
Top 200 Bob Woodward Quotes (2025 Update)
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Bob Woodward Quote: “I have written things that Republicans and Democrats and all kinds of figures have either hated or felt very uncomfortable about. Because in doing these long projects and books, you get close to the bone. And they’re not calling me up and asking me for dinner.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “When you hear in the tape recordings Nixon’s own voice saying, We have to stonewall, We have to lie to the Grand Jury, We have to pay burglars a million dollars, it’s all too clear the horror of what went on.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Priebus realized that the president didn’t care that it was a goal, not an obligation. Trump cared that he could sell it and try to win over public opinion.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “It’s not what we did for the country,” Cohn said. “It’s what we saved him from doing.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Cohn concluded that Trump just loved to pit people against each other.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “On July 25, the president again berated McMaster. He had no interest in allies, Trump said. He didn’t want any troops in South Korea even when reminded about the differential between the seven seconds to detect an ICBM launch from there as opposed to 15-minute detection from Alaska.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Endgame goals were fuzzy or unstated. The result was often weeks or months of delay.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “For Mr. Trump, though, bringing in Mr. Bannon was the political equivalent of ordering comfort food.” Bannon tried to sit down with Trump and walk him through refinements of the strategy and how to focus on particular states. The candidate had no interest in talking about it.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “But how many more deaths?” Trump asked. “How many more lost limbs? How much longer are we going to be there?”
Bob Woodward Quote: “I don’t think it’s useful for somebody to argue with reviews.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Cohn and Porter worked together to derail what they believed were Trump’s most impulsive and dangerous orders. That document and others like it just disappeared. When Trump had a draft on his desk to proofread, Cohn at times would just yank it, and the president would forget about it. But if it was on his desk, he’d sign it. “It’s not what we did for the country,” Cohn said privately. “It’s what we saved him from doing.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Pence was staying out of the way. He didn’t want to be tweeted about or called an idiot.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “The president has zero psychological ability to recognize empathy or pity in any way.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Kelly seemed to be just trying to keep the ship from sinking. At a senior staff meeting in early 2018, he announced with pride, “I now know that I will not be the shortest-serving chief of staff. I’ve now surpassed Reince.” Priebus had served 189 days, the shortest tenure of any White House chief of staff in history.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Kelly said, “That was the greatest show of self-control I have ever seen. If that was me, I would have taken that resignation letter and shoved it up his ass six different times.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “When you’re in the White House,” Butterfield said, “everyone lies. You can sort of get feeling immune.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “If you have natural predators at the table,” Priebus said, “things don’t move.” So the White House was not leading on key issues like health care and tax reform. Foreign policy was not coherent and often contradictory. “Why?” asked Priebus. “Because when you put a snake and a rat and a falcon and a rabbit and a shark and a seal in a zoo without walls, things start getting nasty and bloody. That’s what happens.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Any suggestion that I’m writing about political operatives because I’m interested in political operatives misses the entire point.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Trump listens to you. He’s always looking for adult supervision.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Two thirds of the country thinks we’re on the wrong track, and 75 percent of the country thinks we’re in decline, he argued.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Even now there is no evidence that anyone involved in the Nixon operation was going to threaten us.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “For Priebus, it was the worst meeting among many terrible ones. Six months into the administration, he could see vividly that they had a fundamental problem of goal setting. Where were they going? The distrust in the room had been thick and corrosive. The atmosphere was primitive; everyone was ostensibly on the same side, but they had seemed suited up in battle armor, particularly the president. This was what craziness was like, Priebus concluded.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “There were four missions in Afghanistan: train and advise the Afghan Army and police; logistical support; counterterrorism; and the intelligence mission.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “The tweets were not incidental to his presidency. They were central. He ordered printouts of his recent tweets that had received a high number of likes, 200,000 or more. He studied them to find the common themes in the most successful. He seemed to want to become more strategic, find out whether success was tied to the subject, the language or simply the surprise that the president was weighing in. The most effective tweets were often the most shocking.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Because of Watergate in part, I am kind of a magnet for calls and information and suggestions.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “The president has zero psychological ability to recognize.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Trump seemed not to remember his own decision because he did not ask about it. He had no list – in his mind or anywhere else – of tasks to complete.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “On CBS, Stephen Colbert joked darkly, “It’s just like D-Day. Remember D-Day, two sides, Allies and the Nazis? There was a lot of violence on both sides. Ruined a beautiful beach. And it could have been a golf course.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “I go out and give a speech and it’s covered by CNN and nobody’s watching, nobody cares. I tweet something and it’s my megaphone to the world.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Porter saw it from up close – perhaps as close as anyone on the staff except Hope Hicks – the Trump election had rekindled the divide in the country. There was a more hostile relationship with the media. The culture wars were reinvigorated. There was a racist tinge. Trump accelerated it.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Some newspapers have a hands-off policy on favored politicians. But it’s generally very small newspapers or local TV stations.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “This degradation of the American experiment is real. This is tangible. Truth is no longer governing the White House statements. Nobody believes – even the people who believe in him somehow believe in him without believing what he says.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Mattis showed signs that he was tired of the disparaging of the military and intelligence capability. And of Trump’s unwillingness to comprehend their significance. “We’re doing this in order to prevent World War III,” Mattis said. He was calm but stark. It was a breathtaking statement, a challenge to the president, suggesting he was risking nuclear war. Time stopped for more than one in attendance.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Kelly said of the president, “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in crazytown.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “A person always needed allies. And this was the tragedy of Trump’s leadership and the bottom line: “It was inexplicable to think otherwise. It was indefensible. It was jingoism. It was a misguided form of nationalism. It was not patriotism.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Trump had no understanding of how government functioned. At times he would just start drafting orders himself or dictating. The basic tactic Porter had employed from the Priebus days until now was to stall and delay, mention the legal roadblocks and occasionally lift the drafts from the Resolute Desk.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “You’re running against the most joyless candidate in presidential history.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “The tweets were not incidental to his presidency. They were central.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “If you want to do it now,” Priebus continued, “Pence is prepared to step up, and Condi Rice will come in as his VP.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Trump’s memory needed a trigger – something on his desk or something he read in the newspaper or saw on television. Or Peter Navarro sneaking into the Oval Office again. Without something or someone activating him, it might be hours or days or even weeks before he would think, Wait, we’re going to withdraw from that, why didn’t we do that? Without a trigger, it conceivably might never happen.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Mattis and Gary Cohn had several quiet conversations about The Big Problem: The president did not understand the importance of allies overseas, the value of diplomacy or the relationship between the military, the economy and intelligence partnerships with foreign governments.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “We’re going to put a tariff on all steel and aluminum, on everything coming in,” the president said, “and see what happens.” This approach drove Gary Cohn, the chief White House economic adviser, crazy. He had argued passionately that the American economy was too important to haphazardly experiment with.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Bannon recalled, “that this is the real deal. This is a guy totally unprepared. Hillary Clinton spent her entire adult life getting ready for this moment. Trump hasn’t spent a second getting ready for this moment.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “The number of illegal activities were so large that one was bound to come out and lead to the uncovering of the others. Nixon was too willing to use the power of government to settle scores and get even with enemies.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “When Trump called Mexicans “rapists” in the speech announcing his candidacy on June 16, 2015, Priebus called him and said, “You can’t talk like that. We’ve been working really hard to win over Hispanics.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Lawyers didn’t seriously get involved in the Watergate stories until quite late, when we realized we were on to something.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “I wish I could persuade you,” Dowd said. “Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jump suit.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Paris was one of the justifications the Obama administration used as part of the regulatory record to justify the cost and benefits of the Clean Power Plan.” That was an Obama-era 460-page rule to lower carbon dioxide emitted by power plants that the EPA estimated would save 4,500 lives a year. Pruitt was already moving to end the policy.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “He did not want to be derailed by forethought.”
Bob Woodward Quote: “Another State Department representative noted that the central government lacked legitimacy in the eyes of the Afghan public, the lowest in 10 years, according to polling done in the country. He observed that the illicit economy, opium and illegal mining, was the size of the regular economy, and a significant portion was under control of Taliban insurgents.”
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