
Top 200 Caitlin Moran Quotes (2025 Update)
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Caitlin Moran Quote: “Because I haven’t yet learned the simplest and most important thing of all: the world is difficult, and we are all breakable. So just be kind.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “When young people are cynical, and snarky, they shoot down their own future. When you keep saying “No,” all that’s left is what other people said “Yes” to before you were born. Really, “No” is no choice at all.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I don’t want him to pity me. I don’t want him to see what I look like when I do something for the first time. I don’t want anyone watching me change. I will do all my changing in private. In public I am, always, the finished thing. The right thing, for the right place. A chrysalis is hung in the dark.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “But deciding not to have children is a very, very hard decision for a woman to make: the atmosphere is worryingly inconducive to saying, “I choose not to,” or “It all sounds a bit vile, tbh.” We call these women “selfish.” The inference of the word “childless” is negative: one of lack, and loss.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I don’t understand, then, why, in the midst of all this, pregnant women – women trying to make rational decisions about their futures and, usually, that of their families, too – should be subject to more pressure about preserving life than, say, Vladimir Putin, the World Bank, or the Catholic Church.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I think it’s a delightful thing, for a young teenage girl to befriend someone of another generation. She is like a window into the past, I think to myself.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Heaven. The biggest waste of our time we ever invented, outside jigsaws.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I know people go on about Twitter, but it is amazing. It’s whatever you want it to be, and all the women got in there before the boys.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “When you live in a small house with five younger siblings, it’s actually far more sensible- and much quicker- to cry alone.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I wish I was Bill Murray. I hope everything I’ve read about evolution is wrong, and I eventually evolve into him. It’s one of only three plans I have.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “There’s a lot of Sherlock love in here. In many ways, this book might as well be called ‘Deduce THIS, Sexlock Holmes!’ with a picture of me licking his meerschaum, cross-eyed and screaming.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “And do not think you shouldn’t be standing on that chair, shouting, “I AM A FEMINIST!” if you are a boy. A male feminist is one of the most glorious end-products of evolution. A male feminist should ABSOLUTELY be on the chair – so we ladies may all toast you, in champagne, before coveting your body wildly. And maybe get you to change that lightbulb, while you’re up there. We cannot do it ourselves. There is a big spiderweb on the socket.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Because I still don’t know what I really think or feel, and I’m throwing grenades and filling the air with smoke while I desperately, desperately try to get off the ground: to get elevation. Because I haven’t yet learned the simplest and most important thing of all: the world is difficult, and we are all breakable. So just be kind.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Why can’t we just loosen our belts, take off our heels, and cheerfully rot, like the boys?”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Cynicism is, ultimately, fear. Cynicism makes contact with your skin, and a thick black carapace begins to grow – like insect armor. This armor will protect your heart, from disappointment – but it leaves you almost unable to walk. You cannot dance in this armor. Cynicism keeps you pinned to the spot, in the same posture, forever.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Because what you are, as a teenager, is a small, silver, empty rocket. And you use loud music as fuel, and then the information in books as maps and coordinates, to tell you where you’re going.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “It really is important you say these words out loud. “I AM A FEMINIST.” If you feel you cannot say it – not even standing on the ground – I would be alarmed. It’s probably one of the most important things a woman will ever say: the equal of “I love you,” Is it a boy or a girl?” or “No! I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want bangs!”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “How amazing to go to a gig thinking of nothing but how loud you will shout; how hard you will dance; how much you will sweat; how tightly you will hug your friends, as your favourite song plays. How amazing to react to music in the way music wants you – to become an ecstatic animal.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “As I’ve not been kissed before, I’m not really sure how you activate this function on a man.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “People with no upper-body strength, who read poetry. These are my people.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I just want Tina Fey to be my best friend. And Lena Dunham. And Oprah, too.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “What is feminism? Simply the belief that women should be as free as men, however nuts, dim, deluded, badly dressed, fat, receding, lazy and smug they might be. Are you a feminist? Hahaha. Of course you are.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Anger is just fear, brought to the boil. And the thing about scared people is, whenever you ask them for advice, on whatever subject, they only ever have one thing to say to you: “Run.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “There’s no point in drinking if no one’s watching.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “And you will be quite on your own when you do all this. There is no academy where you can learn to be yourself; there is no line manager slowly urging you toward the correct answer. You are midwife to yourself, and will give birth to yourself, over and over, in dark rooms, alone.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “For as I sit there, in pain, I suddenly notice I have changed. I am not self-loathing anymore. These billion cheap blackbirds inside me – beaking the wires of the cage, frantic – are now on the ground, sleeping. This billion eyed mess, which I cannot comprehend, contain or name, has now disappeared – replaced by these hot, red lines on my leg and arm.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “As I have said, in the same way that you can tell if some sexism is happening to you by asking the question “Is this polite, or not?” you can tell whether some misogynistic societal pressure is being exerted on women by calmly enquiring, “And are the men doing this, as well?”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Because this injunction for all women to have children isn’t in any way logical. If you take a moment to consider the state of the world, the thing you notice is that there are plenty of babies being born; the planet really doesn’t need all of us to produce more babies.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “As far as I’m concerned, you’re a feminist by default if you’re born in the Western world right now.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Babies being “given” to women as gifts makes the women sound powerless.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “There’s no self-expression or joy in these joints – no springboard to self-discovery, or adventure, like any decent night out involving men, women, alcohol, and taking your clothes off. Why do many people have a gut reaction to strip clubs? Because inside them, no one is having fun.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I was holding his hand. I banked every jealous look, and became limitlessly wealthy on them.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “If you can find a frock you look nice in and can run up three flights of stairs, you’re not fat.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “We need a temporary cessation in people having any opinions about any women, ever. I propose a, say, five-year moratorium on having opinions about women, in order to let one generation of girls get from one side of puberty to the other without growing up in a climate where women are constantly being scolded, chivvied, harassed, or subjected to thunderous opinion columns concluding that, yet again, some woman in the public eye has overreached herself and should wind her neck in.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I am pathetically law-abiding.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “When people ask workingwomen, “When are you going to have a baby?” what they’re really asking is “When are you going to leave?”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “It’s very important my parent’s don’t think I’m starting to fall in love with people, because then they might notice that I’m growing up, and I’m kind of trying to keep it a secret. I think it will cause an incident.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I am thrilled by the idea of killing myself. It seems like such a gratifyingly noble thing to do. A monster has come to town – me – and there is only one hero who can kill it: me.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I wrote my first book at eight, all of four pages. At 10, I did a 40-page story. At 12, I wrote two stage plays.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “We live now in a glorious age which we might term ‘Post Frozen’. Frozen – the feminist Disney movie where the idiot sexy prince turns out to be a betraying motherfuck, and the whole plot revolves around, instead, the love of two sisters.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Explaining why you love something is one of the most important jobs on earth.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I say this in the spirit of feminist encouragement, but I think I’m pretty hot. I’ve got all the facial features, facing the right way, at the right end, and you can always paint over the bad bits with makeup.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Going blind every time you drain a boiling pan of pasta, because it steams up your glasses real bad.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “It demeans a society to rely on random acts of mercy, Johanna.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “A majority of women’s magazines feature women who do amazing things, but then the article focuses on how she ruined it with her shoes.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “In 2010, Iceland – with a lesbian prime minister and a parliament that is 50 percent female – became the first country in the world to outlaw strip clubs for feminist, rather than religious, reasons. “I.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I’ve generally got low levels of embarrassment.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Personally, I find the idea that women are supposed to “love” shopping bizarre – nearly every woman I know wants to cry after 45 minutes of trawling the high street looking for a shirt and hits the gin with alacrity upon the sad occasions when jeans have to be found.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “Because I am fully aware of what the word “fat” means – what it really means, when you say it, or think it. It’s not just a simple, descriptive word like “brunette” or “34.” It’s a swear word. It’s a weapon. It’s a sociological subspecies. It’s an accusation, dismissal, and rejection.”
Caitlin Moran Quote: “I’ve learned what my contemporaries will have learned in their first terms at college, or university – that the first friends you make in a new place are the ones you usually spend the next three terms trying to lose, and that it’s the people who are quietly holding back, and standing in the corner, that you will want to be with, when your second year comes around.”
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