
Top 500 Cheryl Strayed Quotes (2025 Update)
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Cheryl Strayed Quote: “There are some things you can’t understand yet. Your life will be a great and continuous unfolding. It’s good you’ve worked hard to resolve childhood issues while in your twenties, but understand that what you resolve will need to be resolved again. And again. You will come to know things that can only be known with the wisdom of age and the grace of years. Most of those things will have to do with forgiveness.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “The Klamath tribe of Native Americans who witnessed the eruption believed it was a fierce battle between Llao, the spirit of the underworld, and Skell, the spirit of the sky.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Acceptance has everything to do with simplicity, with sitting in the ordinary place, with bearing witness to the plain facts of our life, with not just starting at the essential, but ending up there.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me. Insisting on this story was a form of mind control, but for the most part, it worked.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I looked north, in its direction – the very thought of that bridge a beacon to me. I looked south, to where I’d been, to the wild land that had schooled and scorched me, and considered my options. There was only one, I knew. There was always only one. To keep walking.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I clutched its mate to my chest like a baby, though of course it was futile. What is one boot without the other boot? It is nothing.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “All of that was impossible now, regardless of what the letter said. My mom was dead. My mom was dead. My mom was dead. Everything I ever imagined about myself had disappeared into the crack of her last breath.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Real change happens on the level of the gesture. It’s one person doing one thing differently than he or she did before.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “You know how alchoholics who go to AA are always using that phrase “one day at a time”? They say that because to say “I will never drink again” is just too damn much. It’s big an hard and bound to fail.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “The thing about rising is we have to continue upward; the thing about going beyond is we have to keep going.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “When I was done writing it, I understood that things happened just as they were meant to. That I couldn’t have written my book before I did. I simply wasn’t capable of doing so, either as a writer or a person. To get to the point I had to get to to write my first book, I had to do everything I did in my twenties.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I almost howled in agony. I almost choked to death on what I knew before I knew. I was going to live the rest of my life without my mother. I pushed the fact of it away with everything in me. I couldn’t let myself believe it then and there in that elevator and also go on breathing, so I let myself believe other things instead.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “He taught you how to love like you’ve never loved before. He taught you how to suffer like you’ve never suffered before. Perhaps the next thing he has to teach you is acceptance. And the thing after that, forgiveness.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “The thing that would make me believe that hiking the Pacific Crest Trail was my way back to the person I used to be.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “In this sense, Tiny Beautiful Things can be read as a kind of ad hoc memoir. But it’s a memoir with an agenda. With great patience, and eloquence, she assures her readers that within the chaos of our shame and disappointment and rage there is meaning, and within that meaning is the possibility of rescue.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “By then my marriage had become like the trail in that moment when I realized there was a bull in both directions. I simply made a leap of faith and pushed on in the direction where I’ve never been.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “You don’t have to get a job that makes others feel comfortable about what they perceive as your success.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Small things such as this have saved me: How much I love my mother – even after all these years. How powerfully I carry her within me. My grief is tremendous but my love is bigger.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “You must do everything you can to get what you want and need, to find “that type of love.” It’s there for you. I know it’s arrogant of me to say so, because what the hell do I know about looking like a monster or a beast? Not a thing. But I do know that we are here, all of us – beasts and monsters and beauties and wallflowers alike – to do the best we can. And every last one of us can do better than give up.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “We are obligated to the people we care about and who we allow to care about us, where we say we love them or not.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “This was once an empty bowl that took hundreds of years to fill. But hard as I tried, I couldn’t see them in my mind’s eye. Not the mountain or the wasteland or the empty bowl. They simply were not there anymore. There was only the stillness and silence of that water: what a mountain and a wasteland and an empty bowl turned into after the healing began.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “In this sense, she offers what we wish every mother would: enough compassion to make us feel safe within our broken need, and enough wisdom to hold on to hope.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Of this I am absolutely sure: Do not reach the era of child-rearing and real jobs with a guitar case full of crushing regret for all the things you wished you’d done in your youth. I know too many people who didn’t do those things. They all end up mingy, addled, shrink-wrapped versions of the people they intended to be.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I was bypassing the High Sierra – missing Sequoia and Kings Canyon and Yosemite national parks, Tuolumne Meadows and the John Muir and Desolation wildernesses.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “The answer to most problems is more often than not outside of the right-wrong binary that we tend to cling to when we’re angry or scared or in pain. We are a complicated people. Our lives do not play out in absolutes.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “There was only the stillness and silence of that water: what a mountain and a wasteland and an empty bowl turned into after the healing began.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “That both things could be true at once – my disbelief as well as my certainty – was the unification of the ancient and the future parts of me. It was everything I intended and yet still I was surprised by what I got.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “What this requires of us is that we don’t get tangled up in the living, even when we in fact feel woefully tangled up. It demands that we focus not only on what’s happening in our stories, but also what our stories are about.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “What are your spiritual beliefs? I do not believe in God as most people conceive of God, but I believe there is a divine spirit in each of us. I believe there is something bigger than our individual selves that we can touch when we live our lives with integrity, compassion, and love.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “My prayer was different now: A year, a year, a year. Those two words beat like a heart in my chest.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “She would always be the empty bowl that no one could fill. I’d have to fill it myself again and again and again.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “I’d imagined endless meditations upon sunsets or while staring out across pristine mountain lakes. I’d thought I’d weep tears of cathartic sorrow and restorative joy each day of my journey. Instead, I only moaned, and not because my heart ached. It was because my feet did and my back did and so did the still-open wounds all around my hips.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Testing yourself means relinquishing the things you believe have so far kept you safe or comfortable.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “But an ethical and evolved life also entails telling the truth about oneself and living out that truth.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “It will also be a little bit scary, the way it always is when we’re brave enough to touch the rawest, realest truths. When we have the guts to look directly into the mirror and say Mary Worth thirteen times without pause and see – thrillingly, terrifyingly – that it was never her we had to fear. It was always only us.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “There’s nothing you can tell Sugar that doesn’t strike her as beautiful and human. Which is why men and women write to her about intimacies they can’t share with anyone else, unspeakable urges, insoluble grief. She understands that attention is the first and final act of love, and that the ultimate dwindling resource in the human arrangement isn’t cheap oil or potable water or even common sense, but mercy.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Bring the man you aspire to be, the one who already has the love he longs for. Play every piece of yourself and play it with all you’ve got until you’re not playing anymore. That’s what Cary Grant did. The lonely boy who lost his mom in the fog of his father’s deceit found himself in the magic of wanting to be. His name was Archibald Leach.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “We didn’t exchange a word. Not because we felt so alone in our grief, but because we were so together in it, as if we were one body instead of two.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “An REI worker had encouraged me to buy a box of Spenco 2nd Skin – gel patches meant to treat burns that also happened to be great for blisters.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “She was a real human being laying herself bare, fearlessly, that we might come to understand the nature of our own predicaments.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Desperation is unsustainable.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “The unifying theme is resilience and faith.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Carry it with me, as I do everything that matters.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “My daughter is wearing a dress that her grandmother bought for her at a yard sale. It’s so simple it breaks my heart. How unspecial that fact is to so many, how ordinary for a child to wear a dress her grandmother bought her, but how very extraordinary it was to me.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “We talk about our friends behind their backs. We do. Ask any social scientist who has studies human communication behaviors. Even you edmitted to doing this. Our friends are witnese to our attributes and flaws, our bad habits and good qualities, our contradictions and our contrivances. That they need to occasionally discuss the negative aspects or our lives and personalities in terms less than admiring is to be expected.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “My love for him was indisputable, but my allegiance to him wasn’t. We were no longer married, and as I settled alongside the Three Young Bucks into the bed I used to share with Paul, I felt a kind of acceptance of that, a kind of clarity where there’d been so much uncertainty.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “These things are your becoming.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “La solitudine era sempre stata un luogo reale per me, come se fosse una stanza dove potevo rifugiarmi per essere davvero me stessa.”
Cheryl Strayed Quote: “Maybe the meaning was in how we heard the sound, but did nothing about it until it was so loud we had no choice.”
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