
Top 300 Beth Moore Quotes (2025 Update)
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Beth Moore Quote: “God is always better than he has to be. You can count on that.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Instead, I get to know that a greater yes is in progress, and I can count on the bigger miracle.”
Beth Moore Quote: “We must call on Him to fight our battles for us and through us and to stand us on steady feet in a confidence only He can supply. We must ask Him to bring forth the women in us that we didn’t even know we were.”
Beth Moore Quote: “If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body. James 3:2.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Meanness at church sometimes exceeds anything that occurs in secular surroundings.”
Beth Moore Quote: “We must remember we don’t stand in victory because of our faith. We stand in victory because of our God. Faith in faith is pointless. Faith in a living, active God moves mountains.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Whatever crisis you are going through, fruit will come from it. Allow the crisis to bring fruit.”
Beth Moore Quote: “These will serve as tassels for you to look at, so that you may remember all the LORD’S commands and obey them. Numbers 15:39.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Can any of you add a cubit to his height by worrying? If then you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest? Luke 12:25–26.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Somethings wrong with us for us to value ourselves so little.”
Beth Moore Quote: “When we think we’re at the mercy of our circumstances and past, we discount the power that is ours through the Holy Spirit.”
Beth Moore Quote: “There is not a single darkness if you life that God cannot bring His light upon.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God wants to bring victory to a people who recognize who brought it.”
Beth Moore Quote: “A high regard for the things of this world always signals a lowering regard for God.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy. ” And Joshua did so. Joshua 5:15.”
Beth Moore Quote: “All that will matter forever and ever in our heavenly state is the glory that came to God through our lives.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Every single thing you’ve been through in your life has had a purpose.”
Beth Moore Quote: “When her daughter was frightened of a thunderstorm, the author pointed out the verse which declares the Heavens reveal the glory of God. When another storm occurred, her daughter ran to the window. “Mommy, God’s really showing off today!”
Beth Moore Quote: “Aloneness exaggerates our emotions and sensitivity.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God desires that we become spiritually healthy enough through faith to have a conscience that rightly interprets the work of the Holy Spirit.”
Beth Moore Quote: “TRUST GOD. Plain and simple. Not easy, mind you, but basic and uncomplicated.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Dim vision ages us rapidly, and we lose the childlikeness that once made us feel like real princes and princesses in a kingdom. We can be young and yet feel old. Heavy laden. Burdened. In a pit where vision is lost and dreams are foolishness.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God’s specialty is raising dead things to life and making impossible things possible. You don’t have the need that exceeds His power.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Every inch of ground we refuse to take with God, we surrender to the enemy.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God sometimes uses us most powerfully when we feel the least adequate.”
Beth Moore Quote: “To feel no conviction of sin for a length of time is a serious sign that the Holy Spirit may not reside in us. We can quench the Spirit, but we cannot disable Him.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Stick with me here, because this is important: Virtually nothing we come up against in our individual Christian lives is more formidable than a stronghold. The very nature of the term tells us that whatever it is, it has a “strong hold” on us. Strongholds can’t be swept away with a spiritual broom. We can’t fuss at them and make them flee. We can’t ignore them until they disappear. Strongholds are broken one way only: they have to be demolished.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God has so much for you, Dear One. And, yes, seasons will come when He requires so much from you that you feel like you can’t bear it. You do have a choice. You don’t have to do it His way. You can choose bitterness, resentment, carnality, or mediocrity. Or you can go for it. With everything you’ve got. You can experience the unmatched exhilaration of partnering in divine triumph. The stakes are high. The cost is steep. But I’ll promise you this: there is no high like the Most High.”
Beth Moore Quote: “God does not save us to make us forget our heritage, but to complete it.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Nobody is left more wanting than the one who did only what he wanted.”
Beth Moore Quote: “You haven’t been through one thing that God cannot heal you from.”
Beth Moore Quote: “When you begin to feel lifeless in Him, look for the tourniquet that’s cutting off the life flow. Most often we’ll find it in earthly ties that are cinched too tightly.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Trying to know God and serve Him before we come to love Him is exhausting.”
Beth Moore Quote: “We pitch our tents of brick on the tremulous soil of a dark, scary world.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Men are not our problem; it’s what we are trying to get from them that messes us up. We use guys like mirrors to see if we’re valuable.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Sometimes you have to shove all the surface stuff to the side in order to see whats underneath.”
Beth Moore Quote: “I don’t believe God allows surrendered hearts to continue to long for things He will not ultimately grant in one way or another. Our disappointment with God is often the result of our small thinking.”
Beth Moore Quote: “I’m not saying everything else is unimportant. I’m just saying that I’ve learned to see everything else as optional.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Sometimes we praise because we choose to; other times we praise because we want to. Occasionally we praise because we have to – because, if we don’t, the rocks will cry out!”
Beth Moore Quote: “Beloved, stop looking at others as more spiritual than you and just start believing God!”
Beth Moore Quote: “We need not hang our heads and beg. All we need to do is lift up our faces and ask. May Jesus touch our lips again with coals from the altar and set our tongues aflame with His holy fire.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Nothing is more ignorant than choosing man’s intelligence over God’s.”
Beth Moore Quote: “You must go to God’s Word to know what is true about yourself.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Even of marriage, the Lord said the two shall become one flesh. He did not say we’d become one heart. He did not say we’d become one mind.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Peace is one of the most obvious earmarks of the authority of Christ.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Sometimes all you could do for the suffering was to make sure they knew someone was suffering right there with them. Someone who had also felt stricken, and smitten, and afflicted.”
Beth Moore Quote: “I’m a common woman sharing common problems seeking common solutions on a journey with an uncommon Savior.”
Beth Moore Quote: “We’ll probably never learn to enjoy our storms, but we can learn to enjoy God’s presence in the midst of them.”
Beth Moore Quote: “Not everyone in a stronghold of sin is having a good time. Many people who by the grace of God have never been “had” by the devil wrongly assume that all departures from godliness are nothing but defiance, rebellion, and proofs of inauthenticity They have no idea of the suffering involved when someone with a genuine heart for God slips from the path.”
Beth Moore Quote: “No matter what authority Satan and his subjects have temporarily been allowed in this world system, Christ can pull rank anytime He wants to.”
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