
Top 300 Ron Paul Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ron Paul Quote: “Expect the rapidly expanding homeschool movement to play a significant role in the revolutionary reforms needed to rebuild a free society with constitutional protections.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Must there always be “wars and rumors of war”? Accepting the inevitability of war is one thing, but glorifying war in the name of God and claiming that it reflects strong character and patriotism is quite another.”
Ron Paul Quote: “If you care about your personal liberty, you’ll be cautious when you feel comfortable, blame all the illegal immigrants for everything. What you need to do is attack their benefits: no free education, no free subsidies, no citizenship, no birthright citizenship.”
Ron Paul Quote: “One thing is certain: those who worked and voted for less government, the very foot soldiers in the conservative revolution, have been deceived. Today, the ideal of limited government has been abandoned by the GOP, and real conservatives find their views no longer matter.”
Ron Paul Quote: “In the American political lexicon, ‘change’ always means more of the same: more government, more looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more unnecessary war, and more centralization of power.”
Ron Paul Quote: “We don’t need any troops abroad-they don’t help our defense.”
Ron Paul Quote: “When the goal of political action is no longer the defense of liberty, no word other than demagoguery can describe the despicable nature of politics.”
Ron Paul Quote: “A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I take my marching orders from the Constitution.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Paul O’Neill, Bush’s first secretary of the treasury, revealed that at the very first National Security Council meeting the subject of attacking Iraq was on the agenda for discussion. O’Neill lasted in the administration until December of 2002 when he was fired for disagreeing with Bush on the Iraq War and for expressing the danger of the large deficits.”
Ron Paul Quote: “War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures.”
Ron Paul Quote: “American voters should understand that Congress will always find a way to spend every last dollar sent to Washington.”
Ron Paul Quote: “A failing state cannot stop a revolution whose time has come.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454 was voted on last Friday. Proponents claim this bill will help the environment, but what it really does is put another nail in the economy’s coffin.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Unfortunately, the greater the humanitarian outreach, the greater the violence required to achieve it.”
Ron Paul Quote: “A libertarian is somebody who believes, of course, in personal liberty. And liberty is a personal thing; it is not collective. You don’t gain liberty because you belong to a group. So we don’t talk about women’s rights or gay rights or anything else. Everybody has an absolute equal right as an individual, and it comes to them naturally.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I hope every person who reads or hears this will take the time to go back and read the Declaration of Independence. Only by recapturing the spirit of independence can we ensure our government never resembles the one from which the American States declared their separation.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The Congress should not be creating money out of thin air, which is what Lincoln did when he created greenbacks. But it is a congressional responsibility to maintain gold and silver as a legal tender.”
Ron Paul Quote: “All initiation of force is a violation of someone else’s rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it’s supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Everyone assumes America must play the leading role in crafting some settlement or compromise between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But Jefferson, Madison, and Washington explicitly warned against involving ourselves in foreign conflicts.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I would say that I’m pretty mainstream.”
Ron Paul Quote: “If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.”
Ron Paul Quote: “It’s amazing that people don’t understand that the more the market is involved and the smaller the government, the lower the price, the better the distribution, and the higher the quality.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Even today, authors who claim correctly, as Patrick Buchanan does in his book Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, that both World War I and World War II were “unnecessary wars” are shunned and ridiculed. Such a suggestion is so at odds with how history is taught in most US schools that many people are unwilling to even consider arguments backing Buchanan’s conclusion.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Another term for preventive war is aggressive war – starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Big government flourishes under Republicans.”
Ron Paul Quote: “We must educate ourselves and others about our precious civil liberties to ensure that we never accept demands that we give up our Constitution so that the government can pretend to protect us.”
Ron Paul Quote: “We must remember, elections are short-term efforts. Revolutions are long-term projects.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The number one responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Why is it is claimed that if people won’t or can’t take care of their own needs, that people in government can do it for them?”
Ron Paul Quote: “We need to take away the government’s money power. The banking industry needs its welfare check ended. The dollar’s soundness depends on its being untied from the machine that can make an infinite number of copies of dollars and reduce their value to zero.”
Ron Paul Quote: “In wartime, people willing to sacrifice liberty for security.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery, and it is intellectually dishonest.”
Ron Paul Quote: “During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Once created, federal programs are nearly impossible to eliminate.”
Ron Paul Quote: “There should essentially be no limits to the voluntary definition of marriage.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The role of the federal government is to protect our liberties. That means they should protect our religious liberties to do what we want; our intellectual liberty, but it also should protect our right to do to our body what we want, you know, what we take into our bodies.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Why is it that some people, you know, think we should obey the Constitution sometimes and not other times.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The federal government cannot maintain a budget surplus any more than an alcoholic can leave a fresh bottle of whiskey untouched in the cupboard.”
Ron Paul Quote: “The American people are sick and tired of Washington and the people who have been in charge have been passing all these bills and I’ve been voting no all of the time and vote no on these appropriation bills.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I’d like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.”
Ron Paul Quote: “September 11, 2001 turned out to be that “Pearl Harbor event” the neoconservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neocons longed.”
Ron Paul Quote: “I think Israel should be treated as an independent nation and not a puppet of our state.”
Ron Paul Quote: “If economy were good, there’d be no immigration problem.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Cliches about supporting the troops are designed to distract from failed policies, policies promoted by powerful special interests that benefit from war, anything to steer the discussion away from the real reasons the war in Iraq will not end anytime soon.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Americans are tired of the games and the lies of today’s media. They want the truth. Imagine this. No censors, no barricades, no statists. We will be able to engage viewers directly on subjects that matter most to them, from finances to civil liberties to foreign policy.”
Ron Paul Quote: “Government is the enemy of conservatism and freedom.”
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