
Top 300 J. C. Ryle Quotes (2025 Update)
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J. C. Ryle Quote: “If you and sin are friends, you and God are not yet reconciled.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “God has linked holiness and happiness; and what God has joined together we must not think to put asunder.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “No prayers can be heard which do not come from a forgiving heart.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The eye of God! Think of that. Everywhere, in every house, in every field, in every room, in every company, alone or in a crowd, the eye of God is always upon you.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Assurance of hope is more than life, it is health, strength, power, vigor, activity, energy, manliness, beauty.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Faith in the Lord Jesus is the only sure medicine for troubled hearts.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Without a thorough conviction of sin, men may seem to come to Jesus and follow Him for a season, but they will soon fall away and return to the world.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The love of our Lord Jesus Christ towards sinners is strikingly shown in His steady purpose of heart to die for them.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Let it never surprise true Christians if they are slandered and misrepresented in this world. They must not expect to fare better than their Lord.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “True Christians delight to read the Scriptures, because they tell them about their beloved Savior.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Until we give God our heart, we give Him nothing at all.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Do we profess to love Christ? Then let us show it by our lives.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Every fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge of our conscience, and increases our evil inclination.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Men fall in private long before they fall in public.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “God knew what we were before conversion – wicked, guilty, and defiled; yet He loved us. He knows what we will be after conversion – weak, erring, and frail; yet He loves us.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “We may love money without having it, just as we may have money without loving it.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Nothing perhaps affects man’s character more than the company he keeps.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Are you tempted? Look unto Jesus. Are you afflicted? Look unto Jesus. Do all speak evil of you? Look unto Jesus. Do you feel cold, dull, and backsliding? Look unto Jesus.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “We ought to regard the sacrament of baptism with reverence. An ordinance of which the Lord Jesus Himself partook, is not to be lightly esteemed. An ordinance to which the great Head of the Church submitted, ought to be ever honorable in the eyes of professing Christians.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The world’s idea of greatness is to rule, but Christian greatness consists in serving.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Backsliding, generally first begins with neglect of private prayer.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. It is worse than useless; it does positive harm. Something of ‘the image of Christ’ must be seen and observed by others in our private life, and habits, and character, and doings.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “If you want to find out how much someone loves you, find out how much they pray for you.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “According to the men of the world, few are going to hell; According to the Bible, few are going to heaven.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “What is the reason that some believers are so much brighter and holier than others? I believe the difference, in nineteen cases out of twenty, arises from different habits about private prayer. I believe that those who are not eminently holy pray little, and those who are eminently holy pray much.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “It must not content us to take our bodies to church if we leave our hearts at home.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “A true Christian is one who has not only peace of conscience, but war within. He may be known by his warfare as well as by his peace.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive reading.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Hearken, my believing reader. What is the cause of your weakness? Is it not because the fountain of life is little used? Is it not because you are resting on old experiences, and not daily gathering new manna – daily drawing new strength from Christ?”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Live as if you thought that Christ might come at any time.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Whatever you read, read the Bible first. Beware of bad books: there are plenty in this day. Take heed what you read.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Children are very quick observers; very quick in seeing through some kinds of hypocrisy, very quick in finding out what you really think and feel, very quick in adopting all your ways and opinions. You will often discover that, as the father is, so is the son.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The rulers of the earth plan, and scheme, and make laws, and change laws, and war, and pull down one, and raise up another. But they little think that they rule only by the will of Jesus, and that nothing happens without the permission of the Lamb of God.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “He that would be conformed to Christ’s image, and become a Christ-like man, must be constantly studying Christ Himself.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Troublous times, departures from the faith, evil men waxing worse and worse, love waxing cold, are things distinctly predicted.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “I fear we are in danger of forgetting that to HAVE the Bible is one thing, and to READ it quite another.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Laughter, ridicule, opposition and persecution are often the only reward which Christ’s followers get from the world.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “True worship leads to a more full knowledge of self, God, heaven, duty, doctrine, practice and experience.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The cause of Christ does not need less working, but it does need among the workers, more praying.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “It is not always those who have the most eminent gifts who are the most successful laborers for God. It is generally those who keep up closest communion with Christ and are most constant in prayer.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “We are all so sunk in sin, and so wedded to the world, that we would never turn to God and seek salvation, unless He first called us by His grace. Without a divine call, no one can be saved.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The devil has more knowledge than any of us, and yet is no better for it.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The work of the preacher resembles that of the sower. Like the sower, the preacher must sow good seed, the Word of God.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “Sicknesses, losses, crosses, anxieties and disappointments seem absolutely needful to keep us humble, watchful and spiritual-minde d. They are as needful as the pruning knife to the vine and the refiner’s furnace to the gold.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “The chief end for which Christ lived and died: To provide eternal redemption for sinners.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “If you profess to be a child of God, leave it to the Lord Jesus to sanctify you in His own way.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “There is one subject in religion, about which you can never know too much. That subject is Jesus Christ the Lord.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “If you love Christ, never be ashamed to let others see it and know it. Speak for Him. Witness for Him. Live for Him.”
J. C. Ryle Quote: “No one ever said at the end of his days; ‘I have read my bible too much, I have thought of God too much, I have prayed too much, I have been too careful with my soul’”
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