
Top 200 Elise Kova Quotes (2025 Update)
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Elise Kova Quote: “I told you this would never be easy, I warned you. I begged you to spare my heart if you weren’t ready for this fight.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Don’t let the shadows of the past smother the possibility for a bright future.” It.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Progress was never meant to be stinted, and even failures weren’t to be destroyed.”
Elise Kova Quote: “An arm closes around me and the blade of a dagger is at my throat. “King Eldas!” Aria shouts over my shoulder. My ears ring. I was right; it was her all along. I’ve never been so angry about being correct. “If you won’t parlay with us for your dear brother, then perhaps your queen?”
Elise Kova Quote: “I love him, but I am only death. I am death to everyone I love. Someday I will be the death of him.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Is this what I’ve been running from my whole life? Is this what it’s like to care for someone else? The rogue thought wanders across my mind as I stare up at him. How could I have wanted to hide from this?”
Elise Kova Quote: “I want a place you hardly dare to even whisper. I want the bravery to not only read, but to do. I want a man, not a library boy. A man who is tall and witty and knows more about the world than you would ever dare dream.”
Elise Kova Quote: “I can’t go back, and neither can you. We both have to move forward and find what beauty we can in the world as it is.” Daniel.”
Elise Kova Quote: “They wanted to kill her, so this Vhalla would die, she resolved, and a new Vhalla would be born from her ashes.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Wait,” she paused, “you slept on the couches?” Vhalla rolled onto her side to look up at him. “Of course.” His brow furrowed slightly. “Did you think I would creep into your bed as you slept and spend the night lying with you without your permission?”
Elise Kova Quote: “Nothing made sense, and she would have him until it did.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Let one person say something and give me a reason to burn it all.”
Elise Kova Quote: “One of them was Larel Neiress, the woman whom had spent countless hours putting Vhalla Yarl back together after the world had broken her. But this time, her hands had not been there, and Vhalla Yarl shattered into three pieces.”
Elise Kova Quote: “He traded his freedom for mine,” she whispered. “He was a reckless fool, and I was a girl pulled along by puppet strings. The fire burned too hot, and we didn’t notice until it consumed everything.”
Elise Kova Quote: “She would cut it away. She would cut away the anger, the pain, and the frustration. She’d cut and cut until she was sculpted into something better, something stronger. They wanted to kill her, so this Vhalla would die, she resolved, and a new Vhalla would be born from her ashes.”
Elise Kova Quote: “That was only the beginning. I cannot wait to see what madness I will push you to with the rest of me.”
Elise Kova Quote: “You have to earn it.′ Vhalla didn’t know what else to say. She had trusted him, to lead her, to teach her, and he broke that trust. It wasn’t as though it was something she could simply start again on command.”
Elise Kova Quote: “In a horrible way, he was like a song of death and flame.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Vhalla stared up at him, at those cold judgmental eyes that threatened to pick her apart and lick her bones clean.”
Elise Kova Quote: “What does this have to do with me?” It was interesting history, but she didn’t know why it was relevant. “Why did the West want Windwalkers?” Lord Ophain returned her question with a question. She was beginning to see where Aldrik got his teaching style from.”
Elise Kova Quote: “What is wrong is that you cannot learn how to do things from books... They are starting points for principle, theory, and concept. Your mind understands, but your body does not know until you perform the act yourself. Without action and practice, your hands will not oblige. Experience is a far greater teacher.”
Elise Kova Quote: “She waited for him to say something more. The silence held ciphers of truths that lingered between them, written in a script that neither knew yet how to decipher. This would not be the moment they were given sound.”
Elise Kova Quote: “He was the start and end of her world, the glue holding together her fragile sanity. He was everything, and without him she was lost.”
Elise Kova Quote: “There was something severed and rough about her, something tainted and, yet, at the same time those jagged pieces were the makings of something fearsome. She’d wanted to become someone the Senate would fear, why not shatter the sky?”
Elise Kova Quote: “If things were different, you wouldn’t have been you.” He finally looks back to me. His once icy eyes are now tepid pools as inviting and warm as the creeks I would strip bare and swim in underneath the redwood trees deep in the forests around the temple. “And I’ve found I’m very fond of exactly the woman you are. I wouldn’t change a single thing.”
Elise Kova Quote: “They were not a faceless enemy that was half wild and half mad. They were not less than human. They were not different from her just because they came from somewhere else, spoke differently, dressed differently, or looked different.”
Elise Kova Quote: “My bodily needs were met while my soul starved.”
Elise Kova Quote: “But if we wait on this wedding, you can make my dress crimson. I will not wear gold if my Imperial nobility is bought with the blood of innocent civilians who died while I had a party.”
Elise Kova Quote: “I was raised in a world where I had thousands of friends, each one waiting for me on a shelf every day. While you practiced with the bow or sword, I read. The Imperial Library houses my confidants, and I spent nearly a decade hanging onto their every word. I know them well, and if you will stop questioning me, I will be so kind to impart their secrets to you.” Slack-jaws.”
Elise Kova Quote: “To this world. To the next. To the people we meet between and the bonds we share.”
Elise Kova Quote: “For all his orders and sneers, his commanding presence, and his intimidating always all-black ensemble, Vhalla saw something different. She simply saw someone who was lonely, someone who could likely count their friends on one hand, and perhaps wanted to one day use two hands. He was nothing like the man she first met, the man who wore a mask to meet palace expectations.”
Elise Kova Quote: “The fires of Solaris, the fires of justice, burn bright and hot. The sun is rising, and it will cast this darkness from the earth. We will end the Supreme King.”
Elise Kova Quote: “They were sending her to war, so she would go and become something they had every right to fear.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Fadewalking seems a lot less impressive when an animal can do it too.” I can’t help a grin. Eldas narrows his eyes at me, but his scowl has lost some of its bite. “He can Fadewalk because he is of the Fade – a creature caught in the rift when worlds were severed.” “He’s a good boy, that’s what he is,” I coo to the wolf.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Well, if my crime is love, then I am indeed guilty.”
Elise Kova Quote: “We smell of honey and taste of forgotten dreams. We move like desperation.”
Elise Kova Quote: “The elves come for two things: war and wives. In both cases, they come for death.”
Elise Kova Quote: “He was no longer a wildfire burning with rage. He was now the fires of the forges he’d stoked. He burned for a purpose and remained focused on that singular goal.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Tell me, Vhalla, what’s it like to find out your prince is a coward? Is weak? Is scared? Is wicked? Is – ” “Human,” she said firmly.”
Elise Kova Quote: “You show up as if you materialize from the wind itself, to save the life of the crown prince whom you jumped off the side of the Pass in an attempt to save. You’re unassuming, you’re filthy, and you’re soaked in what I can only presume to be the blood of our enemies.” A grin slowly spread across Jax’s face, like that of a rabid beast. “Who said anything about being disappointed?”
Elise Kova Quote: “Aldrik didn’t look at her as she slipped back into her armor. It was a short walk but the last thing she wanted was to leave a man’s tent – the crown prince’s tent – less dressed than when she came in.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Erion, how many times must I tell you not to bring me wild women until after dark? It’s distracing.” A man grinned wickedly.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Aldrik – the crown prince, the future Emperor, Fire Lord, ruler of the Black Legion, sorcerer – was only a man. And men could be broken.”
Elise Kova Quote: “You wished for time,” Aldrik explained. “I heard each utterance when you beseeched time to stop, for mornings not to come. I want you to know I shared your every sentiment. I wanted to give you the promise of my minutes, my hours, my days.” His long fingers curled around hers, around the watch. “My future is yours, Vhalla Yarl.”
Elise Kova Quote: “She had two choices. One was to continue lying there, doing nothing. The other was to get up and defy all odds. To reach and try for something that the world didn’t think she should have.”
Elise Kova Quote: “I’ve always been... charming.” Prince Baldair smiled at her, and she didn’t even refrain from rolling her eyes.”
Elise Kova Quote: “Be someone worthy of respecting first!”
Elise Kova Quote: “At least if I am to die, then it would be as someone I can look in the mirror.”
Elise Kova Quote: “You’re right about it all. I wanted you. The moment I found out what you were, I wanted you like a prize to be captured and put on my shelf. And you, Vhalla, you made it so easy to manipulate you to walk right where I wanted you. You, with your transparent innocence.”
Elise Kova Quote: “As if the Fire Lord would let his dark darling out of his sight.”
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