
Top 35 Bryan Lee O'Malley Quotes (2025 Update)

Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I have a lot on my mind and not a lot to do so it’s going to come out, all of it, and then, then, it may begin to make a sort of sense.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Bryan Lee O’Malley has been alive since he was born and will lives until he dies.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “There are things we can’t change, and we just have to accept that. And maybe that’s some kind of grace.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “These shoes are Mr Silly’s shoes, Scott.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “You suck, surprising no one!!!! If bad was a boot, you’d fit it!!!! You’re a stupid poo-poo head! I had sexual relations with your mother! Your mother was not that good in bed! You, sir, are a wretched soul! I am rubber, you are glue!”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I remember talking to someone who is vegan. At the time, I would hear a lot of outrageous claims from vegans about the good that being a vegan can do for you, for your health and whatnot. I remember someone once told me vegans don’t sweat, so I started my mind going.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Let’s be friends based on mutual hate.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Out here where the world begins and ends, it’s like nothing ever stops happening.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Okay, this might sound vague, but do you know this one girl with hair like this?”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Maybe it’s important to open up I people- people who are right there with you, not some thousand miles away in another universe. Or maybe it’s something else. Maybe I should just settle for not knowing. Maybe it’s just good to know that you’re not the only one who doesn’t know.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “You’re not a monster. You’re a mirror.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Scott: I don’t think I’m ready to be a grown-up. Kim: I don’t think you are either, buddy. But hey, you’ll get it. It just takes practice.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Listen to this, okay? Just listen. You hear that? That’s market bacon hitting the pan. Today a child is born unto us, and his name will be bacon.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “What happened after my best friend left is that I couldn’t make friends anymore, or I could make them but I couldn’t enjoy them, I couldn’t relate to them.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I do get the sense sometimes that if I draw things too nice, maybe I won’t be indie-rock enough anymore.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I’m too young to have experienced firsthand the ’70s rock, but when I was in high school, me and my friends were super into Neil Young. That was the grunge era, and he was considered cool again.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I don’t want to spend my entire life drawing talking heads. It seems like a waste of everyone’s time.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “When you do your first book, you’re just like, “This is my work.” And it’s just this whole other world that you throw yourself into.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Writing music is sort of my hobby, but it’s been falling off more and more. Doing comic books takes up my entire life.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Each new book that comes out kind of pulls up the old ones a little bit.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I’m 25 and just trying to understand women. Obviously, that is a process that never ends.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “There was about six months when I was absorbing other stuff and not drawing very much. After a long period of not drawing, you have to, like, relearn how to draw. It’s not very fun.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “When you’re alone, you look at yourself more, it is kind of inevitable.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “My readership seems to be the sensitive people, for the most part. Then there are the occasional fans who are like, “Ah, video games!””
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Dude... Things never were the same. Change is... It’s what we get. I guess that’s my problem – I’m always trying to beat the clock; outrun the universe... Like nothing can change me, as long as I change first. I feel like I’m in this river, just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I’m holding on for dear life, I’m not getting anywhere. I’m stuck... I never wanted to get stuck.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I’m everyone everywhere with you without you unbound set free in limbo lost at sea.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Oh, hey, maybe I should have mentioned that my friends are retarded douchebags.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Maybe all these desperate clashing feelings I’m feeling are just random brain activity, maybe I’m just delusional. But there are things that I miss, and things that I feel like I should be seeing and feeling every time I turn around, and I just keep turning and turning and turning, and there’s nothing.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Somehow the pantsless gay man is not bringing the romance, Scott.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I used to be really influenced by Brian Bendis, back in his indie days. But I guess I try to tone that down.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Don’t listen to her, Scott. She notices things.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “What kind of idiot would knowingly date a girl named Knives?”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I’m sometimes sort of in touch with the readership, and they seem to have perceptive questions, for the most part.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Scott, you are the salt of the earth. Oh, I’m sorry, excuse me. I meant scum of the earth.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “Scott! If we had a band, we would be cool. Even if we sucked! We would transcend our class status or whatever, and become automatically cool.”
Bryan Lee O'Malley Quote: “I was like this totally serious kid, and this totally angsty teenager. I probably only smiled and laughed when I was deluded into thinking it would make some jerk like me.”
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