
Top 450 Joe Hill Quotes (2025 Update)
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Joe Hill Quote: “You could just tell she was the best kind of trouble.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It took a clever man to figure out a way to make a profit off his bad habits.”
Joe Hill Quote: “You been, like, sitting out here for a while,” he said. “Do you want me to bring you a blanket or a dead tauntaun or something?”
Joe Hill Quote: “It was incomprehensible that her entire life had been a carousel of unhappiness, drinking, failed promises, and loneliness, all turning around and around a single afternoon encounter with this man.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Death and ruin is man’s preferred ecosystem.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It’s easy to dismiss religion as bloody, cruel, and tribal. I’ve done it myself. But it isn’t religion that’s wired that way – it’s man himself. At bottom every faith is a form of instruction in common decency. Different textbooks in the same class. Don’t they all teach that to do for others feels better than to do for yourself? That someone else’s happiness need not mean less happiness for you?”
Joe Hill Quote: “I have to tell you, heroin dealers and meth slingers have made your country a wretched place to be a simple, honest drug dealer who wants to give his customers a lovingly curated experience.”
Joe Hill Quote: “I think if you cheat in a ethics class then there’s really no hope for you.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Don’t believe everything you hear today.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It was bad enough to be stuck in a pipe with a porcupine, worse to be in there with a lunatic, even if the lunatic happened to be herself.”
Joe Hill Quote: “If you hated someone, she was at least worthy of your passion.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Keys turn both ways. You can lock something away... But you can also throw a bolt and set something free.”
Joe Hill Quote: “People just have to keep on going, because you never know when something wonderful is going to happen.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It was as if the day’s whole motion had merely described a great circle that was always, inevitably, going to lead him back to where he had started.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Jude had a private collection.”
Joe Hill Quote: “He’d possessed all the key elements of a school shooter: hormones, misery, ammunition. People wondered how something like Columbine could happen. Jude wondered why it didn’t happen more often.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Sometimes it seemed that one of the stars came loose from the firmament and sailed off with dizzying speed to a far corner of the night. In the dark hours before sunrise, constellations came apart and reformed and fell in burning streaks.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Danny did not think coke and computers were anything alike. But Jude had seen the way people hunched over their screens, clicking the refresh button again and again, waiting for some crucial if meaningless hit of information, and he thought it was almost exactly the same.”
Joe Hill Quote: “As a world of shared ideas, Twitter is a kind of Inscape in and of itself, and a good one.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Basically, it comes down do this: You can live life as a cripple or a coward. What happens now is up to you.”
Joe Hill Quote: “The memory of that day in the dump made him a little sentimental for his father – they had had some good times together, and Buddy had made a decent meal in the end. Really, what else could you ask from a parent?”
Joe Hill Quote: “He had tried to explain the way he felt to Danny once, about compulsive behavior and time rushing too fast and the Internet and drugs. Danny had only lifted one of his slender, mobile eyebrows and stared at him in smirking confusion. Danny did not think coke and computers were anything alike. But Jude had seen the way people hunched over their screens, clicking the refresh button again and again, waiting for some crucial if meaningless hit of information, and he thought it was almost exactly the same.”
Joe Hill Quote: “They had forgotten their own names, the voices of their mothers, the faces of their fathers.”
Joe Hill Quote: “In the winter, when you’re cold, the world extends no more than a foot in any direction.”
Joe Hill Quote: “The pills I take are a paperweight. All they do is pin the fantasies down. But they’re still there, and any strong wind that comes along, I can feel them rattling around, trying to slip free.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Talking to her now was like flailing his hands at a storm of hornets. It did nothing, and it stung, and yet he couldn’t stop himself.”
Joe Hill Quote: “The girl worked the clutch and the gas and the brake expertly with her right foot, just as her father had taught her.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Getting old is no way to stop being young.”
Joe Hill Quote: “But before that there’d been summer days in the barn while he rebuilt the Mustang. There’d been John Prine on the radio, the sweet smell of hay baking in the heat, and afternoons filled with her lazy, pointless questions – a never-ending interrogation that was, at turns, tiresome, amusing, and erotic. There’d been her body, tattooed and icy white, with the bony knees and skinny thighs of a long-distance runner. There’d been her breath on his neck.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Ecstasy? Like the drug?” Michelle asked. “Wow. Trippy. They were into that back then?” “No. Not like the drug. Like fun. She’s a symbol of never-ending fun.”
Joe Hill Quote: “As she stood there looking about, that radio sound resolved into the bluff baritone of Burl Ives, encouraging all the world to have a holly jolly Christmas, and never mind it was the third week of March. The voice was coming from the attached garage, a dingy building with a single roll-up door and four square windows looking into it, milky with filth.”
Joe Hill Quote: “He had heard it the way he wanted to hear it. He had known what he had wanted to know. Maybe it was always that way for almost everyone.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Reality had briefly slid aside one of its black, opaque panels, to give him a glimpse of the gears that ticked behind it. Saunders had discovered a universal constant, like gravity or the quantum nature of light. No matter where you went – no matter how ancient the traditions, no matter how grand the history, no matter how awe-inspiring the landscape – there was always a market for a cheap Happy Meal.”
Joe Hill Quote: “When it came to producing a state of focus, quiet contentment, and inner peace, Zen meditation ran a very distant second to caffeine.”
Joe Hill Quote: “A lot of his songs, when they started out, sounded like old music. They arrived on his doorstep, wandering orphans, the lost children of large and venerable musical families. They came to him in the form of Tin Pan Alley sing-alongs, honky-tonk blues, Dust Bowl plaints, lost Chuck Berry riffs. Jude dressed them in black and taught them to scream.”
Joe Hill Quote: “The last man she’d dated said something to her, shortly before they broke up: “I don’t know, maybe I’m boring, but I never really feel like you’re there when we’re out to dinner. You live in your head. I can’t. No room for me in there. I don’t know, maybe you’d be more interested in me if I were a book.”
Joe Hill Quote: “He had always known he would go out this way: on fire. He had always known that rage was flammable, dangerous to store under pressure, where he had kept it his whole life.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Just think, if you had a gun” he said to her “This story might have a different ending.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Wayne didn’t interact with nature. He took pictures of it with his iPhone and then bent over the screen and poked at it. His favorite thing about the lake house was that it had Wi-Fi.”
Joe Hill Quote: “In her experience it was very difficult to offer a man affection and kindness without giving him the impression you were also offering a lay.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Ideas are as real as rocks.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It did no good to tell himself that it was all in his head if it went on happening anyway. His belief was not required; his disbelief of was no consequence.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It is my belief that, as a rule, creatures of Happy’s ilk – I am thinking here of canines and men both – more often run free than live caged, and it is in fact a world of mud and feces they desire, a world with no Art in it, or anyone like him, a place where there is no talk of books or God or the worlds beyond this world, a place where the only communication is the hysterical barking of starving and hate-filled dogs.”
Joe Hill Quote: “If you were going to live in hell on earth, there was something to be said for being one of the devils.”
Joe Hill Quote: “She banged the stick against the side of the pipe, drew it back, and lanced it at the porcupine. “I’ll be a candle right up your ass, you don’t keep waddling, fat boy,” she half sang, half choked. He.”
Joe Hill Quote: “It went to show that no one knew, when they abandoned a thing, what misuses it would be put to later by others.”
Joe Hill Quote: “Ig knew her, of course. It was the same woman who had served him and Merrin drinks on their last night together. Her face was framed by two wings of lank black hair that curled under her long, pointed chin, so she looked like the female version of the wizard who was always giving Harry Potter such a hard time in the movies. Professor Snail or something. Ig had been waiting to read the books with the children he and Merrin planned to have together.”
Joe Hill Quote: “I had discovered some time ago that nothing frees the mind like dropping the pants. Try it if you doubt me. American productivity would, I believe, nearly double if everyone were free to work pantsless.”
Joe Hill Quote: “A little north of Boston, there was something called LOVECRAFT KEYHOLE; it was a crater in the rough shape of a padlock.”
Joe Hill Quote: “The idea that her death should precede his was worse than intolerable, it was obscene.”
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