
Top 450 Laurell K. Hamilton Quotes (2025 Update)
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Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt said that. It is a quote I try to live by.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “If I was truly as brave as I thought I was, I’d have let him go. But I loved him, and I wasn’t that brave.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I wasn’t afraid of him anymore, because I could smell his fear. You never had to be afraid of anything that was afraid of you.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “If it works out, it’s the best thing in the world. If it doesn’t work out, it’s like having your heart torn out and chopped up into little pieces while you watch. It leaves a big hollow space that never really heals.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Ma petite is not a subtle woman. Unless you say it, she will not understand it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “He was too perfect, so I had to poke at it. Our relationship worked too well, so I had to see if I could break it. Not really break it, but see how far it would bend. I had to test it, because what good was something that couldn’t be tested?”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “It was basically a legal version of the sheriff standing out in front of the saloon in the Old West and saying, ‘Let’s form a posse and go get these guys.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “A little boy who’s discovered the monster under the bed is actually real, and it’s screwing Mommy.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Just another day in my life. This was one of those days when I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell had I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man’s heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six. Funny how phallic objects are always more useful the bigger they are. Anyone who tells you size doesn’t matter has been seeing too many small knives.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “All fear is the same no matter the cause of it; you conquer or are conquered by it. I wasn’t into losing, not even to myself, maybe especially to myself.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “It wasn’t just my beast’s hunger, but Jean-Claude’s blood thirst and Richard’s craving for flesh. It was all that and the ardeur running through all of it, so that one hunger fed into the next in an endless chain, a snake eating it’s own tail, an Ouroboros of desires.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “There are so few true villains, just other screwed-up people who pass the damage on.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I talk to myself everyone once in a while. Give myself very good advice. Sometimes I even take it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Children make that big a difference to you? He asked. I nodded. Yeah, they do. I never figured you as the maternal type. I’m not, but kids are people, Edward, little people trapped by the choices the adults around them make.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I want a kiss to be so believable it gives the reader shivers.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I sipped my own coffee, heavy on the sugar and cream, trying to make up for the late work the night before. Caffeine and sugar, the two basic food groups.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I so wanted out of this conversation, but it was like a car accident: Once you started spinning, you could only wait and see what you hit.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “One of my favorite things about hanging out with the monsters is the healing. Straight humans seemed to get killed on me a lot. Monsters survived. Let’s hear it for the monsters.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Money doesn’t spend in hell, Wilkes. The devil deals in a different coin.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “One of the many reasons that Padma will always be a secondary power on the Council is his belief that all power must be taken, that all power must come through fear. True power comes when others offer it to you and you merely accept it as a gift, not as the spoils of some personal war.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Since we’re made in God’s image, this must be from Him, so even God must need an “atta boy,” an out-loud, in-your-head “Thank you, great job on that sunset and that platypus was a brilliant fun idea.” Maybe that’s why we’re supposed to pray the way we do, because without it God would be lonely.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “One serial killer sends me a human head in a box, and I get all spooked; Go figure.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “If your life works, and you work in it, then it’s okay, whatever is happening is okay.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Most hatred is based on fear, one way or another.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “What is love? Sometimes it’s just letting yourself be who and what you are, and letting the person you’re supposed to love be who and what he is too. Or maybe what and who they are.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I wasn’t crying, my eyes were running. My eyes were running because there were pieces of zombies all over my toys. Jesus.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “There comes a point where you just love someone. Not because they’re good, or bad, or anything really. You just love them. It doesn’t mean you’ll be together forever. It doesn’t mean you won’t hurt each other. It just means you love them. Sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. And you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Most hatred is based on fear, one way or another. Yeah. I wrapped myself in anger, with a dash of hate, and at the bottom of it all was an icy center of pure terror.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “He said, softly, “Sorry, Jimmy.” He still didn’t cry. I would have cried. But then, women have more chemicals in their tear ducts. It makes us tear up easier than men. Honest.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Silk didn’t care if it slid over scars or smooth, untouched skin. I’d earned my right to be paranoid.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “He whispered, “More than life, more than honor, I love thee.” What do you say when a man whose entire existence had been his honor offers to give it up for you? You say the only thing you can. “More than any crown or throne or title, I love thee,” I said. “More than any power in faerie, I love thee.” The.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I’d been willing to kill for the people I loved for a very long time; now I had to start living for them.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “You’d think a sociopath assassin wouldn’t have a fan following but he does.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I’d have much rather gotten dragged into someone else’s fight than face what was waiting for me. Other people’s emotional pain, no matter how painful, is so much less painful than your own.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Revenge was always the easy part; the hard part was living with it afterward.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Truth could be violent, could strip you of dignity and hope just as quickly as a gun.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I thought we were the good guys,” he said, and it had that note of a child who finally realizes that sometimes good and evil aren’t so much opposites, as two sides of a coin. You toss it one way, and it looks good, another way, and it’s evil. Sometimes it just depends on which end of the gun you’re on.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Besides I’m a sucker for a pair of pretty eyes.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “There had to be a circle of Hell where you were eternally fourteen, eternally in junior high. One of the lower circles.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I give good advice. I do not always take it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “If you have a choice between extra makeup or extra weapons always take the weapons. Just the fact that you’re debating between those two choices proves that you’re going to need the weapons more.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “The Catholic Church sees voluntary vampirism as a kind of suicide. I tend to agree. Though the Pope also excommunicated all animators, unless we ceased raising the dead. Fine; I became Episcopalian.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “A vampire victim. I’d never seen a lone kill. They were like potato chips; once a vamp tasted them, he couldn’t stop at just one.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “He had this old southern idea of what a lady should be. A lady should not carry a gun and spend most of her time covered in blood and corpses. I had two words for that attitude. Yeah, those are the words.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “There’s Only so much emotional super glue in a person’s soul, that everything just stays broken.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “My Spidey-sense had been tingling since I found the empty car. Sometimes it’s not paranoia; it’s just the truth.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Knock your bad self out.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “I was still left with having to peel the tape off my arm, and the IV itself had to come out, mustn’t forget that. “If you want it fast, I’ll do it,” Edward said. I nodded, and he ripped the tape off my arm along with the IV. “Ow!” He smiled. “Sissy.” “Sociopath.” Doctor.”
Laurell K. Hamilton Quote: “Vampires were always either trying to kill me, or own me. God I hated being popular.”
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