nearly half a century, it’s easy to forget that the Hays Code was not some outside limitation imposed by the government. It was a content standard imposed by motion picture companies voluntarily.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The Hays Code stated: “When right standards are consistently presented, the motion picture exercises the most powerful influences. It builds character, develops right ideals, inculcates correct principles, and all this in attractive story form. If motion pictures consistently hold up for admiration high types of characters and present stories that will affect lives for the better, they can become the most powerful force for the improvement of mankind.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Ronald Reagan was not a god. He himself would have said that. Don’t follow people. Follow principle.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The Founding Fathers were devotees of Cicero and Locke, of the Bible and Aristotle.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Let It Go’ is the most popular song for kids in America and it has the Lady GaGa message.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The best countries – and the best societies – are those where citizens are virtuous enough to sacrifice for the common good but unwilling to be forced to sacrifice for the “greater” good. Flourishing societies require a functional social fabric, created by citizens working together – and yes, separately – toward a meaningful life.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The leftist philosophy of violence is simple: It’s good when it’s being used for leftist causes. It’s bad when it’s being used for any other purpose.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The Passions of men,” Hobbes writes, “are commonly more potent than their Reason.” Reason cannot bring happiness, nor can it be used as the goal of a philosophical life. There is no happiness. There is only striving and security and passion. Reason cannot save us from the war of all against all; only the Leviathan, the power of the state, can.21.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “No picture should lower the moral standards of those who see it.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “A man may be judged by his standard of entertainment as easily as by the standard of his work.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The left’s anti-bullying stance is an enormous lie. It is a purposeful lie. It is a lie designed to disguise the fact that leftists are the greatest group of bullies in American history.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Nazism didn’t arise from consumerism. It arose from communal purpose overriding individual purpose, and individual capacity abandoned in favor of worship of the communal capacity of the state. Nazism, in other words, lay a lot closer to Marxism than capitalism did.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Instead, morality must be boiled down to mere competition of interests, and the desire of human beings to avoid suffering and untimely death. In a state of nature, “nothing can be Unjust. The notions of Right and Wrong, Justice and Injustice have there no place. Where there is no common Power, there is no Law; where no Law, no Injustice.”5 If moral relativism began anywhere, it began in Hobbes.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Concerned about the societal fallout from sexual promiscuity? Mind your own business. Worried about the rise of single motherhood? Mind your own business. Upset about an epidemic of young people seemingly willing to trade the responsibilities of adulthood for an infantilized freedom? Mind your own business.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Black culture has contributed hugely to American society: The civil rights movement brought meaning to American notions of equality and freedom; black contributions to politics, science, music, and art have helped enrich all of us. To demean these accomplishments and contributions by listing rap among them is to demean black culture as a whole.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “So the next time they mention Bush, your reply should be, “WILLIAM MCKINLEY.” Bush has nothing to do with anything.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “This is what makes leftists leftists: an unearned sense of moral superiority over you.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The secular bullies believe they have an exclusive patent on scientific knowledge.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “What does this mean for human beings? What makes a man virtuous is his capacity to engage in the activities that make him a man, not an animal – man has a telos, too. What is our telos? Our end, according to both Plato and Aristotle, is to reason, judge, and deliberate.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Now, twenty years later, Candice Bergen, who played Murphy Brown, admitted Quayle was right – but at the time, Quayle was running for re-election, and so he had to be wrong.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “We have the ability to treat everyone equally under law; we have the ability to create governments to protect individual rights. But we don’t have the ability to guarantee that even two kids the same age living on the same street will start from the same point; two children growing up in the same family don’t even start from the same point. We certainly don’t have the ability to ensure that everyone ends at the same point.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “You have to look like you’re a nice person in order for people to believe that you are a nice person. Scientific studies show that people will judge you literally within milliseconds of seeing you. Make them see what you want them to see.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “If Obama learned one thing from FDR, it was that every socialist needs his foot soldiers. And what better place to get them than the unions?”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “There are almost invariably unbridgeable inconsistencies in the left’s publicly stated positions that are at war with their actual fundamental principles. Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all what they believe about policy by exposing those inconsistencies.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “When doctors don’t know what is causing a disease or how to cure it, they call it a syndrome. When sociologists don’t know what is causing a problem or how to cure it, they call it systemic.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “But it’s because conservatives don’t think about how to win that they constantly lose.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “That’s how social standards work for the left: If you have the right politics, you can get away with anything. If you have the wrong ones, it’ll ignore its own hypocrisy to nail you to the wall.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “This sort of bullying isn’t just present at the universities. It has taken over the media wholesale. For the media, all arguments are character arguments. If you disagree with the members of the media about something, you are a fundamentally bad human being. The same is eminently true in Hollywood, where moral narrative is the heart of the business.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Government cannot change the hearts of human beings – it cannot make them that which they are not.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “As L. Brent Bozell pointed out at the time, just because society is in decay doesn’t mean that Hollywood should be exacerbating that decay.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The goal: to convince young people that while they aren’t overtly racist, they hold secret racist beliefs that can only be cleansed by embracing the leftist agenda.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “That’s the way it will go because that’s how the left wins: through intimidation and cruelty. You.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “The French Revolution, then, led not only to the rise of the nation-state and nationalism more broadly, it also opened the door to total war – the end of the distinction between civilian and military, and the willingness to weaponize an entire population toward the ends of governments.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “All that will be left are polarized groups, seeking their own interests.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “What, then, are the easily identifiable factors that lead to lower income mobility for black Americans? First, lack of fathers in the home: single motherhood is one of the most powerful predictors of intergenerational poverty.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Hypocrisy as humor pushes destruction of standards.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “All this was lies. It was nasty, baseless, and ridiculous – there was far more evidence of anti-Semitism in the Occupy movement than there was evidence of racism within the Tea Party. But that didn’t stop the media from trying. In fact, they and their friends tried so hard to label the Tea Party racist that they stooped to planting faux racists, including faux Nazis, at Tea Parties, just to gin up racial controversy. The Tea Parties threw the infiltrators out.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “Markets are natural outgrowths of human nature, and natural rights. You own yourself, and you own your labor – and no one has the right to remove that labor from you for the good of the collective without just compensation.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “By ripping away the core components of Unionist government – delegated powers, checks and balances, and federalism – Disintegrationist government heightens the stakes of politics while reducing our common ground. It forces Americans to fight for the high ground of power, lest they be victimized by their opponents, who seek to dominate them using the mechanisms of arbitrary and unanswerable governmental coercion.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “As a religious person, I do agree with much of Ayn Rand’s profoundly negative view of religion. Still, to minimize her contribution to philosophy is ridiculous. Her espousal of capitalism is incredibly important, today more than ever before. With taxes rising and government intervening in all sectors of life, her libertarian philosophy is required at least to balance the debate.”
Ben Shapiro Quote: “From its very inception, the goal of higher education has been to challenge the authority structure under the banner of open-minded inquiry.”
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