
Top 120 Jacque Fresco Quotes (2025 Update)
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Jacque Fresco Quote: “The system you’re brought up under tries to make you like the people that succeeded in that system.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “War represents the supreme failure of nations to resolve their differences. From a strictly pragmatic standpoint, it is the most inefficient waste of lives and resources ever conceived.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We must stop constantly fighting for human rights and equal justice in an unjust system, and start building a society where equal rights are an integral part of the design.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “So your having trouble with your partner. Well ask yourself, if you were in a relationship with a replica of yourself how long would it last?”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We can work out anything if we put our mind to it, study it, do hard work instead of finding simple answers.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Every action and decision we take – or don’t – ripples into the future. For the first time we have the capability, the technology, and the knowledge to direct these ripples.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “It is not enough to criticize society without offering a workable alternative.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The teachings or the information in the Venus project is not what Jacque Fresco dictates. It’s first doing a survey of the carrying capacity of a given environment and maintaining a population in accordance of the Earth’s resources, not Fresco’s opinion.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “You cannot advocate decency and ethics, you must design the conditions that eliminate the problems. In scarcity, people will tend to steal. If you make things available, people tend not to steal.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We are all an integral part of the chain of life.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “You don’t need to get rid of religion; you have to outgrow the need for it. In other words, instead of hoping for the good life, you make the good life.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The more intelligent our children, the better our lives and the richer our culture will be.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Today we have access to highly advanced technologies. But our social and economic system has not kept up with our technological capabilities that could easily create a world of abundance, free of servitude and debt.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “In the future, in a saner system, we would design products not to wear out and break down; to last as long as possible, so that the responsibility of the service sector would not be overloaded.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The Venus Project is a concept that could happen today but it is not up to me, it depends on what others do to help bring it about.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We have the technology to build a global paradise on earth, and at the same time, we have the power to end life as we know it. I am a futurist. I cannot predict the actual future – only what it can be if we manage the earth and its resources intelligently.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “You don’t see the plug connected to the environment, so it looks like we’re free, wandering around. Take the oxygen away, we all die immediately. Take plant life away, we die. And without the sun, all the plants die. So we are connected.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “It takes a different value system if you wish to change the world.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We could either develop paradise on Earth or oblivion; wipe ourselves out, only the future will tell. It’s what you do to make the future.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We’re not sane enough yet to enter space until we learn to live together in peace on Earth.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The way we use technology is completely wasteful. We duplicate many vacuum cleaners, tools; In the future we will make the best of equipment and make it available to everyone.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We have more than enough to take care of everybody on earth at this time. If we have a shortage of anything, it’s very easy for science to make a substitute material. There’s no shortage of anything except brains in Washington.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “If your values are not related to the Earth or realistic, you’ll believe in things that aren’t so, which will hurt you in the long run, and as a species, too.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “There isn’t anything that is said that ‘someone’ won’t take issue with.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “The question is not whether there is intelligent life out there, the question is, whether there is intelligent life down here. As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Truly free people do not need to be told they are free.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Our problems are technical, not political.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Very few people can communicate with one another. The only language that’s not subject to interpretation is mathematics, chemistry, basic science, engineering principles, and applied agriculture. But other than that, many systems today are subject to interpretation.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “If you had a free society you couldn’t get people to go to war, if you had an intelligent type of upbringing in ones children. They would say; There must be many other ways of solving problems other then killing people.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Notions of Good and Evil depend entirely on social context. It is not that people are good or bad, they are raised in an aberrant or twisted environment.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We will never know what anyone is really like, until everyone has economic security and doesn’t have to answer to anyone else.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We have more than enough resources in the world. The only thing we don’t have is brains in Washington.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “It’s hard to be decent in a money world. We want to shut down all repetitious jobs, automate it, free people.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “If nations join together now, before the big collapse and share their resources, they can maintain a level of sustainability. Sustain the people that is, and not banks and businesses.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “It is not that people are evil or greedy. The conditions that socially support the system force us to behave in socially offensive ways.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “When you live in a false society, that bases its wealth upon money, then that society itself will collapse eventually. Not because I say so, because it’s not based on physical reference.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Our main problem is a lack of understanding of what it means to be human and that we are not separate from nature.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Only when science and technology are used with human concern in a world in which all of the earth’s resources are held as the common heritage of all of the earth’s people can we truly say that there is intelligent life on Earth.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “If our system continues without modification involving environmental and social concern, we will face an economic and social break down.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We have to learn how scientists arrive at decisions. Once you use the scientific method, it doesn’t mean that your decisions will be perfect. They’ll be far more accurate than just opinions.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Our times demand the declaration of the world’s resources as the common heritage of all people.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We are all victims of culture.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We accept, without sufficient consideration, a system that breeds inefficiencies and actually encourages the creation of shortages.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “We found out that you can’t pass on acquired things like bigotry, prejudice, greed. That’s all learned in your culture or your sub-culture.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “If all things keep changing, how can you become sane?”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Man, in the collective sense, is the hero of science. Man, in the collective sense, is the hero of Earth.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “Our universities today are better equipped than ever, and the wars keep getting worse.”
Jacque Fresco Quote: “And you can’t find “love” because in order to find “love” you have to be capable of dishing it out. In order to be capable of giving “love”, your own life has to be in harmony with everything else, and that’s not attainable...”
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