
Top 30 Candace Owens Quotes (2025 Update)

Candace Owens Quote: “Reparations are the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were never slaves. It is revenge for something that was done to ancestors at the expense of people who had nothing to do with it.”
Candace Owens Quote: “In a truly free society, individuals are granted responsibility for themselves. Freedom necessitates that we learn how to provide for ourselves, contributing value in whatever form, to generate personal income. We then decide how we wish to spend or save earned income; freedom is the reward for fulfilling personal responsibilities.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Many people today attempt to draw differences between communism and socialism – there are none.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Leftists need to believe that success is evil in order to digest their own failures.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Leftism is defined as any political philosophy that seeks to infringe upon individual liberties in its demand for a higher moral good.”
Candace Owens Quote: “If you are a black person in America today, your identity is as much defined by your skin color as it was more than a hundred years ago and quite similarly, for all the wrong reasons.”
Candace Owens Quote: “The personality complex of a liberal savior is one that fascinates me, as I believe it to be centered on extreme narcissism. I imagine them to be addicted to the feeling of accomplishment that is derived from helping someone inferior to them.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Conservatism then is about sense and survival. Leftism is the plaything of a society with too much time on its hands.”
Candace Owens Quote: “It is well know that it is career suicide for any person in Hollywood to be explicitly conservative. If they share any perspective that pivots away from liberal orthodoxy, they are accused of racism and branded a nazi. If they are black, they are accused of insanity.”
Candace Owens Quote: “It is undeniable that for black America, the Democrats have had the upper hand for several decades. They have expertly manipulated our emotions, commanding the unquestionable commitment of our votes. Unlike the physical enslavement of our ancestors’ past, today the bondage is mental.”
Candace Owens Quote: “To be clear, the belief that white people are to assume all responsibility for black America’s shortcomings is a form of white power. One must believe in black inferiority to accept the thesis that black America is not responsible for any of its own shortcomings in a free society. Conservatives believe neither in white power nor black inferiority, which is why we routinely reject the narrative that the white man is to blame for all of our ills.”
Candace Owens Quote: “My challenge to every American is simple: reject the Left’s victim narrative and do it yourself. Because we will never realize the true potential that this incredible country has to offer – in the land of the free and the home of the brave – if we continue to be shackled by the great myth of government deliverance.”
Candace Owens Quote: “We cannot rely on a hopelessly inefficient and burdensome government to fix what we ourselves refuse to do.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police,” Mac Donald wrote. “In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.”
Candace Owens Quote: “LBJ and the racist history of the Democrat Party can help us understand how it is plausible that Joe Biden, a well-known and well-respected politician, managed to get away with citing Robert Byrd, a West Virginia senator who had previously held the position of Exalted Cyclops within the Ku Klux Klan, as his mentor.”
Candace Owens Quote: “I sometimes wonder if we so often seek to point out ugliness as a cheap formulaic way to convince ourselves that we are good.”
Candace Owens Quote: “While Democrats have long acknowledged our struggles and the crimes enacted against us, they have done little to provide actual remedies or prepare us for a future that does not center on our brokenness.”
Candace Owens Quote: “World War II. And just a little more than two decades before then marked the start of World War I, battles fought among men whose average age was twenty-four but reached as low as just twelve years. Fast-forward to today and students are demanding safe spaces on college campuses because they view it as a form of torture to be exposed to opposing viewpoints.”
Candace Owens Quote: “For those who believe that cop killings are simply due to excessive force, Cesario’s report contradicts that notion as well, revealing that between 90 and 95 percent of civilians who were killed by police officers were violently attacking either the cop or another person when they were killed. And while the media loves to report that blacks are repeatedly gunned down when their cell phone or another item is mistaken for a gun, these incidents are rare.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Eighty-nine percent of black teens said that racism was a small problem or no problem at all in their own daily lives. In fact, more black teens than white teens called “failure to take advantage of available opportunities” a bigger problem than racism.”
Candace Owens Quote: “But what if black America simply refused their offers? What if we formally rejected the victim narrative, thereby rejecting the slow poison of leftist policies? What might happen if black America collectively called the Left’s bluff on racism – thereby reducing their claims of.”
Candace Owens Quote: “As I suggested earlier, people do not simply lose faith – they replace it. The Left is trying to replace and transform faith. And they wish to separate black Americans from their faith in God in an effort to replace it with a faith in government and the Left’s pursuit of “moral goodness.” It is a model that espouses altruism and the inherent goodness of all involved, and includes no room for the truth regarding our fallibility.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Because if you don’t accept excuses,” he added, “pretty soon people stop giving them, and they start looking for solutions. And that is a critical issue when it comes to success.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Johnson lowered poverty rates in the black community, yes, but not by supporting black-owned businesses or addressing racist hiring practices and the racial income gap. Instead, he passed a series of bills that essentially distributed checks to struggling black families, thereby giving them the fish instead of showing them how to fish on their own.”
Candace Owens Quote: “A good socialist leader must appeal to the emotions of the masses. He must justify their anger to the point of moblike riots for revolution.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Apparently, the broad characterization of policy decisions as necessary to community safety frees those who make such sweeping statements from any burden of having to prove their claims.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Our internal conflict is understandable – why shouldn’t the government, after years of slavery and Jim Crow, not eliminate black debt by subsidizing black housing, and otherwise funding black lives? The answer is simple: because a painkiller cannot eliminate cancer. No short-term fix, no Band-Aid over the deeply infected wound, will ever fix the underlying problems that plague our community.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Socialism, of course, cannot survive if this is the commonly held belief, because they teach that faith in government is the conduit to a perfect society. The quicker the spread of atheism, then, the quicker the spread of government as the solution to our every problem.”
Candace Owens Quote: “For today’s generation of blacks to act as if their struggle compares to that of two generations ago insults and diminishes that generation’s struggle.”
Candace Owens Quote: “Like FDR and LBJ before them, today’s Democrat leaders establish their bases by theatrically harping on the struggles of minorities. They lament the injustice of our circumstances, with an all-too-familiar silver-lined promise that a vote for them will surely turn things around. Of course, the success of this repeat broken-promise strategy is fueled by our acceptance of their victim narrative.”
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