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Top 250 Richard Paul Evans Quotes (2024 Update)
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Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Mr. Dallstrom is a bald, scarecrow of a man with a poochy stomache. Think of a pregnant Abraham Lincoln.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Every life can be learned from, as either a flame of hope or a cautionary flare.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “What we fail to realize is that grace is more than our destination, it is the journey itself, manifested in each breath and with each step we take. Grace surrounds us, whirls about us like the wind, falls on us like rain. Grace sustains us on our journeys, no matter how perilous they may be and, make no mistake, they are all perilous. We need not hope for grace, we merely need to open our eyes to its abundance. Grace is all around us, not just in the hopeful future but in the miracle of now.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We all arrive on Earth with a round-trip ticket.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “The past makes a good bishop but a poor king.” “What does that mean?” I said. “It means that it’s good to take counsel from the past but not to be ruled by it. Otherwise we end up using today to fight yesterday’s battles and miss tomorrow’s promise.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “I don’t want to go to Peru. “How do you know? You’ve never been there.” I’ve never been to hell either and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to go there.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “There are none so impoverished as those who do not acknowledge the abundance of their lives.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Life is not a sprint. It was never meant to be. It is just a step of faith after another.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “It has been a mistake living my life in the past. One cannot ride a horse backwards and still hold its reins.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Only those who never step, never stumble.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Some people deal with their problems by talking them to death. In fact, some enjoy the execution so much they resurrect their problems just so they can kill them again.-Nathan Hurst.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Usually the most interesting stories are written not on paper but hearts.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Some so fear the future that they suffocate the present. It’s like committing suicide to avoid being murdered.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We are all in motion. Always. Those who are not climbing toward something are descending toward nothing.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Sometimes our arms are so full with the burdens we carry that it hinders our view of the load those around us are staggering beneath.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “I once read that the secret to happiness is having something to do, something to look forward to, and someone to love.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “In the beginning, I had considered these stops on my journey as interruptions – but I’m coming to understand that perhaps these detours are my journey.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “I have come to believe that we do not walk alone in this life. There are others, fellow sojourners, whose journeys are interwoven with ours in seemingly random patterns, yet, in the end, have been carefully placed to reveal a remarkable tapestry. I believe God is the weaver at that loom.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “I believe that we were meant to live as social creatures, to reach out and bless each other’s lives.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “My grandfather, a devout Christian, had the gift of healing.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “The truest grace is not to forgive, but to have never found fault.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Regret is the most tiresome of companions.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We spend our life building higher fences and stronger locks, when the gravest dangers are already inside.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Raising or caring for children requires sacrifice and service, which, I believe, heals us from the destructive forces of self-centeredness.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “It’s dark times like these that present us the canvas where we paint our own greatness.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Snow is falling outside and all is peaceful and still. In such moments it is possible to believe that the world could still be good.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “There’s no hurt so great that love can’t heal it.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “On the calendar, all days look the same, but they do not carry the same weight.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “The price of happiness is the risk of losing it.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “In the end, it is not by knowledge that we make our journeys but by hope and faith: hope that our walk will be worthy of our steps and faith that we are going somewhere. And only when we come to the end of our journeys do we truly understand that every step of the way we were walking on water.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Love never gives in or up, holding tight to lofty ideals that transcend this earth and time, while its counterfeit simply concludes it was mistaken and quickly runs off to find the next real thing.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Is that it?” Jack asked. “No. That is the Xing zheng yuan Hui an Xun fang Shu.” “I was just going to say that,” Tessa said.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “The concept of spiritual healing was something I was raised with.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “The universe is a trillion, trillion threads moving in seemingly unrelated directions. Yet when you look at them together, they create a remarkable tapestry.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We’re all moons. Sometimes our dark sides overshadow our light.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We cannot enslave others without enslaving a part of ourselves.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Forgiveness does not require us to close our eyes but rather to truly open them.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “We chain ourselves to those we don’t forgive.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “There are people whom we’ve never met in person yet feel closer to than those we brush up against in real life. Kimberly Rossi’s Diary.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “When we hate someone we make them more powerfull than they are.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Humans need to belong. Humans have always needed tribes. Today we find tribes in family or clubs or religion. What happens when we fall out of them? I suppose, in prehistoric times, it was fatal to be cast out of a tribe, to be exiled or excommunicated from the group, away from the people we love and need. Exile from the tribe is a form of execution.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “But more than brave, you have love. And love is brave.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Iwas not a reader at all, not until I discovered ‘The Hobbit.’ That changed my life. It gave me the courage to read. It led me to the ‘Lord of the Rings’ series. And once I’d read that, I knew I could read anything because I had just read thousands of pages.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “It’s been written that, He who does not forgive is guilty of the greater sin. That verse had always confounded me. I had considered it unjust at best and cruel at worst. But these words were not meant as condemnation – rather as illumination of an eternal truth: that to not extend forgiveness is to burn the bridge that we ourselves must cross.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Fate is an excuse for people who are too stupid or too weak to make their own future,” he said.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “A united people is a smoldering revolution. A divided people is a conquered people.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “Don’t try to write what other people are writing – write what is true to you.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “That which we expect of life is indeed all that it ever can be.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “They are like pythons in the jungle. The smallest child can crush a python egg. But let the snake hatch and grow and the python with squeeze and devour the child.”
Richard Paul Evans Quote: “I’ve wondered why the famous congregate with each other. Perhaps it’s to assure each other that they really are as important as they think they are.”
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