
Top 450 Bryant McGill Quotes (2025 Update)
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Bryant McGill Quote: “Some people have abusive, negative, controlling tendencies in their blood; they are wired for havoc, bickering and deception.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “When people have poor confidence in the future, you can be confident of a poor future.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Success is not only in the hand; it is in the heart.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Rather than communicating blame communicate your standards for proper future treatment.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Our minds have been poisoned and our accepted beliefs are unnatural and artificial.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Another person’s thoughts about you are outside of your jurisdiction; you have no authority.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “There is more than one way to lose your life; quickly through violence, or fettered-away and wasted around dreadful, toxic people.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Maybe you never considered yourself a bully, a batterer or an abuser before, but maybe you are – to yourself.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “With all respect to your religion or world-view – thank God, thank the universe, thank evolutionary processes – the keyword is “thank” – just have some gratitude and be thankful.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “When we judge and agonize over another’s faults, we become attached to their imbalance and sickness.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “The starting point to freedom is to begin questioning the cultural narrative you have been sold.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Quit looking for the answers outside of yourself.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Support what is good and spit out what is bad. Get off of your knees and reject the role of slave to the culture of violence.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “All defensiveness and emotional tumult is a fear response because of your need for acceptance and ruthless control of the territory of your safe fantasy world.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Love foods that sustain and protect you, and love you back.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “People who have trouble questioning their own country often have trouble admitting fault in themselves, both of which come from insecurity and lack of humility.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “It’s a drone nation where everything and everyone is remotely controlled.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Peace is the friend we find in silence.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “All defensiveness stems from the need to be right and frustration over not being able to control others.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Humility adds lessons to our pain and suffering, turning the seemingly senseless into meaning.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Hold faithfully to your unique vision and your detractors will eventually tire and give-up.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Once you find your positive vision, then share the victory of your loving attitudes with everyone.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “You will only find the profoundly inexpressible in profound silence.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “The earthquake of discomfort you feel moving inside of you when someone insults you is your own insecurity.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Witnessing a selfless act brings tears to remind us how we should be treating others.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “If you can’t be who you really are then what is life but an unbearable lie?”
Bryant McGill Quote: “By choosing to have a calm response to what seems negative you bring clarity and balance to your message.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “If you want more then be more. If you want better then be better.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “You have to reach out to your inner-abuser and make peace. You can’t live your life as your own worst enemy!”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Please don’t waste-away in front of a TV waiting to win a lottery during the precious few hours you are not imprisoned in corporate shackles.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Forgiveness is how we show forth love in the world. It is the balm that heals all wounds. It comes from our soul and our soul is always free. We keep ourselves stuck when we forget to recognize our freedom through forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only answer to pain because it is the only answer that puts pain in the proper perspective.” – Livnam Kaur.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “If you set a clear standard for yourself; for how you wish to be treated – people take note.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Those who get the invitation are the ones who realize, that the invitation, only comes from deep within.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “You don’t need to change everything in your life instantly. All you need is one positive thought.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “When you reach out to those you need to forgive, it is you that will be touched and healed.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “I see people everywhere disagreeing, who actually agree with each-other, but cannot see that they agree.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Love surrounds, softens and tires violence and force.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Your persistent problems are because of your response to common misfortune.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Information is controlled because the free flow of truth is not always expedient for those wishing to maintain control.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Forgiveness is another way of saying, “I need to mind my own business.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Just for today let me live in the light of peace and shun the darkness that accompanies negativity. Let me seek the smiles and laughter of others and join their happiness freely. Let me live in the moment without worry or shame of the past nor anticipation of the future. Just for today, let me do these things so that I may change from what I am into the masterpiece I can become.” – Richard D. Rowland.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “People who blame are always looking to “get out” of something, but like quicksand, the more they struggle the more they are captive.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “This is the eternal challenge with ignorance – ignorance can’t see itself.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Any aggressive lust lacks balance and is unwholesome and obstructive.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “For the vile human pigs in life; the sloppy, disheveled, uncaring dregs, the ungrateful, and especially for the vicious, negative emotional peasants – there will only continue to be the hard and painful lessons you so desperately need. The invisible hand will hold you in your wretched place until your last breath – unless you evolve. If you are cruel and ignorant the invisible fist will pound you into oblivion until you submit, humble yourself and soften your hard heart.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “No-one is going to die for you, so don’t let anyone to tell you how to live while you are alive.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Because of our interconnectedness we all know that extreme poverty and exclusionary practices are violations against the basic dignity of people.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “The more evolved you are the less you will agree or disagree with others, and the more you will gently sift through the fullness of what people are offering and gratefully take only what you need.”
Bryant McGill Quote: “Sometimes the way to share your love is to let someone go.”
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