
Top 300 Louis L'Amour Quotes (2025 Update)
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Louis L'Amour Quote: “I wonder why it is the man who pleads for mercy never gives it.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “The only way men or women can be judged is against the canvas of their own time.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “But even the law cannot be in your bedroom at night.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I think the greatest gift anyone can give to another is the desire to know, to understand. Life is not for simply watching spectator sports, or for taking part in them; it is not for simply living from one working day to the next. Life is for delving, discovering, learning.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “It is a living. It is enough. I am free. The nights are long and quiet, the mornings cool and bright, I live with the sun, the moon, and the stars. The air is fresh where I am, and there is no one to hurry me or to demand this or that of me.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “When a man picks up a gun he picks up responsibility. He has a dangerous weapon, and he’d better have coolness and discretion... He’d better have judgment. That other man who wears a gun also has a family, a home, he has hopes, dreams, ambitions. If you’re human, you must think of that. Nobody in his right mind takes a human life lightly.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Historical novels are, without question, the best way of teaching history, for they offer the human stories behind the events and leave the reader with a desire to know more.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Folks can’t seem to realize that it isn’t a smooth talker we need in there but a steady man, a man with judgement. Any medicine-show man can spout words, if they are written for him. It takes no genius to sound well. To act right and at the right time is something else again.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “It is an old custom of these people to pick up a stone and toss it on the pile. Perhaps it is a symbolical lightening of the load they carry, perhaps a small offering to the gods of the trails.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “What can the will do when the heart commands?”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I’ve noticed... that whenever a man is asked to be realistic he is being asked to betray something in which he believes. It is the favorite argument of those who believe that only the end matters, not the means.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “The desert preserves. What other lands destroy, the desert keeps. It accepts dead things, holds them close, and draws away the rot that would destroy; given time, it mummifies or crystalizes.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Avoid conflict and trouble, for enough of it fetches to a man without his asking.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I’m like a big old hen. I can’t cluck too long about the egg I’ve just laid because I’ve got 5 more inside me pushing to get out.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “After a few days, I mused, I would have no trouble. Whoever heard of a revolution of fat men?”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “How lonely were these silent hills! How reaching out for the sounds of men, for I believe a land needs people to nurse its flesh and bring from it the goodness of crops.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Nobody is ever convinced by argument, anyway. They just think up new reasons for maintaining old positions and become more defensive.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Hate would destroy him who hated.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “For a man with an education the world is a wide place and the opportunities are many.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “The trees are aware, and the bushes. The birds and small animals are aware, and they listen, hesitant, suspecting. Awareness of danger is an element of their being. It is like their breathing, like the blood in their veins, and one who lives much with the wilderness become so aware, too... Half of woodcraft is attention, and all of survival.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “You can make laws against weapons but they will be observed only by those who don’t intend to use them anyway. The lawless can always smuggle or steal or even make a gun. By refusing to wear a gun you allow the criminal to operate with impunity.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Enemies can be an incentive to survive and become someone in spite of them. Enemies can keep you alert and aware.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “We were young then, and the West was young, with the land broad and bright before us. We knew, whatever the truth was, that every horse could be ridden, every man whipped, every girl loved.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Knowledge is awareness, and to it there are many paths, not all of them paved with logic.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “A quiet man I was, and not one to provoke a quarrel, but if set upon I would fight back. I do not say this in boasting, for it was as much a part of me as the beating of my heart. It was bred in the blood-line of those from whom I come, and I could not be other than I am.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “A man often creates an image of a girl in his mind but when it comes right down to it that’s the only place the girl exists.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Actors, politicians, and writers-all of us are but creatures of the hour. Long-lasting fame comes to but few.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “How long is a girl a child? She is a child, and then one morning you wake up she’s a woman, and a dozen different people of whom you recognize none.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Adventure is just a romantic name for trouble. It sounds swell when you write about it, but it’s hell when you meet it face to face in a dark and lonely place.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, ‘He was a man who didn’t believe in violence, He’s a good man... and dead.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I would not have the old ways die, for all people in their own way find a path to wisdom. Each way can be a good way. Each has something to offer the world.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Our libraries are not cloisters for an elite. They are for the people, and if they are not used, the fault belongs to those who do not take advantage of their wealth.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “And then there’s the gun itself. No man in his right mind will play with a gun. I’ve seen show-offs doing fancy spins and all that. No real gun-fighter ever did. With a hair-trigger, he’d be likely to blow a hole in his belly. The gun-fighter knows enough of guns to be wary of them. He treats them with respect. A pistol was never made for anything except killing, and a gunfighter never draws a gun unless to shoot, and he shoots to kill.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Beware of those who would use violence, too often it is violence they want and neither truth nor freedom.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I fear there will be no future for those who do not change.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “No one can “get” an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process. If it does nothing else, it should provide students with the tools for learning, acquaint them with methods of study and research, methods of pursuing an idea. We can only hope they come upon an idea they wish to pursue.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “I was raised up where folks looked to the hills, only up where we came from you hadn’t chance to look much higher, we were that near the top of the ridge.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Trade is much superior to piracy. You can rob and kill a man but once, but you can cheat him again and again.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “This is a story of an adventure in education, pursued not under the best of conditions.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “All that was speculation, and a man can get carried away by a reasonable theory. Often a man finds a theory that explains things and he builds atop that theory, finding all the right answers... only the basic theory is wrong. But that’s the last thing he will want to admit.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Much of the study of history is a matter of comparison, of relating what was happening in one area to what was happening elsewhere, and what had happened in the past. To view a period in isolation is to miss whatever message it has to offer.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “The Bible, of course, for aside from religion there is much to be learned of men and their ways in the Bible. It is also a source of comments made of references and figures of speech. No man could consider himself educated without some knowledge of it.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Reading without thinking is nothing, for a book is less important for what it says than for what it makes you think.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Because a man plays a king superbly well does not mean that he would make a good king.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “If you’re going to have peace rather than violence, both sides have got to want it. One side alone can’t make peace.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “If you write a book set in the past about something that happened east of the Mississippi, it’s a ‘historical novel.’ If you write about something that took place west of the Mississippi, it’s a ‘Western’- and somehow regarded as a lesser work. I write historical novels about the frontier.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “A name is what a man makes it,” I.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “You killed Rice Wheeler,” he said, “the Panhandle gunman. “He should have stayed in the Panhandle,” I said.”
Louis L'Amour Quote: “Courage and bravery are words too often used, too little considered. It is one thing to speak them, another thing to live them.”
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