
Top 500 Wayne W. Dyer Quotes (2025 Update)
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Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “When you’re at peace with your life and in a state of tranquility, you actually send out a vibration of energy that impacts all living creatures, including plants, animals and even babies.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Let the world unfold without always attempting to figure it all out. Let relationships just be, for example, since everything is going to stretch out in Divine order. Don’t try so hard to make something work – simply allow.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The falls of our life provide us with the energy to propel ourselves to a higher level.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Be gentle and forgiving with yourself, abandon any and all shame, and refuse to engage in any self-repudiation.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “By choosing to hang on to your corner of freedom in even the worst situations, you can process your world with the energy of appreciation and beauty, and create an opportunity to transcend your circumstances.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “By giving children lots of affection, you can help fill them with love and acceptance of themselves. Then that’s what they will have to give away.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Get your passion on the paper. Detach from the outcome. Forget about whether it’s going to get published.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The more space you allow and encourage within a relationship, the more the relationship willflourish.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “We believe we can’t attract to ourselves what we want because we think we are separate from God, and whether we are able to manifest anything is dependent upon whether God wants us to do that or not.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You need to keep reminding yourself that you are a Divine piece of God. Feeling as if you’re unworthy of God’s abundance is the same as denying your spiritual essence.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Be aware of your infinite connection to your source. Know that you’re more than an encapsulated collection of bones, blood and organs in a skin and hair covered body.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Refuse to ever use the term ‘failure’ again about yourself or anyone else. Remind yourself that wehn things didn’t go as planned you didn’t fail, you only produced a result.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You’re able to love others, to give to others, and do for others by giving and doing for yourself first.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Empowerment is the inner joy of knowing that external force isn’t necessary to be at harmony with oneself.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the power of intention, which is responsible for all of creation.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You are a holistic being with both nondualistic energy and the energy of the physical plane as a part of your being at your disposal.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Your ability to be a winner 100 percent of the time is based upon giving up the notion that losing at anything is equivalent to being a loser.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Whatever strains with force will soon decay.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Affirm: I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish and become from here on in.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “If you want to find deeper meaning in your life, you can’t find it in the opinions or the beliefs that have been handed to you. You have to go to that place within yourself.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in life are all inner concepts. If you don’t have inner peace and serenity, then you have nothing.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “In the East, they contemplate the forest; in the West, they count the trees.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Wherever I go, there I am.” This means that you’ve always got yourself to deal with, so you should only be concerned with consulting your inner signals.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Your imagination is able to do all that you ask in proportion to the degree of your attention.”29 – NEVILLE.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “I appreciate all that I am and all that I have. Stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “But when you get to a higher level of consciousness, when you get into a spiritual approach to life, you are not trying to get someplace else.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The only antidote to anger is to eliminate the internal sentence: “If only you were more like me.””
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Authentic empowerment is the knowing that you are on purpose, doing God’s work, peacefully and harmoniously.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “If you want to be a voice for peace in the world, begin by making peace a permanent condition of your own life.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “We put labels on people and fight wars over them. If we truly want harmony, we have to get past the labels.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Until you transcend the ego, you can do nothing but add to the insanity of the world.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Anytime you have a thought, for example, that excludes someone, if you have a religion that excludes someone, then you’ve really left God behind, and you’ve really left your source energy behind.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “In order to forgive, you must have blamed.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The most important thing people can do is refuse to have any resistance to staying connected to their source. People resist being able to attract abundance into their lives.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “There is no past. That’s another illusion. Everything that has ever happened to you, to me, to anyone in this world, happened in the present moment. That’s all there ever is. So your relationship to life isn’t your relationship to your past, it’s your relationship to the present moment.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The only thing that feeling bad accomplishes is to plummet you into anxiety, despair, depression, and stress. In such situations, ask yourself in that moment what THOUGHT you can have that will make you feel GOOD!”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “When you’re feeling unwell, remember that the same power that actually made your body knows how to restore it to its original state of well-being. All you have to do is remove the obstacles erected by you and your toxic world, and allow this healing power to flow through you.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Don’t allow the approval and attention of others to destroy you.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “What you feel is wrong or missing in your relationships is an indication that something is amiss within you.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The purpose of life is to be happy. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that. It’s also important not to interfere with anybody else’s right to do the same. We just need to practice that. It’s the Golden Rule.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Nor can you trust in God because everything that you attempt to trust is coming from someone who is not trustworthy to begin with. So everything that you think, feel or act upon is based upon coming from someone who is untrustworthy. Therefore, you’ll always be lost.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Whatever your plan, you never invest your own self-worth in its ultimate success or failure.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “The meaning of life is to get meaning for life.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “I think my mission is to support people in being steadfast in not having thoughts of harm – thoughts of judgment, worry, or hatred – directed toward themselves or others.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Our lives are greatly enriched when we immerse ourselves in literature and spiritual writing, not because we are going to be tested but purely for the sake of enrichment.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “You can’t choose up sides on a round world.”
Wayne W. Dyer Quote: “Motivation means we have an idea and we are going to carry through on that idea. We work hard at it, and we are disciplined.”
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