
Top 90 Andy Hargreaves Quotes (2025 Update)

Andy Hargreaves Quote: “On assessment: measure what you value instead of valuing only what you can measure.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Teachers who believe they can make a real difference in their students’ lives really do.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Education leaders must have the will at times to release leadership to the teachers the parents and the students.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Change is easy to propose, hard to implement, and especially hard to sustain.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Too many professional development initiatives are done to teachers – not for, with or by them.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Courageous leadership is not fearless leadership. What makes you a leader is how you deal with your fears.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “If we’re all on the same page, no one’s reading the whole book.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “We must use collegiality not to level people down but to bring together their strength and creativity.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Teaching is a passionate profession.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Teaching is a never-ending story. The work is never over; the job is never done.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “There is no algorithm for creativity.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Don’t raise the bar and narrow the gap, but narrow the gap to raise the bar.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Sustainable leadership does not compromise the future by expanding and accelerating too quickly in the present.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Professional trust is a process, not a state.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Teachers create and transform energy. They are the dynamos of educational change.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “The most important emotion in classrooms is surprise.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “On school culture: It’s hard to eat something you’ve had a relationship with.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Every learner has special needs.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “We learn more from people who are different from us than ones who are the same.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Capacity building originally meant helping people to help themselves. Now it means required training to deliver imposed policies.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “What we want for our students we should want for our teachers: learning, challenge, support, and respect.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “In collaborative cultures, failure and uncertainty are not protected but shared and discussed to gain support.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “High performing organizations have cultures of creativity and risk. They encourage workers to innovate and play.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Although everyone wants to change the teacher, it’s time for the agents of educational reform to change themselves.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “All teachers are already leaders. It’s in the nature of teaching.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Improvement is about doing something better; innovation is about doing something new.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Too often, shared visions really mean, “I have a vision; you share it!””
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “A successful school has to engage all the people, all the powers, and all the capacities within it.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “There is no morality without temptation; otherwise it is just lack of opportunity.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Arrogance is the conjoined twin of ignorance.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “We need standards with flexibility, not standardization with force if we are to get the best from our teachers.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Excellence is the asymptotic state that never quite reaches perfection.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Pompous asses knows how to put the moan in sanctimonious.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Sustainable leadership does no harm to and actively improves the surrounding environment.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Leadership is often the afterthought of educational change.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “High performance leaders capitalize on crises to galvanize the motivation and actions of people in the organization.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Every solution has a problem.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “A brainscan cannot interpret itself and neither can a data dashboard in education.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Human growth is not like rhubarb. It can be nurtured and encouraged but it cannot be forced.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “You cannot switch teachers on and off as if they were PowerPoint presentations.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “On teacher education: induction into current mandates must not turn into seduction away from best practice.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Schools often get the teachers they deserve!”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Teachers still command great respect in the families and societies of many Asian cultures.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Educational reforms are like ripe fruit. They rarely travel well.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Walking makes us take problems in our stride.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Adolescence is about digging out the iron inside irony.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “One or two bad teachers is a problem with the teachers. A school with many bad teachers is a problem of leadership.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “When the purge of teacher individualism is unrestrained, eccentricity, initiative and individuality become the casualties.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “Students and their families carry more responsibility for student success in the East.”
Andy Hargreaves Quote: “We will not achieve high performance in education if we replace teachers with machines or turn teachers into machines.”
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