
Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.

R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”

“Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”

R. Buckminster Fuller

R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
R. Buckminster Fuller Quote: “Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.”
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