
Top 250 Matt Ridley Quotes (2025 Update)
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Matt Ridley Quote: “Just like religion, science as an institution is and always has been plagued by the temptations of confirmation bias. With alarming ease it morphs into pseudoscience, even – perhaps especially – in the hands of elite experts, and especially when predicting the future and when there’s lavish funding at stake.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Society works not because we have consciously invented it, but because it is an ancient product of our evolved predispositions. It is literally in our nature.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “This provided an excuse for sidelining questions of independence – until the subject people were ‘ready’. Hailey got the Americans to go along with this, by suggesting a similar line on Southern segregation. Economic betterment would come first; political liberation could wait.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Google has likewise turned itself into a trial-and-error company, by encouraging employees to spend 20 per cent of their time on their own projects.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Then there appeared upon the earth a new kind of hominid, which refused to play by the rules. Without any changes in its body, and without any succession of species, it just kept changing its habits. For the first time its technology changed faster than its anatomy. This was an evolutionary novelty, and you are it. When.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “In America, roughly 15 per cent of jobs are destroyed every year; and roughly 15 per cent created.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “All Britons are descended from the same set of people a mere thirty generations ago.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “A Californian firm called Morning Star Tomatoes has been experimenting with ‘self-management’ for two decades.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The richer and more market-oriented societies have become, the nicer people have behaved.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Every minute, every second, the pattern of genes being expressed in your brain changes, often in direct or indirect response to events outside the body. Genes are the mechanisms of experience.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The real cause of poverty today – now that it is avoidable – is the unchecked power of the state against poor people without rights, says William Easterly.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Henry’s novel The Portrait of a Lady was written in thrall to Darwin’s idea of female choice as a force in evolution.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “As Lord Acton said, great men are mostly bad men.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Prosperity has brought complications. Our lives are busier, faster, more stressful. They’re nostalgic for a simpler, slower time.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The elite gets things wrong, says Douglas Carswell in The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy, ‘because they endlessly seek to govern by design a world that is best organized spontaneously from below’. Public policy failures stem from planners’ excessive faith in deliberate design. ‘They consistently underrate the merits of spontaneous, organic arrangements, and fail to recognize that the best plan is often not to have one.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “It is all but inevitable that we occupy a favoured location, one of the rare neighbourhoods where by-laws allow the emergence of intelligent life.’ No anthropic principle needed.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Doomed every four years to disappointment when a demigod turns out to have feet of clay, when the most powerful man in the world turns out not to have much power to change the world, the American people none the less never lose faith in the presidential religion.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “What if renewable energy rolled out on a grand scale proves so environmentally damaging that it does great harm? Bio-energy, a policy intended to forestall global warming, is already killing hundreds of thousands of people each year by putting up the price of food. Various.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “There has probably never been a generation since the paleolithic that did not deplore the fecklessness of the next and worship a golden memory of the past.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The moral of this story is that autocrats get too much credit for episodes of increased economic freedom,’ wrote William Easterly.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Modern philosophers who aspire to rise above the sordid economic reality of the world would do well to recall that this trade made possible the cross-fertilisation of ideas that led to great discoveries.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Most species do not change their habits during their few million years on earth or alter their lifestyle much in different parts of their range.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Is it not striking that the cost of food and clothing has gone steadily downwards over the past fifty years, while the cost of healthcare and education has gone steadily upwards?”
Matt Ridley Quote: “I am just a node in a huge network of knowledge, trying to capture an ethereal and evolving entity in a few inadequate words.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “This is the diagnostic feature of modern life, the very definition of a high standard of living: diverse consumption, simplified production. Make one thing, use lots.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The most important fact about extreme weather is that the number of deaths caused by floods, droughts and storms has dropped by 93 per cent since the 1920s, despite a trebling of the world population: not because the weather has grown less wild, but because the world has grown rich enough to enable us to protect ourselves better.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “These new people had something special: they were not prisoners of their ecological niche, but could change their habits quite easily if prey disappeared, or better opportunities arose.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “So if gangsters become governments, does this mean that governments began as gangsters?”
Matt Ridley Quote: “A corollary of this perspective is that there is no such thing as a perfect market, an equilibrium or an end state.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Countries where commerce thrives have far less violence than countries where it is suppressed. Does.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “For far too long we have underestimated the power of spontaneous, organic and constructive change driven from below, in our obsession with designing change from above. Embrace the general theory of evolution. Admit that everything evolves.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “I find the world is full of people who think that their dependence on others is decreasing, or that they would be better off if they were more self-sufficient, or that technological progress has brought no improvement in the standard of living, or that the world is steadily deteriorating, or that the exchange of things and ideas is a superfluous irrelevance.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “But if there is one dominant myth about the world, one huge mistake we all make, one blind spot, it is that we all go around assuming the world is much more of a planned place than it is. As a result, again and again we mistake cause for effect; we blame the sailing boat for the wind, or credit the bystander with causing the event.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Language is just as rule-based in its newest slang forms, and just as sophisticated as it ever was in ancient Rome. But the rules, now as then, are written from below, not from above.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The real tragedy of nationalised education is how little innovation it has seen.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Either human beings must be more instinctive, or animals must be more conscious than we had previously suspected. The similarities, not the differences, were what caught the attention.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Humanity is experiencing an extraordinary burst of evolutionary change, driven by good old-fashioned Darwinian natural selection. But it is selection among ideas, not among genes.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “With increasingly money-based interactions among strangers, people increasingly began to think of neighbours as potential trading partners rather than potential prey. Killing the shopkeeper makes no sense.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “Because bodies do not replicate themselves but are grown, whereas genes do replicate themselves, it inevitably follows that the body is merely an evolutionary vehicle for the gene, rather than vice versa.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “The Planned Parenthood Foundation was founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, who thought philanthropy would ‘perpetuate constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents, and dependents’. The organisation’s international arm was headquartered in the offices of the British Eugenics Society as late as 1952.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “In fact the discoveries of Gregor Mendel, which became known to the world in 1900, ought to have killed eugenics stone dead.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “This was socialism without the state. There is no doubt that it would have continued to expand and evolve.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “That is the point of agriculture: it diverts the labour of other species to providing services for human beings.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “It is my proposition that the human race has become a collective problem-solving machine and it solves problems by changing its ways. It.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “As I mentioned earlier, the diagnostic feature of life is that it captures energy to create order.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “It makes more sense to see the body as serving the needs of the genes than vice versa. Bottom–up.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “What was the international reaction to this holocaust? The United Nations Secretary General awarded a prize to General Qian in 1983, and recorded his ‘deep appreciation’ for the way in which the Chinese government had ‘marshalled the resources necessary to implement population policies on a massive scale’.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “In short, the explosion in sub-prime lending was a thoroughly top–down, political project, mandated by Congress, implemented by government-sponsored enterprises, enforced by the law, encouraged by the president and monitored by pressure groups.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “An extraordinarily nimble synthesist, Ridley leaps from chromosome to chromosome in a handy summation of our ever increasing understanding of the roles that genes play in disease, behavior, sexual differences and even intelligence. More important, though, he addresses not only the ethical quandaries faced by contemporary scientists but the reductionist danger in equating inheritability with inevitability.” – The New Yorker.”
Matt Ridley Quote: “People increased their birth rate in response to high child death rates. Make them richer and healthier and they would have fewer babies, as had already happened in Europe, where prosperity had led birth rates down, not up.”
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