
Top 150 Cesare Pavese Quotes (2025 Update)
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Cesare Pavese Quote: “The problems that agitate one generation are exstinguished for the next, not because they have been solved but because the general lack of interest sweeps them away.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The great lovers will always be unhappy, because for them love is great and so they ask of their beloved the same intensity of thought that they have for her – otherwise they feel betrayed.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “I was happy enough; I knew that during the night the whole city might go up in flames and all its people be killed, but the ravines, houses, and footpaths would wake in the morning calm and unchanged.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “I’ve discovered nothing. but do you remember how much we talked when we were boys? We talked just for the fun of it. We knew very well it was only talk, but still we enjoyed it.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The problem is not the harshness of Fate, for anything we want strongly enough we get. The trouble is rather that when we have it we grow sick of it, and then we should never blame Fate, only our own desire.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Those philosophers who believe in the absolute logic of truth have never had to discuss it on close terms with a woman.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Don’t you know that what happens to you once always happens again? You always react in the same way to the same thing. It’s no accident when you make a mess. Then you do it again. It’s called destiny.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Are you or aren’t you convinced that weakness is a man’s condition? How can you raise yourself if you haven’t fallen first?”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “All sins have their origin in a sense of inferiority otherwise called ambition.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “People who don’t know any better will always be in the dark because the power lies in the hands of men who take good care that ordinary folk don’t understand, in the hands, that is, of the government, of the clerical party, of the capitalists.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The real affliction of old age is remorse.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “How can you have confidence in a woman who will not risk entrusting her whole life to you, day and night?”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The only reason why we are always thinking of our own ego is that we have to live with it more continuously than with anyone else’s.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “We must never say, even in fun, that we are disheartened, because someone might take us at our word.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “One must look for one thing only, to find many.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Hate is always a clash between our spirit and someone else’s body.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Human imagination is immensely poorer than reality.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “It’s pointless to cry. One is born and dies alone...”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “We like to have work to do, so as to have the right to rest.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “A corpse is what’s left after waking too often.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Why so much innuendo, draped like ivy to hide a cesspool, when everyone knew the cesspool was there?”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Narrating incredible things as though they were real old system; narrating realities as though they were incredible the new.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Generations do not age. Every youth of any period, any civilization, has the same possibilities as always.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “A man succeeds in completing a work only when his qualities transcend that work.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “When you dream, you are an author, but you do not know how it will end.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “It is not that things happen to each of us according to his fate, but that he interprets what has happened, if he has power to do so, according to his sense of his own destiny .”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Certainly, to have a woman who waits at home for you, who will sleep with you, gives a warm feeling like having something you must say; it makes you glow, keeps you company, helps you to live.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Della mia infanzia non mi restava altro che l’estate. Le vie strette che sbucavano nei campi da ogni parte, di giorno e di sera, erano i cancelli della vita e del mondo.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “There is no finer revenge than that which others inflict on your enemy. Moreover, it has the advantage of leaving you the role of a generous man.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “We obtain things when we no longer want them.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “All our “most sacred affections ” are merely prosaic habit.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “I spent the whole evening sitting before a mirror to keep myself company.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “A work settles nothing, just as the labor of a whole generation settles nothing. Sons, and the morrow, always start afresh.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Love is desire for knowledge.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The man who cannot live with charity, sharing other men’s pain, is punished by feeling his own with intolerable anguish.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The cadence of suffering has begun.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “There is mercy for everyone, except those who are bored with life.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Someone who has suffered is no longer the same.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Prova a dire ai mortali queste cose che sai.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Living is like working out a long addition sum, and if you make a mistake in the first two totals you will never find the right answer. It means involving oneself in a complicated chain of circumstances.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Anchorites used to ill-treat themselves in the way they did, so that the common people would not begrudge them the beatitude they would enjoy in heaven.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “It is stupid to grieve for the loss of a girl friend: you might never have met her, so you can do without her.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “She had wanted to behave like a fully grown woman and it had not come off.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “The man of action is not the headstrong fool who rushes into danger with no thought for himself, but the man who puts into practice the things he knows.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “If all this were true, how easy it would be to understand people.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Whatever people may say, the fastidious formal manner of the upper classes is preferable to the slovenly easygoing behaviour of the common middle class. In moments of crisis, the former know how to act, the latter become uncouth brutes.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Gli uomini che hanno una tempestosa vita interiore e non cercano sfogo nei discorsi o nella scrittura sono semplicemente uomini che non hanno una tempestosa vita interiore.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “Esistono amori che non siano egoismo, che non vogliano ridurre l’uomo o la donna al proprio comodo?”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “A woman, unless she is an idiot, sooner or later meets a piece of human wreckage and tries to rescue him. She sometimes succeeds. But a woman, unless she is an idiot, sooner or later finds a sane, healthy man and makes a wreck of him. She always succeeds.”
Cesare Pavese Quote: “A quei tempi era sempre festa.”
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