
Top 500 Charles H. Spurgeon Quotes (2025 Update)
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Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual temperature than this, the measure of the intensity of your prayer.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Before you can teach children, you must get the silver key of kindness to unlock their hearts, and so secure their attention.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Do not despair, dear heart, but come to the Lord with all your jagged wounds, black bruises, and running sores. He alone can heal, and He delights to do it. It is our Lord’s office to bind up the brokenhearted, and He is gloriously at home at it.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Oh, my brethren, bold-hearted men are always called mean-spirited by cowards.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The seasons change and you change, but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad and as full as ever.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “When you have no helpers, see your helpers in God. When you have many helpers, see God in all your helpers. When you have nothing but God, see all in God. When you have everything, see God in everything. Under all conditions, stay thy heart only on the Lord.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Atheism is a strange thing. Even the devils never fell into that vice.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in the world. And with every soul you bring to Jesus Christ, you seem to get a new heaven here upon earth.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “All places are places of worship to a Christian. Wherever he is, he ought to be in a worshiping frame of mind.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to Him.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write ‘damnation’ with your fingers.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Every generation needs regeneration.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Growing a beard is a habit most natural, Scriptural, manly and beneficial.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “It is not the strength of your faith that saves you, but the strength of Him upon whom you rely! Christ is able to save you if you come to Him-be your faith weak or be it strong.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “A child of five, if properly instructed, can, as truly believe, and be regenerated, as an adult.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Delayed answers to prayer are not only trials of faith; they also give us opportunities to honor God through our steadfast confidence in Him, even when facing the apparent denial of our request.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “There must be a divorce between you and sin, or there can be no marriage between you and Christ.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Obedience to the will of God is the pathway to perpetual honor and everlasting joy.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Too many think lightly of sin, and therefore think lightly of the Savior.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “If you love anything better than God you are idolaters: if there is anything you would not give up for God it is your idol: if there is anything that you seek with greater fervor than you seek the glory of God, that is your idol, and conversion means a turning from every idol.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Do you find it difficult to forgive one who has wronged you? Then you will find it difficult to get to heaven.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “A Christian man should so shine in his life, that a person could not live with him a week without knowing the gospel.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “None of us can come to the highest maturity without enduring the summer heat of trials.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Be thankful for the thorns and thistles, which keep you from being in love with this world, and becoming an idolater.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Let me be as the bullock which stands between the plough and the altar, to work or to be sacrificed; and let my motto be, “Ready for either”.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “True prayer is measured by weight, not by length.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The law is for the self-righteous, to humble their pride: the gospel is for the lost, to remove their despair.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The law shows the distance that exists between God and man; the Gospel bridges that awful chasm and brings the sinner across it.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “You must keep all earthy treasures out of your heart, and let Christ be your treasure, and let Him have your heart.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Nothing but grace makes a man so humble and, at the same time, so glad.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Giving is true loving.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Those who dive in the sea of affliction bring up rare pearls.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The devil is not afraid of a dust-covered Bible.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “God works all things together for your good. If the waves roll against you, it only speeds your ship towards the port.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Satan does not care whether he drags you down to hell as a Calvinist or as an Arminian, so long as he can get you there.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The world’s one and only remedy is the cross.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The Christian should work as if all depended upon him, and pray as if it all depended upon God.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; so calm the swelling billows of sorrow and grief; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “It is our duty and our privilege to exhaust our lives for Jesus. We are not to be living specimens of men in fine preservation, but living sacrifices, whose lot is to be consumed.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “May your convictions be deep, your love real, and your desires earnest.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “We are all damaged goods in recovery.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Prayer meetings are the throbbing machinery of the church.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the person, the work, the doings, and the existence of the great God whom he calls his Father.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “I cannot tell you how much I owe to the solemn word of my good mother.”
Charles H. Spurgeon Quote: “Be careful, dear friends, that you do not misrepresent God yourselves. You who murmur; you who say that God deals hardly with you, you give God an ill character; when you look so melancholy, worldlings say, “The religion of Jesus is intolerable;” and so you stain the honor of God.”
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