
Top 160 Benjamin Graham Quotes (2025 Update)
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Benjamin Graham Quote: “To be an investor you must be a believer in a better tomorrow.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Confusing speculation with investment is always a mistake.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The best values today are often found in the stocks that were once hot and have since gone cold.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Confronted with a challenge to distill the secret of sound investment into three words, we venture the motto, Margin of Safety.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “If I have noticed anything over these 60 years on Wall Street, it is that people do not succeed in forecasting what’s going to happen to the stock market.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The memory of the financial community is proverbially and distressingly short.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “We have not known a single person who has consistently or lastingly made money by thus “following the market”. We do not hesitate to declare this approach as fallacious as it is popular.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “It is absurd to think that the general public can ever make money out of market forecasts.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “No statement is more true and better applicable to Wall Street than the famous warning of Santayana: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “It requires a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune; and when you have got it, it requires ten times as much wit to keep it. – Nathan Mayer Rothschild.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The value of the security analyst to the investor depends largely on the investor’s own attitude. If the investor asks the analyst the right questions, he is likely to get the right or at least valuable answers.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The chief losses to investors come from the purchase of low-quality securities at times of favorable business conditions.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The story of Joseph in Egypt and of the seven fat and the seven lean years has passed into the homely wisdom of the ages; but our economic thinking seems to have lost contact with so simple and basic approach to prudent management of a nations welfare.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Stocks can be dynamite.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “To have a true investment, there must be a true margin of safety. And a true margin of safety is one that can be demonstrated by figures, by persuasive reasoning, and by reference to a body of actual experience.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “If fees consume more than 1% of your assets annually, you should probably shop for another adviser.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Those with the enterprise lack the money and those with the money lack the enterprise to buy stocks when they are cheap.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “A defensive investor can always prosper by looking patiently and calmly through the wreckage of a bear market.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The utility, or intrinsic value of gold as a commodity is now considerably less than in the past; its monetary status has become extraordinarily ambiguous; and its future is highly uncertain.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The value of any investment is, and always must be, a function of the price you pay for it.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The distinction between investment and speculation in common stocks has always been a useful one and its disappearance is cause for concern.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The only thing you should do with pro forma earnings is ignore them.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Real investment risk is measured not by the percent that a stock may decline in price in relation to the general market in a given period, but by the danger of a loss of quality and earnings power through economic changes or deterioration in management.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The investor’s primary interest lies in acquiring and holding suitable securities at suitable prices.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Both a priori reasoning and experience teach us that as as these funds grow larger the geometrical rate of growth by compound interest ultimately defeats itself.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “There is no reason to feel any shame in hiring someone to pick stocks or mutual funds for you. But there’s one responsibility that you must never delegate. You, and no one but you, must investigate whether an adviser is trustworthy and charges reasonable fees.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “A speculator gambles that a stock will go up in price because somebody else will pay even more for it.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The most striking thing about Graham’s discussion of how to allocate your assets between stocks and bonds is that he never mentions the word “age”.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Always remember that market quotations are there for convenience, either to be taken advantage of or to be ignored.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Why should the cotton growers suffer if there is shortage of wheat?”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Nothing important on Wall Street can be counted on to occur exactly in the same way as it happened before.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The ideal form of common stock analysis leads to a valuation of the issue which can be compared with the current price to determine whether or not the security is an attractive purchase.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Always buy your straw hats in the Winter.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Buy cheap and sell dear.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Avoid second-quality issues in making up a portfolio unless they are demonstrable bargains.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Diversification is an established tenet of conservative investment.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Instead of passing blithely over into that Promised Land, flowing almost literally with milk and honey, it may be our destiny to wander a full 40 years or more in the wilderness of doubt and divided sentiments.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Abnormally good or abnormally bad conditions do not last forever.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Nearly everyone interested in common stocks wants to be told by someone else what he thinks the market is going to do. The demand being there, it must be supplied.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “For 99 issues out of 100 we could say that at some price they are cheap enough to buy and at some price they would be so dear that they would be sold.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Thousands of people have tried, and the evidence is clear: The more you trade, the less you keep.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “It is no difficult trick to bring a great deal of energy, study, and native ability into Wall Street and to end up with losses instead of profits. These virtues, if channeled in the wrong directions, become indistinguishable from handicaps.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The volume of credit depends upon three factors: the desire to borrow, the ability to lend and the desire to lend.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “Good managements produce a good average market price, and bad managements produce bad market prices.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “To establish the right price for a stock, the market must have adequate information, but it by no means follows that is the market has this information it will thereupon establish the right price.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realize; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “You will be much more in control, if you realize how much you are not in control.”
Benjamin Graham Quote: “The existence of such a war chest might go far to strengthen our prestige and frighten off any would be assailant.”
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