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Top 140 Deanna Raybourn Quotes (2025 Update)
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Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Mrs. Clutterthorpe, I can hardly think of any fate worse than becoming the mother of six... unless perhaps it were plague.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “God was seldom discussed in our family except in a very distant sort of way, rather like our cousins in Canada.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “To walk away from something is only half the picture. What are you walking towards?”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Aunt Nell used to say it was not decent to have violet eyes, that they were a telltale sign of bad nature, like ginger hair or a hunchback.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “You have large opinions for so small a person.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I’m a woman. Guilt is our birthright. Guilt if we want to be mothers, guilt if we take the Pill instead or choose to abort. Guilt if we stay home with our kids or guilt if we work. Guilt if we sleep with a man, guilt if we say no. Guilt if we’re lucky enough to survive for no good reason.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Now I was more certain than ever of my decision. I could not love a man who did not love Jane Austen.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Mrs. Clutterthorpe, I can hardly think of any fate worse than becoming the mother of six. Unless perhaps it were plague, and even then I am persuaded a few disfiguring buboes and possible death would be preferable to motherhood.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “What was it that Napoleon said, my lady? ‘Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “There will always be men who rally to the cause of another man in his moment of disgrace simply because they fear their own so deeply.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I am an adult person who is not answerable to children.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “That is the hallmark of a good partnership, you know – when one partner sees the forest and the other studies the trees.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “He paused again, letting his words settle like stones falling to the bottom of a pond.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I was merely thinking that it may have been a very grave mistake to introduce you to Lady C. If the pair of you ever put your minds to it, you could probably topple governments together.” I smiled as I pocketed the weapon. “One thing at a time, dear Stoker. One thing at a time.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “It was the viscount, with impeccable manners and deplorable timing.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Before I could ask, he caught sight of the garment in my hand. “In the name of bleeding Jesus, what are you sewing? Is that my shirt?” “It is, and I must say, it is in a deplorable state. But at least the material is quite good and will stand up to proper mending. Unfortunately, mending is not one of my skills,” I said, holding up the shirt. Somehow I had managed to attach it to my own skirt, and I took up scissors to snip it free.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Will you write?” I asked. “Probably not. The pen is a demanding mistress. I take delight in thwarting her expectations.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Gentlemen are champion sulkers so long as one doesn’t call the behavior by that name.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Because there is no power on earth that could make me abandon our friendship. There is no deed you could confess so dark that it would make me forsake you. You said of us once that we were quicksilver and the rest of the world mud. We are alike, shaped by Nature in the same mold, and whatever that signifies, it means that to spurn each other would be to spit in the face of whatever deity has seen fit to bring us together. We are the same, and to leave you would be to leave myself.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “If I were going to play the adventuress, I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, I supposed.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “A good wet weep is always just the thing. You will feel better soon. Not just yet, but soon. And when you do, enjoy it. Life is too uncertain, my dear. You must seize happiness where you find it.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Did you know that if you rub a cat’s fur the wrong way with a piece of silk, you can make sparks? Little flickers of electricity conjured from your bare fingertips. it is the nearest thing to being a god. That is how I feel when I spar with you.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “The truth, dear reader, is that I was as ready for him as any filly ready for the stud. My blood thrummed whenever he came near, the air crackling between us like one of Galvani’s electrical experiments. It was a mercy that we had not been alone in our train compartment on the journey back to London; otherwise, I suspect the urgent swaying of the conveyance would have proven too much for my increasingly limited self-control.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “After all, I might not intend to use him for a plaything, but I could still appreciate looking through the toy-shop window.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “One is not born English without knowing how to converse easily about the weather.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “We are mere humans, Veronica. We are destined to prefer beauty to ugliness.” His.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “If one has a purpose, life is bearable enough, do you not think so?”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “As a scientist I rebelled against the disorder, and I had long since discovered that nothing thwarted the mental processes like clutter.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Have you ever looked a starving beggar in the eye and thought that the privileges you enjoy are nothing more than a whim of the cosmos?”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “He considered that a moment, rolling the sweet over his tongue. “There are times when it is entirely safe to show one’s vulnerability, to roll over and reveal the soft underbelly beneath. But there are other times when pain must be borne without a murmur, when the pain is so consuming that if you give in to it, even in the slightest, you have lost everything.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Everyone has a capacity for cruelty. Not everyone gets the chance to exercise it.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “You rise from your bed every day on two strong legs and can think only to complain that someone once spoke harshly to you.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “His lips twisted. ‘Met. So tame a word for it. It was not a meeting, Veronica. I was introduced to her and it was like finding a part of myself that had been somehow walking the earth without me. She was my other half when I had not realized I was incomplete.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “The truth is a hard mirror, and I am in no mood to look upon my reflection.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “One may be elegant or enthusiastic, but seldom both. If.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I had long since discovered upon my travels that men are largely the same no matter where one encounters them. And if one is prepared to let them discourse on their pet topics of conversation, one can generally get on with things quite handily without any interference.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Tis a hard thing for a child to know she isn’t wanted. It gets into her blood and bones until she knows that she must always find her own way, for none will smooth her path. But that sort of thing makes a woman strong, you know.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Paddington Station. With its spacious arches and exuberant iron lacework, Mr. Brunel’s pride and joy had persuaded me that in spite of their reputation for stodginess, engineers were in possession of truly flamboyant imaginations.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I have faith that men can be as reasonable and logical as women if they but try.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “One cannot innovate new improvements without understanding old failures.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Which is why I stayed long enough to buy every man a pint and winnow out at least a little kernel of wheaty truth from the chaff of gossip.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I suppose it is quite certain he is dead?” I asked faintly. “There are bits of him stuck to your shoe,” he remarked, rather unhelpfully.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “I see only a little, lady, but I know that your fortune is as twined with his as the ivy to the oak.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Should I be in distress? In a meadow? You mean if the cows organize some sort of attack? I have extensive experience with cows. They almost never do that.” “Forget.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “We looked like a girl gang that would have the Queen as our leader, all low heels and no-nonsense curls.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Lord Templeton-Vane bared his teeth in what a stupid person might have mistaken for a smile.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “Australia is full of unsuitable people – you will fit in beautifully.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “He was no respecter of institutions simply because they boasted antiquity. He believed, like all good radicals, that everything ought to be examined anew by each generation. What served society should be retained, and what did not should be discarded without sentiment or reserve.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “It is seldom that a gentleman raises the subject of sewage so early in a conversation, I reflected.”
Deanna Raybourn Quote: “And so I did not try. De Clare was a lost soul; I had seen too clearly the glint of obsession in his eyes. It was the expression worn by fanatics and evangelists the world over, the dogged determination to see only one point of view and entertain no truths but the fantasy in one’s own mind. He would see this thing through to the end, no matter how many people it destroyed.”
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