
Top 200 Ellen G. White Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ellen G. White Quote: “Let the youth remember that here they are to build characters for eternity, and that God requires them to do their best. Let those older in experience watch over the younger ones; and when they see them tempted, take them aside, and pray with them and for them.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character and love. The children of God are to manifest His glory. In their own life and character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Don’t you quote Sister White. I don’t want you ever to quote Sister White until you get your vantage ground where you know where you are. Quote the Bible. Talk the Bible. It is full of meat, full of fatness. Carry it right out in your life, and you will know more Bible than you know now.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “God has a church upon the earth, who are His chosen people, who keep His commandments. He is leading, not stray offshoots, not one here and one there, but a people. The truth is a sanctifying power, but the church militant is not yet the church triumphant...”
Ellen G. White Quote: “We need no fanciful teaching regarding the personality of God. What God desires us to know of Him is revealed in His word and His works. The beautiful things of nature reveal His character and His power as Creator.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Every man who praises himself brushes the luster from his best efforts.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Whatsoever is done out of pure love, be it ever so little or contemptible in the sight of men, is wholly fruitful; for God measures more with how much love one worketh, than the amount he doeth.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “None are so sinful that they cannot find strength, purity, and righteousness in Jesus, who died for them.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The spirit of Christ is a missionary spirit.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is important that we relish the food we eat. If we cannot do this, but eat mechanically, our food does not do us that good it should, and we fail to be nourished and built up by it as we otherwise would be, if we could enjoy the food we take into the stomach.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Ministers should impress upon the people the necessity of individual effort. No church can flourish unless its members are workers. The people must lift where the ministers lift.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is right to love beauty and to desire it; but God desires us to love and seek first the highest beauty, that which is imperishable. No outward adorning can compare in value or loveliness with that “meek and quiet spirit.””
Ellen G. White Quote: “Those who are preparing for the coming of Christ should be sober, and watch unto prayer, for our adversary, the Devil, goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; whom we are to resist steadfast in the faith.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “In the matchless gift of His Son, God has encircled the whole world with an atmosphere of grace as real as the air which circulates around the globe. All who chose to breathe this life-giving atmosphere will live and grow up to the stature of men and women in Christ Jesus.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is the chief joy of all holy beings to witness the joy and happiness of those around them.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “We should strive to understand the weakness of others.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Exercise will aid in the work of digestion. Take a walk after a meal; but no violent exercise after a full meal.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Those who are devoted to amusements; who love the society of those who love pleasure, have an aversion to religious exercises.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Flesh-meats will depreciate the blood. Cook meat with spices, and eat it with rich cakes and pies, and you have a bad quality of blood.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Christian sisters should not at any time dress extravagantly, but at all times dress as neat, modest, and healthful, as their work will allow.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “No persons professing to be Christians should enter the marriage relation until the matter has been carefully and prayerfully considered from an elevated standpoint, to see if God can be glorified by the union.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The Jews did not go into darkness all at once. It was a gradual work, until they could not discern the gift of God in sending his Son.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “All the riches of the world are not of sufficient value to redeem one perishing soul.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “If physical exercise were combined with mental exertion, the blood would be quickened in its circulation, the action of the heart would be more perfect, impure matter would be thrown off, and new life and vigor would be experienced in every part of the body.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “God requires his people to shine as lights in the world. It is not merely the ministers who are required to do this, but every disciple of Christ. Their conversation should be heavenly.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Ministers should not pray so loud, and long, as to exhaust the strength. It is not necessary to weary the throat and lungs in prayer. God’s ear is ever open to hear the heart-felt petitions of his humble servants, and he does not require them to wear out the organs of speech in addressing him.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “We must not think, “Well, we have all the truth, we understand the main pillars of our faith, and we may rest on this knowledge.” The truth is an advancing truth, and we must walk in the increasing light.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “When will the church do her appointed work? She is represented as an angel of light, flying through heaven with the everlasting gospel to be proclaimed to the world. This represents the speed and directness with which the church is to prosecute her work.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Higher education means conformity to the terms of salvation. It embraces the experience of daily looking unto Jesus, and of working together with Christ for the saving of the perishing.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is a religious duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare food in different ways, hygienically, for the table, so that it may be eaten with enjoyment.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The stomach, when we lie down to rest, should have its work done, that it may enjoy rest, as well as other portions of the body. The work of digestion should not be carried on through any period of the sleeping hours.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “True generosity is too frequently eaten up by prosperity and riches.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “As we lay hold upon the truth of God, its influence must affect us. It must elevate us. It must remove from us every imperfection.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “I would warn my brethren and sisters to never flatter persons because of their ability; for they cannot bear it. Self is easily exalted, and in consequence, persons lose their balance.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Satan has many helpers.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “God will preserve all who walk in the path of obedience; but to depart from it is to venture on Satan’s ground.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “A minister of Jesus Christ should not be regardless of his attitude. If he is the representative of Jesus Christ, his deportment, his attitude, his gestures, should be of that character which will not strike the beholder with disgust.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Abstemiousness in diet and control of the passions, will preserve the intellect and give mental and moral vigor, enabling men to bring all their propensities under the control of the higher powers, and to discern between right and wrong, the sacred and the common.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Sisters, when about their work, should not put on clothing which would make them look like images to frighten the crows from the corn. It is more gratifying to their husbands and children to see them in a becoming, well-fitting, attire, than it can be to merely visitors or strangers.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Gather every promise. This is Jesus, the life of every grace, the life of every promise, the life of every ordinance, the life of every blessing.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “We do not mark out any precise line to be followed in diet; but we do say that in countries where there are fruits, grains, and nuts in abundance, flesh food is not the right food for God’s people.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “If Christians will obey the instructions given to them by Christ and his inspired apostles, they will adorn the religion of the Bible, and save themselves much perplexity and severe trials, which they attribute to their afflictions in consequence of believing unpopular truth.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The young among us are, as a general thing, allied to the world. But few maintain a special warfare against the internal foe. But few have an earnest, anxious desire to know and do the will of God.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The very act of looking for evil in others develops evil in those who look. By dwelling upon the faults of others, we are changed into the same image.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Youth without beauty is half a prize.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Thread of Selfishness in Web of Life. – Deuteronomy contains much instruction regarding what the law is to us, and the relation we shall sustain to God as we reverence and obey.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “I prize my seamstress, I value my copyist; but my cook, who knows well how to prepare the food to sustain life, and nourish brain, bone, and muscle, fills the most important place among the helpers in my family.”
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