
Top 300 Sadhguru Quotes (2025 Update)
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Sadhguru Quote: “Every fluctuation on the level of the mind has a chemical reaction in the body, and every chemical reaction in the body in turn generates a fluctuation on the level of the mind.”
Sadhguru Quote: “So the source of your misery is not your past actions. The source of your misery is how you’re processing the imprint of the past now.”
Sadhguru Quote: “By just watching the sunset I become blissful, is that true bliss? When I am saying my prayers if I become blissful, is that true bliss? When I am meditating and have become blissful, is that true bliss?” How you become blissful, it doesn’t matter. Somehow you become blissful. That is all that matters.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Life and death live in me at once Never held one above the other When one stands far, life I offer In closeness, only death I deal In death of the limited Will the deathless be.”
Sadhguru Quote: “The past, present and future are not three different places, they are a single happening, here and now. When you live this moment profoundly, you experience time not serially but simultaneously not as three, but one. You then wake up to the fact that mystics have known since the dawn of time, that this moment is eternity.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Shiva is only meant for those whose greed is unlimited, for those who are not willing to settle for life in instalments, for those who want to become one with the very source of existence. If you go to the ultimate power in existence, you must also be going with the petition for the greatest possibility. You cannot be going with petty things to the big man! From.”
Sadhguru Quote: “When you pursue your own likes and dislikes, you feel alone in this vast existence, constantly insecure, unstable, psychologically challenged. But once existence yields to you, it delivers you to a different place of grace – where every pebble, every rock, every tree, every atom, speaks to you in a language you understand.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Karma is like old software that you have written for yourself, unconsciously. Depending on the type of actions that you perform, you write your software. Once you write a certain type of software, your whole system functions accordingly. Based on the information from the past, certain memory patterns are formed and keep recurring. Now, life is just cyclical.”
Sadhguru Quote: “The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, just melt and become part of the wind around you, the earth around you, become a part of everything. You’re here only for a while. At least when you’re in a place like this, where nobody is going to trample on you, let your defenses down.”
Sadhguru Quote: “In a way, everyone is a ghost. Whether you are a ghost with the body or without a body is the only question.”
Sadhguru Quote: “As far as science is concerned, this same energy which you call as ‘myself’ can be here as a rock, lie there as mud, stand up as a tree, bark as a dog, or sit here as you. Everything is the same energy, but functioning at different levels of capability.”
Sadhguru Quote: “What is the biggest wonder of life?’ Without hesitation, Yudhishthira famously answers, ‘Hundreds and thousands of living beings meet death at every moment, yet the foolish man thinks himself deathless and does not prepare for death. This is the biggest wonder of life.”
Sadhguru Quote: “But to be loving is simply this: a willingness to respond freely and openly. Right now, it may be limited to one or two people in your lives. But it is possible to extend this ability to embrace the entire world.”
Sadhguru Quote: “If you want an element of spirituality to enter your life, the first thing you must do is drop these rigid ideas of virtue and vice, and learn to look at life just the way it is.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Right now your problem is that you suffer what happened ten years ago and you suffer what may happen the day after tomorrow.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Through millions of years of evolution, nature has caged you within certain boundaries – this is the human predicament. But this imprisonment is only on the level of biology. On the level of human consciousness, you are like a bird in a cage without a door. What a tragic irony! It is only out of long aeons of habit that you are refusing to fly free. Life.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Belief is just like morality. People who believe something often think they are superior to others. All that happens the moment you believe something is that your stupidity acquires confidence. Confidence and stupidity are a very dangerous combination, but they generally go together.”
Sadhguru Quote: “If you employ your intelligence and make an attempt to reach your ultimate nature, this is called gnana yoga, or the yoga of knowing.”
Sadhguru Quote: “So, the quality of your life is always decided by how you experience life, not by what life offers you.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Karma is the natural basis of all existence. It is not a law that is imposed from above. It does not allow us to outsource our responsibility anywhere else; it does not allow us to blame our parents, our teachers, our countries, our politicians, our gods, or our fates. It makes each one of us squarely responsible for our own destinies and, above all, the nature of our experience of life.”
Sadhguru Quote: “You discover an indescribable profundity within yourself when you realize your mortal nature.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Emotional pain is a memory that we choose to hold on to. Subconsciously or consciously.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Samadhi is a state of equanimity where the intellect goes beyond its normal function of discrimination. This in turn loosens one from this physical body. A space between what is you and your body is created. Death means the physical body is completely lost. There is no contact with the physical body. Samadhi means that the physical body is intact, but the contact with the physical body has become very minimal.”
Sadhguru Quote: “You have known the pleasure and the convenience of modern science; so why the Dhyanalinga? It is because I want you to know the power, the liberation of another kind of science, the inner science, the yogic science through which you can become the master of your own destiny. That is why the Dhyanalinga. A science like this gives you absolute mastery over life itself.”
Sadhguru Quote: “If you can use it when you want and put it aside when you don’t, the mind can be a fantastic tool.”
Sadhguru Quote: “There was pain. Terrible, unbearable pain. But pain is a natural phenomenon, and it is good. Without it you wouldn’t know if your leg was chopped off. But suffering is another matter altogether. Pain is bad enough; why make it worse with suffering? Suffering is entirely self-created. And every human being has the choice: to suffer or not to suffer. It doesn’t take much intelligence to choose the latter.”
Sadhguru Quote: “The basis of karma yoga is to be involved in the process, not the product.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Unfortunately, these days even so-called spiritual leaders are talking about self-esteem. “Self” and “esteem” are both a problem. Both are very limited entities; both are fragile; both will always be insecure. If you have no esteem, very good. If you have no self, fabulous!”
Sadhguru Quote: “The intellect, which is based on memory, is a wonderful tool. However, it can only inform; it cannot transform.”
Sadhguru Quote: “The quality of our lives is determined by our ability to respond to the varied complex situations that we encounter. If the ability to respond with intelligence, competence, and sensitivity is compromised by a compulsive or reactive approach, we are enslaved by the situation. It means we have allowed the nature of our life experience to be determined by our circumstances, not by us. Being.”
Sadhguru Quote: “If your humanity overflows, divinity will follow and serve you. It has no other choice.”
Sadhguru Quote: “The mind has no tools to enter the unconscious dimensions. Only if you are outside of the mind you can look at everything the way it is. When you are in it, there is no way to dissect yourself. You can catch hold of somebody else and dissect them, but you cannot dissect yourself. Even if you do, you cannot see everything. If you are using any faculty of the mind you cannot truly be aware of the nature of the mind.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Life has no use at all, declared Adiyogi. It is simply a phenomenon. Little acts have purpose. But life is not framed within the narrow grid of utility. It is beyond frames. It is beyond grids. It is beyond utility. If you have a taste of this existence beyond purpose, of life beyond sense, you are enlightened.”
Sadhguru Quote: “It doesn’t matter who I meet, I will never speak to them in a manner that I regret later, because this meeting could be my last.”
Sadhguru Quote: “There is a commonly held belief that rage produces results; that nothing happens in the world without the adrenaline rush of anger. The iconic figure of the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara, famously said, “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, you are a comrade of mine.” Perhaps that is true. But in rage, you become one with a group; out of rage, you become one with the universe.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Everything that ever happened to you, you experienced right within you. Light and darkness, pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy – all of it happened within you. If someone touches your hand right now, you may think you are experiencing their hand, but the fact of the matter is you are only experiencing the sensations in your own hand. The whole experience is contained within. All human experience is one hundred percent self-created.”
Sadhguru Quote: “What you consider to be your personality – the bundle of traits and tendencies that you are – is because of information you have gathered unconsciously. These tendencies have been traditionally described as vasanas. The word “vasana” literally means “smell.” Depending upon what type of garbage is in the bin today, that is the kind of smell that will emanate from it. Depending upon what type of smell you emit, you attract certain kinds of life situations to yourself.”
Sadhguru Quote: “All of the “material-versus-spiritual” struggles of humanity spring from this ignorance. When you say “spirituality,” you are talking about a dimension beyond the physical. The human desire to transcend the limitations of the physical is a completely natural one. To journey from the boundary-based individual body to the boundless source of creation – this is the very basis of the spiritual process.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Robert Frost captured a deep truth when he wrote, “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.” Because your self-preservation instinct keeps telling you, “Unless you have walls you are not safe,” unconsciously you keep building them. Later, you struggle with them. This is an endless cycle.”
Sadhguru Quote: “If you are joyful by your own nature – not because of what is happening around you – then if you really want to have a tag of a good human being, you can take it, but I would say it is better you are a joyful human being, not a good human being.”
Sadhguru Quote: “There is so much talk of God and heaven mainly because human beings have not realized the immensity of being human.”
Sadhguru Quote: “In fact, as we have seen, every subatomic particle in your body is responding in a limitless way to the great dance of energies that is the cosmos. The only reason you are not experiencing the life process in all its majesty and profundity is your current state of mental resistance. Your psychological structure is a stone wall. If you are willing, every moment of your life can be a fantastic experience. Just the act of inhaling and exhaling can be a tremendous love affair.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Mysticism on this planet evolved only in those places where people learned the technology of being ecstatic by their own nature. This is because only when you are blissful will you be in the highest state of receptivity, and truly willing to explore all aspects of life. Otherwise, you would not dare, because if keeping yourself pleasant is a big challenge, you can’t take on other challenges.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Everything may seem to be going your way: your professional life may be flourishing, your capital may be increasing, your family may be thriving, but you are not really getting anywhere. The faster you achieve your success, the faster you realize this.”
Sadhguru Quote: “So, as you do the practice, if you are connected with your consciousness, then the mind is just free. It is so free that everything that you have smelled, tasted, touched, heard and seen is all there. You don’t have to try to remember anything; it is all simply there. You can just pull it back. Memory is not about remembering, memory is just about your ability to bring back the data, isn’t it?”
Sadhguru Quote: “Make a list of all the things that the major religions of the world call a “sin,” and you will find that just to be alive is a sin.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Whatever is in your hands, you keep that in perfect condition; then what is beyond you will anyway happen. But people are always trying to work at what is beyond them, not taking care of what is in their hands.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Somehow in the name of divinity we have just lost our humanity. Don’t talk about divinity, let your humanity overflow. When your humanity overflows, you will touch divinity, otherwise there is no way. It is simply empty talk; it doesn’t get anybody anywhere.”
Sadhguru Quote: “Your destiny is written by you unconsciously. If you have mastery over your physical body, fifteen to twenty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your mind, fifty to sixty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your life energies, a hundred percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands.”
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