
Top 300 Lord Chesterfield Quotes (2025 Update)
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Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Since attaining the full use of my reason no one has ever heard me laugh.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Smooth your way to the head, through the heart. The way of reason is a good one; but it is commonly something longer, and perhapsnot so sure.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Second-rate knowledge, and middling talents, carry a man farther at courts, and in the busy part of the world, than superior knowledge and shining parts.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Speak the language of the company you are in; speak it purely, and unlarded with any other.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Experience only can teach men not to prefer what strikes them for the present moment, to what will have much greater weight with the them hereafter.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Letters should be easy and natural, and convey to the persons to whom we send them just what we should say to the persons if we were with them.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “When one is at play, one should not think of one’s learning.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “The world can doubtless never be well known by theory: practice is absolutely necessary; but surely it is of great use to a young man, before he sets out for that country, full of mazes, windings, and turnings, to have at least a general map of it, made by some experienced traveler.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “It may be objected, that I am now recommending dissimulation to you; I both own and justify it. It has been long said: Qui nescitdissimular nescit regnare: I go still farther, and say, that without some dissimulation, no business can be carried on at all.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Gratitude is a burden upon our imperfect nature.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Choose the company of your superiors whenever you can have it.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Enjoy pleasures, but let them be your own, and then you will taste them.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “The greatest dangers have their allurements, if the want of success is likely to be attended with a degree of glory. Middling dangers are horrid, when the loss of reputation is the inevitable consequence of ill success.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “People will no more advance their civility to a bear, than their money to a bankrupt.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Honest error is to be pitied not ridiculed.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Gold and silver are but merchandise, as well as cloth or linen; and that nation that buys the least, and sells the most, must always have the most money.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Most arts require long study and application; but the most useful of all, that of pleasing, only the desire.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “We are really so prejudiced by our educations, that, as the ancients deified their heroes, we deify their madmen.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “He adorned whatever subject he either spoke or wrote upon, by the most splendid eloquence.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Next to doing things that deserve to be written, nothing gets a man more credit, or gives him more pleasure than to write things that deserve to be read.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Custom has made dancing sometimes necessary for a young man; therefore mind it while you learn it, that you may learn to do it well, and not be ridiculous, though in a ridiculous act.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “It seems to me that physical sickness softens, just as moral sickness hardens, the heart.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “At any age we must cherish illusions, consolatory or merely pleasant; in youth, they are omnipresent; in old age we must search for them, or even invent them. But with all that, boredom is their natural and inevitable accompaniment.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “The heart never grows better with age; I fear rather worse, always harder.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Men are much more unwilling to have their weaknesses and their imperfections known than their crimes.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Whoever plays deep must necessarily lose his money or his character.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “I do not think that a Physician should be admitted into the College till he could bring proofs of his having cured, in his own person, at least four incurable distempers.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Armies, though always the supporters and tools of absolute power for the time being, are always the destroyers of it too; by frequently changing the hands in which they think proper to lodge it.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Love has been not unaptly compared to the small-pox, which most people have sooner or later.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “I really think next to the consciousness of doing a good action, that of doing a civil one is the most pleasing; and the epithet which I should covet the most next to that of Aristides, would be that of well-bred.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “So much are our minds influenced by the accidents of our bodies, that every man is more the man of the day than a regular and consequential character.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Statesmen and beauties are very rarely sensible of the gradations of their decay.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “No woman ever yet either reasoned or acted long together consequentially; but some little thing, some love, some resentment, somepresent momentary interest, some supposed slight, or some humour, always breaks in upon, and oversets their most prudent resolutions and schemes.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Man is more himself, man is more manlike, when joy is the fundamental thing in him, and grief the superficial.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Every man is to be had one way or another and every woman almost anyway.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Ugliness is a letter of credit for some special purposes.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “The company of women of fashion will improve your manners, though not your understanding; and that complaisance and politeness, which are so useful in men’s company, can only be acquired in women’s.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Keep carefully not of all scrapes and quarrels. They lower a character extremely; and are particularly dangerous in France, wherea man is dishonoured by not resenting an affront, and utterly ruined by resenting it.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “In friendship, as well as in love, the mind is often the dupe of the heart.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “A man must have a good share of wit himself to endure a great share in another.”
Lord Chesterfield Quote: “Lady – – is safely delivered of a son, to the great joy of that noble family. The expression, of a woman’s having brought her husband a son, seems to be a proper and cautious one; for it is never said, from whence.”
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