
Television played its part, too. It exalted the picture and depreciated the word. The “talking head” was considered dull television and to be avoided whenever possible in favor of something, anything, moving, though a head that talks well is a pearl beyond price.

Featured in: Edwin Newman Quotes
Edwin Newman Quote: “Television played its part, too. It exalted the picture and depreciated the word. The “talking head” was considered dull television and to be avoided whenever possible in favor of something, anything, moving, though a head that talks well is a pearl beyond price.”

“Television played its part, too. It exalted the picture and depreciated the word. The “talking head” was considered dull television and to be avoided whenever possible in favor of something, anything, moving, though a head that talks well is a pearl beyond price.”

Edwin Newman

Edwin Newman Quote: “Television played its part, too. It exalted the picture and depreciated the word. The “talking head” was considered dull television and to be avoided whenever possible in favor of something, anything, moving, though a head that talks well is a pearl beyond price.”
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