
Top 120 Elizabeth Hoyt Quotes (2025 Update)
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Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “But like the legless man, I’m unaccountably fascinated by those who can dance.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “What,” she barked, “is that?” “We have a guest for supper tonight,” Miss Stump replied, and as she glanced back at him he thought he saw a mischievous glint in her eye. “Indio’s monster, in fact – though Indio now calls him Caliban.” “Caliban?” Maude narrowed her eyes, cocking her head as she examined him critically. “Aye, I can see that, but is he safe in the theater with us is what I’m wanting to know?” Apollo felt a tug on his hand. He looked down at Indio, who whispered, “She’s nice. Truly.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “At first she saw only the mess of roots. There wasn’t space in there, surely, for a small dog, let alone a man and boy. But as she watched, a huge hand slapped down on the edge. She started for the hole even as Caliban emerged, head and broad shoulders blackened, clutching Indio to his chest like Hephaestus rising from his underworld forge. She’d never seen such a wonderful sight.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “I write both at home and at coffee shops, and I have a terrible work ethic – I have a tendency to write most of my books right before the deadline. I’m trying to work on that, but so far, I’m not getting any more organized.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “But Sir Alistair’s gaze was different. Those other men had looked at her with lust or speculation or crass curiosity, but they hadn’t been looking at her really. They’d been looking at what she represented to them: physical love or a valuable prize or an object to be gawked at. When Sir Alistair stared at her, well, he was looking at her.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “His nostrils flared just a little bit, and the lines bracketing his mouth grew deeper. He snarled with his beautiful, twisted lips and she thought, half on the edge of falling again, she thought he looked like a demon making love to her. A demon fighting for his life or light or possibly redemption.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “We all know that we’ll die someday, but believing it is another thing entirely.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “She glanced at the man quickly. “Thank you.” She meant to say more, but something was caught in her throat. Her eyes stung. “Weep not, proud Diana,” Maximus murmured. “The moon will not allow it.” “No.” She agreed, swiping fiercely at her cheeks. “There’s no need for tears yet.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “You’re burning,” she gasped. “Then you ought not to touch me,” he said seriously. “You’ll be consumed.” “Too late,” she muttered, and pivoted, trying to drag him, he presumed, toward the bed. “You’re awfully heavy – ” “My soul is made of lead.” “ – and you’re delirious,” she ended decisively. “I need to get help.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Oh, yes. I suppose not many remember now, but Maximus was so shattered by the deaths of his parents that he went mute for a full fortnight. Why, some of the quacks that came to look at him said his brain was addled by the tragedy. That he’d never speak again. Rubbish, of course. It simply took him time to come to rights again. He was quite sane. Just a sensitive boy.” A boy who, when he came to himself again, was no longer a boy but the Duke of Wakefield, Artemis thought.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Edward shot a glare at Davis that held the promise of dismemberment, mayhem, and the apocalypse.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “He was a being of action and vitality, and when he moved, when he smiled, he became almost impossible to resist.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “And yet he was holding the hand of a little boy and trailing the boy’s exasperating mother. Perhaps he was lonely. Or perhaps it was the look in her eyes when he’d emerged from the pond and found her watching him that urged his footsteps on. It had been a long time – a very, very long time – since a woman had last looked at him like that. As if she saw something she liked.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “When at last they rose by some unspoken male accord, she noticed with a pang that Indio came only to Caliban’s waist. The man towered over the boy, so much taller and broader that his gentleness was all the more moving as a result. They walked to the pond’s bank and Indio launched his boat. Caliban restrained Daffodil from jumping in after. This man was not at all like Kitty’s husband. Not at.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “I think I do pretty well with child characters. It’s hard to write kids that are realistic, not annoying, and bring something to the story.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Fear had a tendency to drive away the courtesy of civilization.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Tell me, Miss St. John, are you on the hunt for a husband?”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “This is my social face,” he said lightly. “Don’t confuse it with the animal beneath.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “What do you want?” There was silence, broken only by a faint rustling. When he opened his eyes she was buttoning his banyan over her chemise. “Nothing, I think,” she said to her hands. Then, “My freedom, perhaps.” Freedom. He stared. What did freedom mean to such a wild creature? Did she want to be entirely quit of him? “I’ll not let you go,” he snapped. She glanced up at him and her look was sardonic. “Did I ask you to?” “Artemis –.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Miss Greaves drifted behind them, silent as a wraith. He had the most persistent urge to turn and confront her – make her say something to him.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Would it make a difference if I were bothered? I have some other skills not usually seen in ladies: swimming, as I told you, and how to shoot a gun. I can bargain down a butcher to within an inch of his life. I know how to make soap and how to put a bill collector off. I can do mending but not embroidery, can drive a cart but not ride a horse, know how to grow cabbages and carrots and even make them into a nice soup, but I haven’t the least idea how to trellis roses.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “I’ve never violated any woman.” “Have you killed?” He paused at that, before reaching into the wardrobe to move aside her spare day gown. “Once or twice. The men deserved it, I assure you.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Dear God. She ached, wanting something that she knew was a sin. Wanting a man who was sin itself.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Weep for me. Bear my pain. Take my come. For I can give you nothing else.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Indio started forward and took the big man’s hand as naturally as he’d taken his mother’s. “Come on! Maude’s making roast chicken and there’ll be gravy and dumplings.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “He paid scant attention to the conversation. He could smell his own sent on Anna’s body, and it satisfied him in a primal way... She gasped as he buried his nose in her maiden hair and inhaled. His scent was strongest here, in her gilded curls so soft and pretty in the morning light.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Lily stopped dead in the doorway to her room and then took a step back. Apollo cocked his head. It’d been a very long day full of trepidation mixed with tediousness and he’d used up all his patience. “If you leave, I’ll follow you out and we’ll have this discussion in the hallway where everyone can hear.” She scowled ferociously at him, but came all the way in the room and shut the door. “What do you want to talk about?” “Us.” “There’s nothing to discuss.” “Yes,” he said patiently, “there is.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Lieutenant Cranston, sitting across the tavern table from him, looked startled. “Something amiss, Captain?” “It’s as I feared – we’ve been called back to sea early. We set sail in less than a.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Briefly, he tried to imagine any of his previous, male secretaries daring to comment on his appearance. It was impossible. In fact, he couldn’t think of anyone, save his current female secretary, who made such impertinent comments to him. Oddly, he found her impertinence endearing. Not that he let it show.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “He was like a star in the night sky above and she but a sparrow. No matter how high she might try to fly, she’d never reach him.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Of course I put a chain on him – he’s recovering fast and he’s quite muscular.” He frowned on a thought. “You shouldn’t be visiting him now that he can move about – he might grab you.” She gave him an incredulous look. He grimaced. “I can find a suitable place for him, perhaps a room with a barred door – ” “You mean a cage.” “We’ve already discussed this: I’ll not let a madman near you.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “You do have to save my brother,” she said, “because if you do not I will tell everyone in England that you are the Ghost of St. Giles.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Never sleep anywhere but in my bed.” She might have protested, but he turned her roughly so that she lay on her stomach, her cheek pressed into his pillow. He lay on top of her, his upper body braced on his arms but his hips and legs weighing her down. Trapping and holding her. “You’re mine,” he said, laying his cheek against hers. “Mine and no one else’s.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “She watched his chest rise and fall and remembered and reflected. All her life things had been taken from her: Apollo, Thomas’s affection, Mama and Papa, her home, her future. No one had ever asked her opinion, garnered her thoughts on what she wanted or needed. Things had been done to her, but she’d never had the chance to do things. Like a doll on a shelf, she’d been moved about, manipulated, flung aside.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Still, he watched intently as she began her descent, ready to grab her arm should she waver. “You’re hovering,” she said without turning. “Hovering is my job.” “That’s debatable.” “No, actually, it isn’t,” he said, flatly. “Humph.” They’d reached the ground floor now and she turned to walk toward the back of the house. He grimaced as he took the last step overly hard on his bad leg. She didn’t turn, but he noticed that she slowed her pace for him.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “She glanced again at Caliban as she said, “You and Daffodil were very brave.” “And the best part, Mama,” Indio said, tugging her hand to get her attention, “the best part is Caliban spoke. Did you hear him? He shouted my name!” “What?” Lily stared at Indio’s filthy little face and then back up at Caliban. She absently noted that he had a bleeding scratch on his cheek. That shout right before the accident – had that been him?”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “She stood, a little unsteadily, true, but on her own two feet. “It’s not my blindness that cripples me, it’s everyone else deciding I can’t live because of my blindness. If I stumble, if I run into things and fall and hurt myself it’s because I can and I’m free to do so, Maximus. Because without that freedom I’m just a dull, chained thing and I won’t be that woman anymore. I simply won’t, Maximus.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Darling,” she said and caught his face between her hands, making him meet her eyes. He didn’t want to. He didn’t like the look in her eyes – a grim determination. “I love you,” she whispered and his soul soared until she uttered her next words. “But I must leave you.” “No.” He clutched at her hips as if he were a child of three refusing to give up his toy sword. “No.” “Yes,” she replied.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Well, Scarborough cares, doesn’t he? Maximus doesn’t – not really. No doubt he’s a bit compelled by the chase, but if he doesn’t win” – she shrugged her shoulders – “he’ll simply find another suitable heiress. She – Lady Penelope herself – doesn’t really matter to him. And if it comes right down to it, wouldn’t you chose passion – however old – over dispassion?”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “She knew about young boys – she’d spent the last year taking care of them. They were tough and reckless and yet at the same time so very sweet and vulnerable. Their cheeks were soft and their eyes apologized even as they fought to assert their independence with too smart mouths.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Yet she could imagine him so – intent, focused on his goal, his woman. He’d guard his chosen mate, make her both fear and long for his attention. She shivered. He would be relentless in his pursuit, unmerciful in his victory.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Nothing leveled a man quite like being unable to protect his woman.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “The sight of her was like a swift, cool wind through his frame, quickening his body, alerting all his senses, making him completely aware he was a male and she a female.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Really, sometimes it would be much easier if one were allowed to simply hit gentlemen over the head.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Do you love me Hero?” His pale green eyes were full of torment. “Do you love me like I love you?”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Your Grace seems out of breath. I do hope you’re not being chased by an overly enthusiastic heiress?” “Pack a light bag, Craven,” Maximus snapped. “We’re going to London to help a murderous lunatic escape from Bedlam.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “I must have an heir. Do you understand?” He grit his teeth and said, as if he were pulling the words, bloody and torn, from his very heart, “I must marry a woman who can bear children.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “He inhaled and spoke without thinking, ignoring their audience. “What has happened?” “You know full well, Your Grace, for what – who – I fight.” Her eyes were glittering and he couldn’t believe it, but the evidence was clear. Tears. His goddess should never weep. He took her arm. “Artemis.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “It’s so tedious,” Montgomery sighed, “to have to wait for invitations and, I find, they often don’t come when you most want them to. Much easier to simply disregard formal invitations altogether.”
Elizabeth Hoyt Quote: “Much of life is a game. If played skillfully, with an intelligent and fascinating opponent, it can become almost a dance. One challenges and moves, the other teases and skips away, only to dart forward later and strike a telling blow.”
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