
Top 350 Margaret Mitchell Quotes (2025 Update)
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Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Suddenly she hated them all because they were different from her, because they carried their losses with an air that she could never attain, would never wish to attain. She hated them, these smiling, light-footed strangers, these proud fools who took pride in something they had lost, seeming to be proud that they had lost it.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Oh, Scarlett, you are so young you wring my heart.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Always providing you have enough courage – or money – you can do without a reputation.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Dearest one, do you remember When we last did meet?”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “He was so tender, so infinitely soothing, she longed to stay in his arms forever. With such strong arms about her, surely nothing could harm her.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “If for no other reason she hated the Yankees because they kept her from having real coffee with sugar and thick cream in it.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “It was unreal, grotesquely unreal, that morning skies which dawned so tenderly blue could be profaned with cannon smoke that hung over the town like low thunder clouds, that warm noontides filled with the piercing sweetness of massed honeysuckle and climbing roses could be so fearful, as shells screamed into the streets, bursting like the crack of doom, throwing iron splinters hundreds of yards, blowing people and animals to bits.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “You’re a heartless creature but that’s part of your charm. Though you’ve got more charm than the law allows.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Influence is everything, and guilt or innocence merely an academic question.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “A pain slashed through her heart as savagely as a wild animal’s fangs.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Twill come to you, this love of land.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “So you could not love me? That is as I hoped. For while I like you immensely, I do not love you and it would be tragic indeed for you to suffer twice from unrequited love, wouldn’t it, dear?”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Scarlett O’Hara wasn’t pretty.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “They were all beautiful with the blinding beauty that transfigures even the plainest woman when she is utterly protected and utterly loved and is giving back that love a thousandfold.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “It was not the lifting up of her heart to God that brought this balm, for religion went no more than lip deep with her. It was the sight of her mother’s serene face upturned to the throne of God and His saints and angels, praying for blessings on those whom she loved. When Ellen intervened with Heaven, Scarlett felt certain that Heaven heard. Ellen.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Well fiddle dee dee!”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She only did – did what she felt she had to do. And our men did what they felt they had to do. People must do what they must do. We don’t all think alike or act alike and it’s wrong to – to judge others by ourselves.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “I always intended having you, Scarlett, since that first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks when you threw that vase and swore and proved that you weren’t a lady. I.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Oh, I don’t care! I don’t care what they say!” she whispered, as a sweet madness swept over her.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Once, when she was six years old, she had fallen from a tree, flat on her stomach. She could still recall that sickening interval before breath came back into her body. Now, as she looked at him, she felt the same way she had felt then, breathless, stunned, nauseated.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She thinks I’m a hussy,′ thought Scarlett. ‘And perhaps she’s right at that!”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Then you’ve made the only choice. But there’s a penalty attached, as there is to most things you want. It’s loneliness.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “You’re a pretty person, Scarlett,” he said. “Especially when you are meditating devilment.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “So I think I’ll remove him from your mind forever, this way. I’ll put my hands, so, on each side of your head and I’ll smash your skull between them like a walnut and that will blot him out.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “War and marriage and childbirth had passed over her without touching any deep chord within her and she was unchanged.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Melly is the only woman friend I ever had,” she thought forlornly, “the only woman except Mother who really loved me. She’s like Mother, too. Everyone who knew her has clung to her skirts.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Why be an ostrich?”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Eavesdroppers often hear highly entertaining and instructive things.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “He doesn’t want your mind, the fool, and I don’t want your body. I can buy women cheap. But I do want your mind and your heart, and I’ll never have them, any more than you’ll ever have Ashley’s mind. And that’s why I’m sorry for you.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “It’s a poor person and a poor nation that sits down and cries because life isn’t precisely what they expected it to be.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Oh, it wasn’t fair that she should have a dead husband and a baby yelling in the next room and be out of everything that was pleasant.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “He could no more resist pricking the conceits, the hypocrisies and the flamboyant patriotism of those about him than a small boy can resist putting a pin into a balloon. He neatly deflated the pompous and exposed the ignorant and the bigoted, and he did it in such subtle ways, drawing his victims out by his seemingly courteous interest, that they never were quite certain what had happened until they stood exposed as windy, high flown and slightly ridiculous.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She was less frightened also because life had taken on the quality of a dream, a dream too terrible to be real. It wasn’t possible that she, Scarlett O’Hara, should be in such a predicament, with the danger of death about her every hour, every minute. It wasn’t possible that the quiet tenor of life could have changed so completely in so short a time.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Would it please you if I said your eyes were twin goldfish bowls filled to the brim with the clearest green water and that when the fish swim to the top, as they are doing now, you are devilishly charming?”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Well, none of us, as far as I can see, are doing what we intended to do right now, but I think we’ll make out just the same. It’s a poor person and a poor nation that sits down and cries because life isn’t precisely what they expected it to be.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “It was as if the whole world were enveloped in an unmoving blanket of grey smoke. And the whole world was still.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “The best marriages are when the parents choose for the girl. For how can a silly piece like yourself tell a good man from a scoundrel?”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Better to be tormented with memories of Ashley than Charleston accents.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “He thinks the war is all wrong but he’s willing to fight and die anyway, and that takes lots more courage than fighting for something you think is right.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Suddenly she was standing at Tara again with the world about her ears, desolate with the knowledge that she could not face life without the terrible strength of the weak, the gentle, the tender-hearted.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “As though she thought I was to blame for what happened,” Scarlett thought indignantly.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Sometimes she thought that all the people she had ever known were strangers except Rhett. “Can’t.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Peace had failed her and Ashley had failed her, both in the same day, and it was as if the last crevice in the shell had been sealed, the final layer hardened. She had.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She had the temper of a Tartar and the rages of a wild cat and, at such times, she did not seem to care what she said or how much it hurt.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Yes, life has a glitter now-of a sort. That’s what’s wrong with it. The old days had no glitter but they had a charm, a beauty, a slow-paced glamour.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “Ashley was imprisoned forever by words which were stronger than any jail.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “You have all the passion for life I lack.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She knew she had changed too, but not as they had changed, and it puzzled her. She sat and watched them and she felt herself an alien among them, as alien and lonely as if she had come from another world, speaking a language they did not understand and she not understanding theirs.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “She raised her chin and her pale, black-fringed eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Ellen had never told her that desire and attainment were two different matters; life had not taught her that the race was not to the swift. She lay in the silvery shadows with courage rising and made the plans that a sixteen-year-old makes when life has been so pleasant that defeat is an impossibility and a pretty dress and a clear complexion are weapons to vanquish fate.”
Margaret Mitchell Quote: “You must not interrupt gentlemen when they are speaking, even if you do think you know more about matters than they do. Gentlemen do not like forward girls.”
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