
Top 380 Paul Auster Quotes (2025 Update)
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Paul Auster Quote: “You tend to feel very hurt when people attack you and feel indifferent when you get praise. You think, ‘Of course they like it. They should like it.’”
Paul Auster Quote: “We are all aliens to ourselves, and if we have any sense of who we are, it is only because we live inside the eyes of others.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I was looking for a quiet place to die. Someone recommended Brooklyn.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Stories without endings can do nothing but go on forever, and to be caught in one means that you must die before your part in it is played out.”
Paul Auster Quote: “We find ourselves only by looking to what we’re not.”
Paul Auster Quote: “When you live in the city, you learn to take nothing for granted. Close your eyes for a moment, turn around to look at something else, and the thing that was before you is suddenly gone. Nothing lasts, you see, not even the thoughts inside you. And you mustn’t waste your time looking for them. Once a thing is gone, that is the end of it.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Even before his death he had been absent, and long ago the people closest to him had learned to accept this absence, to treat it as the fundamental quality of his being. Now that he was gone, it would not be difficult for the world to absorb the fact that he was gone forever. The nature of his life had prepared the world for his death – had been a kind of death by anticipation – and if and when he was remembered, it would be dimly, no more than dimly.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Una mentira nunca puede deshacerse. Ni siquiera la verdad es suficiente.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Each time he took a walk, he felt as though he were leaving himself behind, and by giving himself up to the movement of the streets, by reducing himself to a seeing eye, he was able to escape the obligation to think, and this, more than anything else, brought him a measure of peace, a salutary emptiness within.”
Paul Auster Quote: “When I think of Tokyo Story, yeah, it is like a novella. That doesn’t mean it’s not great. Some of my favorite Tolstoy works are his novellas.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Something happens, Blue thinks, and then it goes on happening forever. It can never be changed, can never be otherwise.”
Paul Auster Quote: “There is a double rhythm in all human beings. We are binary beings – two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears. Two legs for walking. And the heartbeat thumping in our chest mirrors that.”
Paul Auster Quote: “New York was an inexhaustible space, a labyrinth of endless steps, and no matter how far he walked, no matter how well he came to know its neighborhoods and streets, it always left him with the feeling of being lost.”
Paul Auster Quote: “It became a habit of mine never to leave the house without a pencil in my pocket.”
Paul Auster Quote: “What will happen when there are no more pages in the red notebook?”
Paul Auster Quote: “Come sono felice quando penso a tutti i libri che ancora non ho letto, centinaia, migliaia di libri. Quante cose belle mi aspettano!”
Paul Auster Quote: “Our hearts know what is in them, even if our mouths remain silent. And the world will know what it is, even when nothing remains in our hearts.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Most people just want to be part of the world, they want to live, love, and enjoy themselves – to take part in the world around them. Whereas artists are always retreating, locking the door, and inventing other worlds.”
Paul Auster Quote: “We’re outsiders, and so when we walk through the city, we’re there and not there at the same time, participating and observing simultaneously.”
Paul Auster Quote: “The gods looked down from their mountain and shrugged.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Some people are great, and they approach each work with honesty, and that’s wonderful. But when people have built up a sort of resentment or animosity for reasons that are hard to put your finger on, they read in bad faith.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Eighteen is a terrible age, and while I walked around with the conviction that I was somehow more grown-up than my classmates, the truth was that I had merely found a different way of being young.”
Paul Auster Quote: “In the end, the problem is not so much that people forget, but that they do not always forget the same thing. What still exists as a memory for one person can be irretrievably lost for another, and this creates difficulties, insuperable barriers against understanding.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I’m saying you’ll never know if you made the wrong choice or not. You would need to have all the facts before you knew, and the only way to get all the facts is to be in two places at the same time – which is impossible.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Nothing lasts, you see, not even the thoughts inside you. And you musn’t waste your time looking for them. Once a thing is gone, that is the end of it.”
Paul Auster Quote: “If there is nothing, then, but silence, is it not presumptuous of me to speak? And yet, if there had been anything more than silence, would I have felt the need to speak in the first place?”
Paul Auster Quote: “As Uncle Victor had once told me long ago, a conversation is like having a catch with someone. A good partner tosses the ball directly into your glove, making it almost impossible for you to miss it; when he is on the receiving end, he catches everything sent his way, even the most errant and incompetent throws.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I’ve been very lucky in this second marriage. It’s just luck. It’s absolute luck. And I can only marvel at it. So many other things could have happened that didn’t, so overall I feel blessed.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I wrote Report from the Interior was that after I finished Winter Journal, I took a pause, and I realized there was more I wanted to say.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I have difficulty orienting myself in space, and I’m probably one of the few people who gets lost in Manhattan.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Everything solid for a time, and then the sun comes up one morning and the world begins to melt.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Chance is an element of life. What I try to do is study what I call the mechanics of reality as carefully as I can.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Writing has always had a tactile quality for me. It’s a physical experience.”
Paul Auster Quote: “As says who is deeply involved with neuroscience, emotion consolidates memory, and I think that’s true.”
Paul Auster Quote: “All children are love children, he said, but only the best ones are ever called that.”
Paul Auster Quote: “All men contain several men inside them, and most of us bounce from one self to another without ever knowing who we are.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I think all writers are a bit crazy; Damaged souls, incapable of doing anything else.”
Paul Auster Quote: “He wants to say. That is to say, he means. As in the French, “vouloir dire,” which means, literally, to want to say, but which means, in fact, to mean. He means to say what he wants. He wants to say what he means. He says what he wants to mean. He means what he says.”
Paul Auster Quote: “We have missed him in the sunshine, in the storm, in the twilight, ever since.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I don’t read reviews any more, but I’m told by my publisher who gives me an account of what people have been writing and it’s been a very split kind of response.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I’m generous. I give good tips. It’s just – the way I live my life, ironically enough, is: I don’t want anything. I’m not a consumer. I don’t crave objects.”
Paul Auster Quote: “It’s June second, he told himself. Try to remember that. This is New York, and tomorrow will be June third. If all goes well, the following day will be the fourth. But nothing is certain.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Memory, then, not so much as the past contained within us, but as proof of our life in the present. If a man is to be truly present among his surroundings, he must be thinking not of himself, but of what he sees. He must forget himself in order to be there. And from that forgetfulness arises the power of memory. It is a way of living one’s life so that nothing is ever lost.”
Paul Auster Quote: “I cannot say who I will be tomorrow. Each day is new, and each day I am born again. I see hope everywhere, even in the dark, and when I die, I will perhaps become God.”
Paul Auster Quote: “What better portrait of a writer than to show a man who has been bewitched by books?”
Paul Auster Quote: “I project myself so deeply into the characters in novels that I’m not thinking about my own life.”
Paul Auster Quote: “On his best walks, he was able to feel that he was nowhere. And this, finally, was all he ever asked of things: to be nowhere.”
Paul Auster Quote: “There are certain phrases in books of mine, and I don’t know where they came from, or how I was capable of thinking up these formulations. It’s only in the heat of composition that these things occur to you.”
Paul Auster Quote: “It’s always a mystery to me, I have to confess. I’ve never been able to witness the birth of an idea. It seems as if one second, there’s nothing particularly going on, and the next second, something is there.”
Paul Auster Quote: “Dismantling the architecture of my discontent.”
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