
Top 300 Philip Yancey Quotes (2025 Update)
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Philip Yancey Quote: “True health is the strength to live, the strength to suffer, and the strength to die.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “When the church joined with the state, it tended to wield power rather than dispense grace.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Like everyone else, evangelicals have a right to present arguments on all the issues, but the moment we present them as part of some “Christian” platform we abandon our moral high ground.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Religious faith – for all its problems, despite its maddening tendency to replicate ungrace – lives on because we sense the numinous beauty of a gift undeserved that comes at unexpected moments from Outside. Refusing to believe that our lives of guilt and shame lead to nothing but annihilation, we hope against hope for another place run by different rules. We grow up hungry for love, and in ways so deep as to remain unexpressed we long for our Maker to love us.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The gospel presents both high ideals and all-encompassing grace. Very often, however, the church tilts one direction or the other. Either it lowers the ideals, adjusting moral standards downward, softening Jesus’ strong commands, rationalizing behavior; or else it pulls in the boundaries of grace, declaring some sins worse than others, some sinners beyond the pale. Few churches stay faithful both to the high ideals of gospel and its bottomless grace.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Whatever else it is, the kingdom of God is decidedly not a call to violent revolution.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “But the Lord say he won’t put more on us than we can stand. If we can’t take it, he’ll be right there beside us giving stren’th we didn’t know we had.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Some people worry that prayer may lead to passivity, that we will retreat to prayer as a substitute for action. Jesus saw no contradiction between the two: he spent long hours in prayer and then long hours meeting human needs.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “All of the images of Jesus and of the kingdom are small things: be a light in the darkness.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “In God’s presence I feel small because I am small.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The promise of pleasures so alluring that we may devote our lives to their pursuit, and then the haunting realization that these pleasures ultimately do not satisfy.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We have not, it seems, the power to abstain from worship. Instead, we swallow the sweet poison, substituting lesser gods for God.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Change came from below, as it usually does, rather than being imposed from above.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “I do not know if that theory is correct, but I do know that singling out one behavior as “sin” and emphasizing it over others provides a convenient way of dodging our own need for grace. High-minded moralism and shrill pronouncements of judgment may help fundraising, but they undermine a gospel of grace.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Could it be that Christians, eager to point out how good we are, neglect the basic fact that the gospel sounds like good news only to bad people?”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The self-sacrificing, servant aspect of the Christian life has many parallels to parenthood.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “From Jesus I learn that, whatever activism I get involved in, it must not drive out love and humility, or otherwise I betray the kingdom of heaven.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “I’m convinced that human beings instinctively seek two things. We long for meaning, a sense that our life somehow matters to the world around us. And we long for community, a sense of being loved.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Health and life, I would say, in the full and final sense of those words, are not what we die out of, but what we die into.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Today, each time an election rolls around Christians debate whether this or that candidate is “God’s man” for the White House. Projecting myself back into Jesus’ time, I had difficulty imagining him pondering whether Tiberius, Octavius, or Julius Caesar was “God’s man” for the empire.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Never do I see Jesus lecturing people on the need to accept blindness or lameness as an expression of God’s secret will; rather, he healed them.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Moreover, conservative Christians have come to accept that Jesus’ gospel applies to the whole person and not just the soul. Didn’t Jesus inaugurate his own ministry with a declaration of good news for the poor, the oppressed, the prisoners, and the blind?”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The Christian sees the world as a transitional home badly in need of rehab, and we are active agents in that project.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The deepest longings we feel on earth, as parents, as lovers, are mere flickers of the hungering desire God feels for us. It is a desire that cost him the Incarnation and the Crucifixion.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “When I don’t know the answer to something, I write a book about it because it gives me a chance to explore it and go to some people who do have the answers.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Along with Chesterton, I’ve had to take my place among those who acknowledge that we are what is wrong with the world. What is my snobbishness toward my childhood church, for instance, but an inverted form of the harsh judgment it showed me?”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Christian faith, which is at its heart about self-giving – God’s self-giving and human self-giving – and not about self-imposing.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “God had “hallowed” creation by separating the sacred from the profane, the clean from the unclean. Jesus did not cancel out the hallowing principle, rather he changed its source. We ourselves can be agents of God’s holiness, for God now dwells within us. In the midst of an unclean world we can stride, as Jesus did, seeking ways to be a source of holiness.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “God has, quite literally, all the time in the world for each one of us.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Jesus’ story makes no economic sense, and that was his intent. He was giving us a parable about grace, which cannot be calculated like a day’s wages. Grace is not about finishing last or first; it is about not counting.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We should leave a worship service asking ourselves not “What did I get out of it?” but rather “Was God pleased with what happened?”
Philip Yancey Quote: “People on sinking ships do not complain of distractions during their prayer.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Jesus, who did not sin, also felt pain.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We grow up hungry for love, and in ways so deep as to remain unexpressed we long for our Maker to love us.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “The deadening part of Bible study is when you think you’ve already got it all figured out.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We should feel dissonance; we are, after all, immortals trapped in mortal surroundings. We lack unity because long ago a gap fissured open between our mortal and immortal parts; theologians trace the fault line back to the Fall.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Sometimes the only meaning we can offer a suffering person is the assurance that their suffering, which has no apparent meaning for them, has a meaning for us.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Release what is good.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Pleasure represents a great good but also a grave danger.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “I could no more pray the Our Father, I could no longer call myself a Christian, if I refuse to forgive. Humanly speaking, I cannot do it, but God will give us his strength!”
Philip Yancey Quote: “I believe Christians walk a mental tightrope and are in constant danger of falling in one of two directions. On this subject, errors in thinking can have tragic results. The first error comes when we attribute all suffering to God, seeing it as his punishment for human mistakes; the second error does just the opposite, assuming that life with God will never include suffering.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “My publisher conducted a website poll, and of the 678 respondents only 23 felt satisfied with the time they were spending in prayer. That.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Christians are simply pilgrims who acknowledge their lostness and their desire for help in finding the way.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Whatever else we may say about it, the atonement fulfills the Jewish principle that only one who has been hurt can forgive. At Calvary, God chose to be hurt.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Man and woman, in a world without suffering, chose against God.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “God is already present in my life and all around me; prayer offers the chance to attend and respond to that presence.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “Politics draws lines between people; in contrast, Jesus’ love cuts across those lines and dispenses grace.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We should do whatever we can to cut through the scum that has grown on our understanding and rediscover freshness.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “We pray because we can’t help it. The.”
Philip Yancey Quote: “God must love art because most of the Bible is expressed in the form of story or poetry.”
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