
Top 500 Shannon Messenger Quotes (2025 Update)
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Shannon Messenger Quote: “It’s one of those Things That Only Happen to Foster,” Keefe jumped in as Sophie tried to calculate the odds of successfully flinging a piece of furniture through one of her bedroom windows, levitating to freedom, and teleporting to a new life – maybe with Silveny, Greyfell, and their twin babies in a nice, peaceful meadow somewhere.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Keefe’s mind unleashed a bunch of words she’d get in trouble for using.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “The only thing she was desperate to do now was pelt Bronte with sparkly alicorn poop. “I believe the first step is to identify the.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Discussing boy troubles with her mom was about as fun as being dropped into a pile of sparkly alicorn poop.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “And while the decor is somewhat sparse, there are plenty of “Elwin” touches – like the room holding his stuffed animal collection.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Brant offered to let her have it, but Jolie suggested they share, and that was all it took. Instant best friends – completely inseparable.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Actually, I’d rather bunk with Keefe.” Alvar turned to the group and whispered, “Fitz is a cuddler.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Sophie spent most of the walk wondering how long it would take Dex to notice her new accessories. The answer was three seconds – and another after that to notice the matching rings on Fitz’s thumbs.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “I’ll still check the house when I get home and let you know if I see your boy. If he’s there, I’ll hide him in my room and feed him some Rice Krispies or something.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Or it could be a Panakes,” Calla breathed. For a second Sophie thought Calla had said “Pancakes” and found herself picturing a tree made of fluffy griddle cakes drizzled with syrup and butter.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “I can’t tell you that, either,” Mr. Forkle said, and Sophie mouthed his answer along with him, nailing the words and his inflection. “I can’t,” he added, when he noticed Sophie’s mimicry.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “This is just a normal day for you, isn’t it?” Keefe asked... “Go to school, find out you’re covered in a dangerous substance, melt off a few layers of skin, and then hail your bestie the Councillor, tell him you’re ditching study hall to save the world, and he says, ‘Cool, I’ll come with you!”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Though, are you sure that’s a good idea? She already escaped once.” “After thousands of years,” Tam argued. “Still seems like a problem Future You isn’t going to want to deal with,” Ro noted.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Separating me from my charge and withholding information will only cause Sophie harm. Secrets hinder my ability to protect her.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “That’s our girl,” Keefe said quietly as Sophie snatched the green pill and gulped it down before she could change her mind. “Knew she was going to Foster it.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “I’m sure I can figure it out. Just because I don’t have fancy powers doesn’t mean I’m useless.” “Oh, I like her,” Livvy called through the flames. “Tell you what, Feisty Girl.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Don’t. Do not let any guilt cloud your mind – I mean it, Sophie. Not unless.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “His smile faded. “Yeah. He said Fitz was going to need a friend today.” “He said a lot more than that,” Ro muttered. “Relax, Foster,” Keefe said, shooting Ro a glare before he pointed to the crease that had formed between Sophie’s eyebrows. “No need to get all crinkly on me.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Uh, do I really need to remind you that I’m an Empath?” he asked. “Or can I just pelt you with the rest of these Digestives? It’d be way better than having to eat them.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Anyway, back to my brilliant facts – and moving on to number three! Once you confront Bronte – ” “Hopefully in a super-dramatic way,” Ro cut in, making Sophie and Keefe both jump so hard that Sophie’s forehead crashed into Keefe’s chin. “Forgot you weren’t alone?” Ro asked, raising her eyebrows as Keefe pulled away from the hug. Sophie totally had.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Purple sparks crackled at his feet, making him stumble back. “What?” Keefe asked. “Someone needed to make sure they work, right?” He set off another one with a smirk. “Yep, I think we’re good.” Magnate Leto breathed a long-suffering sigh.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Back to nag me already? You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. I hear spelunking’s fun. Oooh, or you could try swimming with the krakens! I doubt they’d eat you – but maybe we’ll get lucky!”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Isn’t that how it always goes?” Rayni countered. “We’re all willing to believe that everything is perfect and shiny and wonderful here in the Lost Cities- until something happens that forces us to admit it’s not.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “And remember, change can be a powerful, inspiring thing when we keep an open mind.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “An earth-shaking ROAR! drowned out Sophie’s reply. “What was that?” Sophie glanced over her shoulder, sure she’d spot some sort of hungry beast come to devour them. Biana pointed to a high branch, where a black parrot-size bird watched over them with glittering dark eyes. “Don’t worry, it’s just a boobrie.” “That’s seriously its name?” “Yup. You should hear the jokes Fitz and Keefe make.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Plus, I was wrestling with an overly protective dog and a supremely mistrustful cat!”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Guilt is a treacherous thing. It creeps in slowly, breaking you down bit by bit.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Never is a long time,” Mr. Forkle told Sophie. “Most things tend to be much more temporary.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “I want to remember Havenfield and Atlantis, and Quinlin and Livvy, and Silveny and Greyfell and everyone else, and – ” “Especially me?” Keefe couldn’t resist jumping in.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Except proof that Keefe’s dad is even more ridiculous than my father,” Tam added. “Do you know he has an entire room dedicated to himself, complete with a life-size statue made of lumenite? It glows, guys. I’m going to have nightmares about it.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Get ready to hate me,” Keefe said as he set a tray in her lap filled with mouthwatering candy and desserts and then told her she couldn’t eat any of it. Ro and Elwin were zero help – both munching happily on trays of their own.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “You’ll wait until we have our much-cooler new team name, though, right?” Dex clarified. “So you won’t have everyone making fun of Team Prodigious?” Councillor Emery’s sigh echoed down the hall. “Yes, I suppose that would make sense. You five need to figure that out as quickly as possible.” Which foolishly opened the door to a whole lot of team-name brainstorming between Dex and Biana. Sophie tuned them out somewhere between Team Hotness and Team Awesomesauce.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “The group we all illegally went to help this morning?” Fitz asked, grinning at her when she was forced to nod. “Just making sure. Carry on.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “Not only will I be going to live with the group the Council has basically made their Public Enemy Number One, but I’ll be doing it without the circlet they ordered me to wear – ” “You mean the circlet I illegally helped you remove and then threw into the Everblaze to destroy?” Dex asked.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Don’t worry, it’s just a boobrie.” “That’s seriously its name?” “Yup. You should hear the jokes Fitz and Keefe make.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Sorry, was I supposed to bow?” “If you had, I would’ve flung a pillow at your head,” she told him with a grin he didn’t return. “And you can forget the Lady Sophie thing, too.” “Thank goodness,” Ro said, dropping her feet from where she’d had them propped on Sophie’s desk. “I never would’ve been able to pull that off with a straight face. And, uh, please tell me this isn’t your permanent new wardrobe.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Nope. I’m in a cave. All I’ve seen are rocks. What color are they? They’re rocks, Sophie.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “That’s Fitz, she told the suspicious alicorn. FRIEND? Silveny asked. Yes, a very good friend. She sent her memories of the few times Fitz had been around Silveny to remind her who he was. When that didn’t seem to be enough, she replayed the moment Fitz had saved her life, finding her when she was fading away after her kidnapping. LIKE, Silveny decided. I like him too – as a friend, she added quickly, in case Fitz was listening.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “DON’T SCREAM,” A deep voice told Sophie as she passed through the breakfast area on her way for another early morning river walk. Of course she screamed – but who wouldn’t scream if they found a strange figure lurking in the shadows? Especially if that figure happened to look like a giant two-legged poodle?”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Fine,” Mr. Forkle grumbled. “But I will hold you responsible if he causes any more trouble, Miss Vacker.” “He wouldn’t do that, now would he?” Biana said, proving how little she knew about imps. “Come on, let’s get you all set up in my room – and then we’ll see what we can do about this stinky fur.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Cool, your window is right across from mine!” Keefe said, opening Sophie’s curtains. “We could throw things at each other!”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Is it okay if I enter your mind?” Fitz asked. “Dude, do you realize how creepy that sounds?” Keefe interrupted. “It’s less creepy than reading her feelings all the time without telling her,” Fitz argued. “Hey, it’s not like I try to do that! You’re just mad that Foster can’t hide things from me.” “Pretty soon, she won’t be hiding anything from me, either.” “Yeah, and I can feel how not excited she is about that all the way over here.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Captain Perfectpants.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Smoooooooooooooth, Hunkyhair,” Ro told him. “Really, really smoooooooooth.” It sounded like Ro was inside of Sophie’s closet, but Sophie wasn’t propped up enough to be able to tell for certain – and if she was right, Sophie could only imagine what kinds of chaos the ogre princess might cause in there. She sorta hoped it included shredding some of her ridiculously frilly gowns.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “They have no knowledge of my other identities – or at least, that’s what I’m assuming. You would know better than I would, Mr. Sencen.” “I didn’t tell them anything about you,” Keefe promised. “The story I stuck with was that I secretly suspected you were Councillor Alina – and please, please, please let me be there when Fintan finds out you’re still around. I want to see him pee his pants!”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Either way, they didn’t know how I’d turn out when they signed me up for this,” she argued. “For all they knew, I could’ve ended up with two heads or three arms or something.” “Ohhhhhh, that would’ve been amazing!” Ro jumped in. “The Black Swan should totally make that happen someday!” “I’m pretty sure everyone involved with Project Moonlark trusted that Forkle knew what he was doing,” Keefe said, ignoring his bodyguard. “He’s supersmart when he’s not being all curmudgeon-y.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “I’m getting used to it. But do I have permission to go back in?” Keefe snickered. “Smooth, Dude.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Bullhorn screamed his head off when he saw you, and then he insisted on lying by your side – which pretty much gave me a meltdown, just so you know.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “Don’t worry, my love, a bunch of snooty intellectuals are totally going to put your name on a piece of paper and give us permission to date each other’?”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “And then he looked like he wanted to hug it out, so I bolted out of there.”
Shannon Messenger Quote: “The last verse I heard Keefe working on had a lot of Bo-Ro snuggling,” Sophie added when Bo didn’t let go. “Pretty sure there was some kissing, too.” Bo muttered an impressive string of ogre curses as he released her arm.”
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