
Top 160 Philip Sidney Quotes (2025 Update)
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Philip Sidney Quote: “A noble cause doth ease much a grievous case.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “A just cause and a zealous defender make an imperious resolution cut off the tediousness of cautious discussions.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “High honor is not only gotten and born by pain and danger, but must be nursed by the like, else it vanisheth as soon as it appears to the world.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The lightsome countenance of a friend giveth such an inward decking to the house where it lodgeth, as proudest palaces have cause to envy the gilding.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “O sweet woods, the delight of solitariness!”
Philip Sidney Quote: “He whom passion rules, is bent to meet his death.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The violence of sorrow is not at the first to be striven withal; being, like a mighty beast, sooner tamed with following than overthrown by withstanding.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Lovely sweetness is the noblest power of woman, and is far fitter to prevail by parley than by battle.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Every present occasion will catch the senses of the vain man; and with that bridle and saddle you may ride him.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The truly great man is as apt to forgive as his power is able to revenge.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Great captains do never use long orations when it comes to the point of execution.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “It is manifest that all government of action is to be gotten by knowledge, and knowledge best, by gathering many knowledges, which is reading.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Solitude, the sly enemy that doth separate a man from well-doing.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Hope itself is a pain, while it is overmatched by fear.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Honor, thou strong idol of man’s mind.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The truly great and good, in affliction, bear a countenance more princely than they are wont; for it is the temper of the highest hearts, like the palm-tree, to strive most upwards when it is most burdened.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Since bodily strength is but a servant to the mind, it were very barbarous and preposterous that force should be made judge over reason.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “There is nothing so great that I fear to do it for my friend; nothing so small that I will disdain to do it for him.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Inquisitiveness is an uncomely guest.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Valor is abased by too much loftiness.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Approved valor is made precious by natural courtesy.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “In the performance of a good action, we not only benefit ourselves, but we confer a blessing upon others.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “When it shall please God to bring thee to man’s estate, use great providence and circumspection in choosing thy wife. For from thence will spring all thy future good or evil; and it is an action of life, like unto a stratagem of war; wherein a man can err but once!”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Doing good is the only certainly happy action of a man’s life.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Often extraordinary excellence, not being rightly conceived, does rather offend than please.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Nothing has a letter effect upon children than praise.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The truly valiant dare everything but doing anybody an injury.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “My thoughts, imprisoned in my secret woes, with flamy breaths do issue oft in sound.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Remember always, that man is a creature whose reason is often darkened with error.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “There needs not strength to be added to inviolate chastity; the excellency of the mind makes the body impregnable.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Some are unwisely liberal, and more delight to give presents than to pay debts.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Indeed, the Roman laws allowed no person to be carried to the wars but he that was in the soldiers roll.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “As in labor, the more one doth exercise, the more one is enabled to do, strength growing upon work; so with the use of suffering, men’s minds get the habit of suffering, and all fears and terrors are not to them but as a summons to battle, whereof they know beforehand they shall come off victorious.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Liking is not always the child of beauty; but whatsoever is liked, to the liker is beautiful.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The general goodness, which is nourished in noble hearts makes every one think that strength of virtue to be in another whereof they find assured foundation in themselves.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “It is a lively spark of nobleness to descend in most favour to one when he is lowest in affliction.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Courage ought to be guided by skill, and skill armed by courage. Neither should hardiness darken wit, nor wit cool hardiness. Be valiant as men despising death, but confident as unwonted to be overcome.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “There is no dearth of charity in the world in giving, but there is comparatively little exercised in thinking and speaking.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “I willingly confess that it likes me better when I find virtue in a fair lodging than when I am bound to seek it in an ill-favored creature.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Much more may a judge overweigh himself in cruelty than in clemency.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “True bravery is quiet, undemonstrative.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “The judgment of the world stands upon matter of fortune.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “It depends on education – that holder of the keys which the Almighty hath put into our hands – to open the gates which lead to virtue or to vice, to happiness or misery.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Misery and misfortune is all one; and of misfortune fortune hath only the gift.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Weigh not so much what men assert, as what they prove. Truth is simple and naked, and needs not invention to apparel her comeliness.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “As well the soldier dieth who standeth still as he that gives the bravest onset.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Remember that in all miseries lamenting becomes fools, and action, wise folk.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “He travels safe and not unpleasantly who is guarded by poverty and guided by love.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “In forming a judgment, lay your hearts void of foretaken opinions; else, whatsoever is done or said, will be measured by a wrong rule; like them who have jaundice, to whom everything appears yellow.”
Philip Sidney Quote: “Woman was formed to admire; man to be admirable. His are the glories of the sun at noonday; hers the softened splendors of the midnight moon.”
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