
Top 300 Janet Fitch Quotes (2025 Update)
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Janet Fitch Quote: “It was safer in here, there were rules and regular meals, professional care. Mac was a floor you could not fall below. I supposed the ex-cons who kept going back to prison felt the same way. “You.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “He just didn’t want to see how damaged she was. As long as she didn’t show him, that was all he asked for. A good show.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Wait for me, you said. Then left me alone in the echoing world.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “You are too nostalgic, you want memory to secure you, console you.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “You never thought, maybe I should have left Astrid some words.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I wanted to freeze this moment forever, the chimes, the slight splash of water, the chink of dogs’ leashes, laughter from the pool, the skritch of my mother’s dip-pen, the smell of the tree, the stillness. I wished I could shut it in a locket to wear around my neck. I.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I wasn’t beautiful anymore. Now I looked like what I was, a raw wound.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “He could sense the ridiculousness of life even as it tore the guts out of him. She saw that now. And death lay coiled in the dark between the perception and the pain.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She wished Michael had had a grandfather like this guy Morty, someone to tell him, “It’s a rotten deal, the house always wins. Just sit at the table and play for all you’re worth.” Instead of one who showed him how to die.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I looked at my life and saw quite clearly that I was not surviving it in the turquoise house. I was letting my sails crust up with salt. I had to stop playing johnny johnny and concentrate on preparing for rain, preparing for rescue.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She yearned to call him, but hated the sound of the phone ringing, ringing, knowing that he might be standing right there, not picking up, knowing it was her.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “My words, that’s what she wanted. What’s this? she kept asking. What’s this? But how could I tell her? She’d taken all the words.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Her name was Lost. Her name was Nobody’s Daughter.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The smell of the smoke always brought me back to my mother, to a rooftop under an untrustworthy moon. How beautiful she had been, how perfectly unhinged.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She kept thinking about it as Jeremy talked about his Concept for the movie, the locations, some house off Sunset Plaza he pronounced “total Sixties, it’ll blow your mind.” She imagined walking into the house and blowing her head off.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Loneliness is the human condition, get used to it.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “It’s a rotten deal, the house always wins. Just sit at the table and play for all you’re worth.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “But how long can a person float, looking at an empty horizon? How long do you drift before you call it quits?”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Don’t tell me how you hate your new foster home. If they’re not beating you, consider yourself lucky.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The rest of us will make compromises, find excuses, someone or something to blame, and hold that over our hearts like a pendant on a chain. I.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Weren’t chains ashamed of their prisoners? But.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She was a woman for whom a man would buy a diamond ring or a new car, just to cheer her up.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “They congratulated themselves and went back out to their sodas and Chex mix, leaving me in front of the mirror, a toddler’s fussed-over Barbie abandoned in the sandbox. I blinked back my tears and forced myself to look in the mirror. Looking.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She was a beautiful woman dragging a crippled foot and I was that foot.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “High-voltage wires stretched between steel towers like giants holding jump ropes into the distance.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The Santa Anas blew in hot from the desert, shriveling the last of the spring grass into whiskers of pale straw.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “We were so mutable, fluid with fear and desire, ideals and angles, changeable as water. I.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The stroke of the brush was the evidence of the gesture of your arm. A record of your existence, the quality of your personality, your touch, pressure, the authority of your movement.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “It felt so good to be high. I felt the lid of the pencil-gray sky lift and I could breathe, I didn’t dread the rest of the afternoon now.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The future was a white fog into which I would vanish, unmarked by the flourish of rustling taffeta blue and gold. No mother to guide me. I.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Like Berlin, I was layered with guilt and destruction. I had caused grief as well as suffering it. I could never honestly point a finger without it turning around in mid-accusation. Olivia.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Reverend Thomas said that in hell, the sinners were indifferent to the suffering of others, it was part of damnation. I hadn’t understood that until now.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I was the center of my own universe, it was the stars that were moving, rearranging themselves around me, and I liked the way he looked at me.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I was bad, I had done bad things, I had hurt people, and the worst of it was, I didn’t want to stop. Blue.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “It made me feel dizzy, like I wanted to grab hold of something heavy and hang on. This was the life I was going to be living, everyone separated from everyone else, hanging on for a moment, only to be washed away. I could grow up and drift away too. My mother might never know where I was, and in a few years, if someone asked her about me, she might shrug like this and say, “Haven’t seen her in two, three years.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “It wasn’t like America, where we scraped the earth clean, thinking we could start again every time. We hadn’t learned yet, there was not such thing as an empty canvas.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “But she understood, even lies could be true, if you knew how to listen.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “The mind was so thin, barely a spiderweb, with all its fine thoughts, aspirations, and beliefs in its own importance. Watch how easily it unravels, evaporates under the first lick of pain. Gasping.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “He was obsessed with obituaries. She’d never read them before, he couldn’t believe it, to him it was like someone who’d never read the funnies... Michael always wanted to know what they died of- accidental gunshot wounds, overdose, cancer. ‘Was it suicide?’ That’s what he really wanted to know.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I liked the shifting colors of groups on the courtyard, but could not distinguish one student from the next. They were too young and undamaged, sure of themselves. To them, pain was a country they had heard of, maybe watched on a show about on TV, but one whose stamp had not yet been made in their passports. Where could I find a place where my world connected to theirs?”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Only in a show like this could you see the complete picture, stack the pieces up, hold them to the light, see how it all fit together. It made me hopeful, like someday my life would make sense too, if I could just hold all the pieces together at the same time. We.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Now it seemed unbelievable, the innocence of a girl in a fairy tale.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Carolee bought me a mirror for my purse and Owen and Peter gave me a lizard in a jar with a bow. From Davey I got a big sheet of cardboard on which he’d taped animal scat and Xeroxes of animal tracks to match, with carefully printed labels.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “And it occurred to Josie how tortured Michael must have been by the way his mother’s gift just flowed out of her, so clear and certain and unobstructed, like a spring. How painful it must have been for him to watch this. Michael had that genius, maybe even more than Meredith, but couldn’t let it out like that. Just pour it out. And no matter how good he was, even if he was the one picked out of a whole show, he could never feel it. He could do everything except find a way to satisfaction.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “I imagined myself a professor’s daughter, riding a bike to my classes. I could wear a camel’s hair coat at last, have a roommate, play intramural volleyball, all paid for in advance.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She never seemed more complete, more sure of herself. Not trying to please anyone anymore. Page 292.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “She couldn’t help but think how Michael would have loved this old man. He loved when people talked to him like this, just regular people. It made him feel human, connected, if someone was comfortable talking to him, saw him as an ordinary man, perhaps he wasn’t as estranged from the world as he felt himself to be.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Mother prescribing her books like medicines. A good dose of Whitman would set me straight, like castor oil. But at least she was thinking of me. I existed once more.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “It was as if I was blind and she’d told me, sight doesn’t matter, it’s just as well you can’t see.”
Janet Fitch Quote: “Mother prescribing her books like medicines. A good dose of Whitman would set me straight, like caster oil.”
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