
Top 160 Brigham Young Quotes (2025 Update)
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Brigham Young Quote: “Learn to sustain yourselves; lay up grain and flour, and save it against a day of scarcity.”
Brigham Young Quote: “No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood.”
Brigham Young Quote: “We are prepared for some things, and we receive just as fast as we prepare ourselves.”
Brigham Young Quote: “They who secure eternal life are doers of the word as well as hearers.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The government of heaven, if wickedly administered, would become one of the worst governments upon the face of the earth. No matter how good a government is, unless it is administered by righteous men, an evil government will be made of it.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Which would you part with first – your tobacco, your whiskey, or your religion?”
Brigham Young Quote: “When man desires to live as long as a tree, his diet will be fruit.”
Brigham Young Quote: “He is our Father – the Father of our Spirits, and was once a man in mortal flesh as we are, and is now an exalted being.”
Brigham Young Quote: “If you want to know what to do with a thief that you may find stealing, I say kill him on the spot, and never suffer him to commit another iniquity.”
Brigham Young Quote: “My mind becomes tired, and perhaps some of yours do. If so, go and exercise your bodies.”
Brigham Young Quote: “I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self security. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.”
Brigham Young Quote: “We want men to rule the nation who care more for and love better the nation’s welfare than gold and silver, fame or popularity.”
Brigham Young Quote: “People are not to be driven and you can put into a gnat’s eye all the souls of the children of men that are driven into heaven by preaching hell-fire.”
Brigham Young Quote: “What we commonly call death does not destroy the body, it only causes a separation of spirit and body.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Silence may be golden, but can you think of a better way to entertain someone than to listen to him?”
Brigham Young Quote: “Some would have us believe that God is present everywhere. It is not so.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The biggest labor problem is tomorrow.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is difficult to find anything more healthy to drink than good cold water, such as flows down to us from springs and snows of our mountains. This is the beverage we should drink. It should be our drink at all times.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is our duty to improve upon every blessing the Lord gives to us.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Will you love your brothers or sisters likewise, when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood?”
Brigham Young Quote: “My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them.”
Brigham Young Quote: “All rational beings have an agency of their own; and according to their own choice they will be saved or damned.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The spirit of truth will do more to bring persons to light and knowledge, than flowery words.”
Brigham Young Quote: “To gain the spiritual ascendancy over ourselves, and the influences with which we are surrounded, through a rigid course of self-discipline, is our first consideration, it is our first labor, before we can pave the way for our children to grow up without sin unto salvation.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Let us seek to extend the present life to the uttermost by observing every law of health, and by properly balancing labor, study, rest and recreation.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is wise for us to forget our troubles, there are always new ones to replace them.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Not a desire, act, wish, or thought does the Holy Ghost indulge in contrary to that which is dictated by the Father.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The apostates think that everybody is wrong but themselves.”
Brigham Young Quote: “I want to live perfectly above the law, and make it my servant instead of my master.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Our religion will not clash with nor contradict the facts of science in any particular.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is for us to do those things which the Lord requires at our hands, and leave the result with him.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is true that the blood of the Son of God was shed for sins through the fall and those committed by men, yet men can commit sins which it can never remit.”
Brigham Young Quote: “God never made something out of nothing; it is not in the economy or law by which the worlds were, are, or will exist.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Do not reject anything because it is new or strange, and do not sneer nor jeer at what comes from the Lord, for if we do, we endanger our salvation.”
Brigham Young Quote: “When the Lord fights the battles of the saints, he does it so effectually that nobody gets nervous but the enemy.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The principle of love within us is an attribute of the Deity, and it is placed within us to be dispensed independently according to our own will.”
Brigham Young Quote: “This is the greatest wealth we possess: to know how to direct our labors rightly.”
Brigham Young Quote: “There is no calling of God to man on earth but what brings with it the evidence of its authenticity.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The doctrines contained in the Bible will lift to a superior condition all who observe them; they will impart to them knowledge, wisdom, charity, fill them with compassion and cause them to feel after the wants of those who are in distress.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The Lord chose Joseph Smith, called upon him at fourteen years of age, gave him vision, and led him along, guided and directed him in his obscurity.”
Brigham Young Quote: “He that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent Joseph Smith with the fullness of the Gospel to this generation, is not of God, but is anti-christ.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The gifts of the Gospel are given to strengthen the faith of the believer.”
Brigham Young Quote: “If we hearken to counsel, we shall be the best people in the world; we shall be as a bright light set upon a hill, that cannot be hid, or like a candle upon a candlestick.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Can we fight against and subdue ourselves? That is the greatest difficulty we ever encountered, and the most arduous warfare we ever engaged in.”
Brigham Young Quote: “This is the reason why the doctrine of plurality of wives was revealed, that the noble spirits who are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The Constitution and laws of the United States resemble a theocracy more closely than any government now on the earth, or that ever has been, so far as we know, except the government of the children of Israel to the time when they elected a king.”
Brigham Young Quote: “The man or woman who lives worthily now is in a state of salvation.”
Brigham Young Quote: “It is bad enough to see young fools, but worse to see old fools.”
Brigham Young Quote: “Let any people enjoy peace and quiet, unmolested, undisturbed, never be persecuted for their religion, and they are very likely to neglect their duty, to become cold and indifferent, and lose their faith.”
Brigham Young Quote: “If we are not one, we are not in the true sense of the word the disciples of the Lord Jesus.”
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