
Top 140 Jasmine Warga Quotes (2025 Update)
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Jasmine Warga Quote: “Maybe he’s the type of person who turns his lies into truths in his head.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Allowing yourself to be not okay sometimes is that big first step to actually being okay.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “With my dad, you always had to tread lightly, like you were walking on icy pavement–it was so fun when you were gliding, but it was very easy to slip.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I know humans have been kissing since the history of time, but right now, in this very moment, it feels like kissing is a secret that only Roman and I know about.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “He can’t make me love him when he’s going to leave me. When he wants to leave me. When he knows this is the end.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “You didn’t want to, I know you didn’t. And I didn’t want you to. I care about you too much to watch you die. I want you to live, Aysel. So I did it alone because I wanted to save you.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “It’s funny the things we do even though no one is watching.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “There’s something poetic about the fact that the first boy to ever ask for my number is the same boy I’m going to die with.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “We all want to believe that every day is different, that every day we change, but really, it seems that certain things are coded into us from the very beginning.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “That’s my girl.” My heart jumps a little when he says that and I remind myself to get a grip.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I believe strongly that we all have multiple versions of ourselves. And the true test of love is learning to accept all of those versions, even when it’s messy. Actually, especially when it’s messy.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I guess that’s the magic of songs. The very best ones, they let you forget that they were written by someone about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Instead, you bend them to your life, matching the “you” of the song with whomever you want. The songs feel so much like your pain, your love, your longing, that you forget they were born from someone else’s.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “He knows what he’ll find if he digs deeper. there’s no rush to unpack my insides. he understands there is nothing special about emptiness, nothing interesting about depression.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Don’t you ever think about that? What if this isn’t the end and we just go on to a place even worse than this one?”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “This may sound weird, but there are certain songs, like really great songs – you don’t just listen to them, you know? They make you feel like they’re listening back. Like the person who wrote the song heard you. Music makes you feel less alone in that way. It’s proof that someone out there has felt the exact same way you do and they’ve managed to capture it in this perfect blend of words and sound.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Something inside me clicks. It’s like I’ve spent my whole life fiddling with a complicated combination only to discover I was toying with the wrong lock. And now, the vault inside of me that contains all my secrets is swinging open and I feel that rush of blood swell in my chest.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “For too long, I’ve made my past my future, afraid to imagine anything else. And I acted like that – static – afraid of my own kinetic energy. Maybe it’s time to start imagining, maybe it’s time to be in motion. Maybe it’s time for me to fight back against the sadness inside of me.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “When I come back to reality and glance at him, he’s staring right back at me. ‘Oh, hey. You’re back. Did you come up with some pressing physics problem you had to work out or something?”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I wish I was little again. When the imaginary lava was on the carpet and not inside of me.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I start to daydream about gravity. Sometimes I wonder if gravity is the problem. It keeps us all grounded, gives us this false sense of stability when really we’re just all bodies in motion. Gravity keeps us from floating up into space, it keeps us from involuntarily crashing into one another. It saves the human race from being a big hot mess. I wish gravity would go away and just let us all be a big mess.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I know it’s all in my head, but some feelings are harder to shake than others.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “It’s hard to see where we’re going since it’s now dark, and I wonder if in some ironic twist of fate, we’ll soar over the cliff without even realizing it. Like the universe’s final joke: you can’t plan your death, even when you try.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “But sometimes, I’m ravenous. It’s almost as if I want to eat as much as I can to fill up the empty void inside of me. Other days I can barely bring myself to nibble on a piece of toast.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I think he’s looking for comfort, but I don’t have any to give.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “But just because it’s cowardly doesn’t guarantee it’s going to be easy.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Maybe all anyone ever needs is for someone to notice them, to observe them.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Nothing scares me more than a failed attempt.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I don’t like songs about wanting things. I like songs about letting go, saying goodbye.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I guess pretty much everything in life is about the perception of the observer. That maybe time just moves the quickest at the end.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I wonder what my energy will do after I die. I wonder if your energy will really outlast us.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Whenever I get a bad grade, I always try to explain to Mom that I did read the book. And just because I can’t remember what color shirt the character was wearing in page six doesn’t mean that I didn’t read it. I mean, I was too busy crying about the dead dog at the end to remember what characters are wearing.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Do you believe in other universes? Do you think there’s another dimension where we’re happy?”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Maybe that’s a side effect of knowing you’re about to die: none of your secrets matter anymore. After you’re gone, they’ll all be discovered anyway. Pored over by people.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “People are funny. The longer you are around them, the more you start to realize that everyone makes the same motions over and over again.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “Guidance counselors always love to say, ‘Just think positively,’ but that’s impossible when you have this thing inside of you, strangling every ounce of happiness you can muster. My body is an efficient happy-though-killing machine.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “The two of them fitting, interlocking, like mothers and daughters are supposed to. Fitting in a way that I never have. My edges have always been too sharp, my grooves too deep.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “The problem with suicide, which most people don’t realize, is that it’s really hard to follow through. I know, I know. People are always yammering on and on about how “suicide is the coward’s way out.” And I guess it is – I mean, I am giving up, surrendering. Running away from my black hole of a future, preventing myself from growing into the person I’m terrified of becoming. But just because it’s cowardly doesn’t guarantee it’s going to be easy.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “You’re like a grey sky. You’re beautiful, even though you don’t want to be.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “FrozenRobot of all people should know that there is nothing beautiful or endearing or glamorous about sadness. Sadness is only ugly, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t get it.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “You seemed lost and found at the same time. And that’s how I usually feel too.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “He can’t make me love him when he’s going to leave me.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “It’s just hard to constantly feel like your identity is up for debate or that it’s okay for strangers to make random guesses about it.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I like other people’s words. They fill me up.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “I don’t understand how someone who’s not in your life anymore can make all the difference.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “He put his hand out and I grab it. His grip is weak and loose, unlike when he squeezed my hand at the carnival. And this time, I can feel my hand. I can feel everything. And I want to keep feeling everything. Even the painful, awful, terrible things. Because feeling things is what lets us know that we’re alive. And I want to be alive.”
Jasmine Warga Quote: “People are funny. The longer you are around them, the more you start to realise that everyone makes the same motions over and over again. We all want to believe that every day is different, that every day we change, but really, it seems that certain things are coded into us from the very beginning.”
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