
Top 160 Abhaidev Quotes (2025 Update)
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Abhaidev Quote: “I think true freedom is being yourself no matter what. True freedom is living authentically. As if there are no spectators. You are the subject, and you are the object under observation. Only you exist. Only you! And no one else. You live the way you live when you are alone in your room. You behave the way you behave when you are alone in your room. You are under the spotlight. It is you who switched it on. And it is you who is focusing the same on yourself.”
Abhaidev Quote: “If only our lives had background music.”
Abhaidev Quote: “After having everything, a rich man seeks applause and reverence, for there is guilt in his mind. The guilt of having everything in this world.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Everyone talks about an ideal man. However, as soon as you start talking about an ideal woman, you are termed misogynistic or patriarchal. Accept women the way they are. Then why not accept men the way they are? Why do only women have the prerogative to dream of a perfect man? Why can’t a man dream of a goddess?”
Abhaidev Quote: “We want to coalesce as sexual beings. And as spiritual beings, we want to coalesce with this universe, even if we are unsure of this being a possibility. However, one wrong move and you are stuck with someone who doesn’t help you grow intellectually or spiritually.”
Abhaidev Quote: “I am running and running, God knows where; God knows why?”
Abhaidev Quote: “To prosper and to be happy in this life, you have to enter into a Faustian contract with the Prince of Darkness. This is what I realized at last. But it was too late, you see. Even the Devil has a cut-off for age. And they blame these companies, corporations and educational institutes for not being accommodating enough.”
Abhaidev Quote: “As long as there are countries with borders in this world, nationalism would remain the highest virtue.”
Abhaidev Quote: “You know, I have always believed that humans do have some amount of free will. Of course, this free will is absent if your bladder is full or if you want to rush to the toilet to have a dump. But once things are normal, a certain amount of leeway does exist.”
Abhaidev Quote: “When men are depressed, they try to find an escape. Yes, we fare worse than women, who have ample support systems in place. To us men, intoxication seems to be the only way out. Nobody gives a damn about a depressed man, you see. Man up! Don’t be a sissy! That’s what we are constantly told.”
Abhaidev Quote: “I was free. And that is exactly why it was so horrifying.”
Abhaidev Quote: “I am not like any of them. I am disillusioned with spirituality. I am far too well-read to devote myself to a cause. Don’t you get it? I don’t have the dedication and can’t submit myself. I am far too intelligent, proud, and egotistical to meditate. I am far too arrogant to relent, far too damaged to commit myself. All I can do is think and philosophise. All I have is the awareness of my condition, my misery.”
Abhaidev Quote: “These politicians and party members are unforgiving. They put you on a pedestal as long as you help them win. But if you fail, if you are the reason behind their defeat, they will drag you down in no time.”
Abhaidev Quote: “What is pulp novel to literature, religion is to philosophy.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Better be a happy insincere than a troubled righteous, who complains about the unjust world all the time.”
Abhaidev Quote: “You see, in our world, there exists a certain hierarchy. The people at the bottom devote their lives to achieve financial freedom, while those who have transcended higher, aspire for freedoms of a different kind. Most of us are so entangled, so helpless, that there never comes a time when money isn’t at the back of our minds. Most people spend their entire life at the bottom, constantly struggling to amass as much wealth as they can.”
Abhaidev Quote: “We shouldn’t use ‘should’ too much.”
Abhaidev Quote: “When something terrible happens, people respond to it in two ways. Either they lose their faith in God altogether, or they start believing in him even more.”
Abhaidev Quote: “This extensive reading was the beginning of my second transformation. I was an intellectual in the making. At least that is what I believed. Perhaps raising my intellect would numb my animalistic instincts, I was of the view. Perhaps I will stop thinking about love and girls. I would find my true purpose. I would think about something higher. But who is to say what is higher? Who is to say what is gross and what is empyrean? And what the hell is ‘true purpose’ in the first place?”
Abhaidev Quote: “You know, there is a thin line between hope and confidence. What separates the two is rationality.”
Abhaidev Quote: “The sense of pleasure you get creating something that doesn’t exist is inexplicable. I can never explain this joy in words. I like the process more than the outcome. I mean, the moments when I am busy painting. It makes me feel good about myself. It is like prayer. An ode to the Universe.”
Abhaidev Quote: “You know, having a child changes everything. The father starts loving the soul-sucking job he so detested. The mother begins to find the daily mundane tasks she is assigned as pleasurable. Parents realize that they are accountable to their kid. They, therefore, do things out of responsibility and not out of one’s liking for it.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Strange, isn’t it? Unsentients want to become sentients. Whereas sentients want to become like stones; like Buddha. Why do we want to numb down our consciousness? Why do people even take psychedelics for that purpose? If consciousness is such a curse, why is it considered the acme of evolution?”
Abhaidev Quote: “I don’t want enlightenment. I want to enjoy this life. There is a reason why God gifted us with a mind and five senses. We wouldn’t be having them if our goal was to undermine their existence. We are here to feel. Emotions, pleasure and pain of all sorts. Becoming emotionally numb is, therefore, not our purpose. It certainly can never be!”
Abhaidev Quote: “Revolutions are the things of the past. The current generation believes we get one life, and we should enjoy and live it to the fullest. That’s why they don’t know what sacrifice means. Revolution requires sacrifices and the people of today are neither willing nor capable of sacrifice. Therefore, we can’t have revolutions today. All we can have now are movements.”
Abhaidev Quote: “It is said it is useless to look for equality in a relationship. Whether you want it or not, one always leads, and the other follows. Maybe we should give matriarchy a chance. But the weight should always be towards one side. As long as we compete for equality, none of us will lead, and none of us will follow.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Death is liberating only if one has planned for it. But I think no one truly does, except for a few people with suicidal inclinations, or perhaps, deeply content wandering ascetics. For most of us mortals, life insurance is the one thing that gives us the reassurance of planning well for the event of our death.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Man, you see, swings between nihilism and spirituality. Man, you see, swings between utmost bliss and the feelings of utter despair. It’s a rollercoaster, our lives. One can’t just go higher, higher all the time.”
Abhaidev Quote: “As far as monks are concerned, I believe that they are bad experiencers. They know nothing about the struggles of a normal human being. The struggle to stay alive. The struggle to survive in this capitalist world. The trauma of being in a bad relationship. Juggling between the myriads of emotions and sentiments. These monks are oblivious to such battles which a normal human being fights every day.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Intellect, you see, is not the same as spirituality. While spirituality makes you humble, intellect without sensitivity just makes you snobbish and egoistic.”
Abhaidev Quote: “There are some souls who develop a penchant and an unhealthy appetite for a certain kind of experience. So, they experience an awful lot of those experiences. These souls are addicted, just like a smoker is, to cigarettes. But it does not make them any less inferior or bad. It just delays their journey.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Yes, he is stubborn indeed, and people often accuse him of being a fascist with utter disregard for the idea of democracy. But if a leader wouldn’t be resolute, authoritative, forceful and unflinching while making tough decisions, then who would be?”
Abhaidev Quote: “What is life, after all, if not a big, elaborate dream sequence?”
Abhaidev Quote: “I was depressed because I was nothing. And I couldn’t become something again because I was depressed. I was stuck in quicksand.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Only human males are able to find partners so easily. Well, most of them. In the animal kingdom, you have to be the best to get the girl. I once saw a peacock doing its mating dance. So beautiful and full of vitality he was. Yet it wasn’t enough for the peahen. There were better peacocks in the queue. The power of choice is always with the females.”
Abhaidev Quote: “To live well is to live without answers.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Are we just radio sets? Tuned to a particular frequency? Are our brains simply tapping their potential from an invisible but universal thought cloud? Seriously, what is the source of our thoughts? How do artists create art? How do writers write? What is it that is doing the creating?”
Abhaidev Quote: “Sooner or later, you will have to decide. Whether you want to drift with the current or whether you want to lay down your own path. Trust me, nobody in this world really knows where he is headed. Yes, of course, you will find people who say that they know how to live their lives. But even they can’t answer where their lives would lead. So, decide! What is more important to you? How? Where? Or why?”
Abhaidev Quote: “A musician doesn’t know how he creates music. A writer doesn’t know how plots come to his mind. A painter doesn’t know why he painted what he painted. Yeah, artists are humble folks, because deep down they know they are not doing the creating. But once they become successful, once they achieve fame, they turn arrogant.”
Abhaidev Quote: “We are nothing but supporting characters in an endless novel, not essential, not consequential. just there for the sake of it.”
Abhaidev Quote: “Religions are like bottles of liquor. True, they all give us the kick, they all intoxicate us. However, the point to be noticed is that some of them come at a heavy price. And some taste better. What’s more? A few of them are quite old. Whereas a few of them are freshly brewed. What’s even more interesting, my dear friend, is some are easy to consume. So, there isn’t much of a difference between the two. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or simply lying.”
Abhaidev Quote: “I personally feel that karma yoga makes much more sense if one is seeking transcendence. We weren’t thrown in this world just to deny and run away from it. A man must be a doer and not an escapist.”
Abhaidev Quote: “But was that freedom worth it? Are we really supposed to be free? Why do people who are all entangled so happy? Why do people constantly crib about their jobs, yet sleep peacefully in the night? Is it exhaustion that they seek? As it prevents them from thinking nonsense? Why do we all want to fasten ourselves to something? Why these entrapments don’t feel suffocating?”
Abhaidev Quote: “Sometimes resignation brings relief. When you lose hope, you no longer bother struggling. You just stay benumbed like a vegetable and let your head chopped off by a guillotine so that it ends, once and for all.”
Abhaidev Quote: “The purpose of life is to live; as long as one can.”
Abhaidev Quote: “It’s not a sin to be obsessed with money, for without it, there can be no material benefits. But what about the richness of experience? The richness of knowledge or that of the inner world? These are the questions that people belonging to the present generation must ponder upon.”
Abhaidev Quote: “What matters is what one feels about the choices one had made. Our souls must be at peace.”
Abhaidev Quote: “I don’t know what will happen if we really let women fully unleash themselves, as it is in the animal kingdom. Will they resort to polyandry? Or will one man have them all? Maybe that’s why we men try to have control over them? Maybe that’s why we have these institutions and structures like marriage? To bring stability to this human society?”
Abhaidev Quote: “I can tell you good news, but it will be false. I can tell you bad news, but it will be true. Make a choice!”
Abhaidev Quote: “What about inner productivity? Don’t you consider it worthy or relevant at all? We are all too focused on the outer world. But what about our mind? What about the world that exists inside us?”
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