
Top 200 Ellen G. White Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ellen G. White Quote: “The exercise of force is contrary to the principles of God’s government; He desires only the service of love; and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority. Only by love is love awakened. To know God is to love Him;.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The first time the temptation comes, meet it in such a decided manner that it will never be repeated!”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Christ is a “tried stone.” Those who trust in Him, He never disappoints.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “There is not a point that needs to be dwelt upon more earnestly, repeated more frequently, or established more firmly in the minds of all than the impossibility of fallen man meriting anything by his own best good works. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “My appeal to the rich is, Deal liberally with your poor brethren, and use your means to advance the cause of God. The worthy poor, who are made poor by misfortune and sickness, deserve your especial care and help.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “O that you would realize that each moment is golden.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “That so-called faith in Christ which professes to release men from the obligation of obedience to God, is not faith, but presumption. “By grace are ye saved through faith.” But “faith, if it hath not works, is dead.” Ephesians 2:8; James 2:17.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Love exercised while duty is neglected will make children headstrong, willful, perverse, selfish, and disobedient. If stern duty is left to stand alone without love to soften and win, it will have a similar result. Duty and love must be blended in order that children may be properly disciplined.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “I lift my voice of warning against praising or flattering your ministers. I have seen the evil, the dreadful evil, of praising ministers. Never, never speak a word in the praise of ministers to their faces. Exalt God.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Many have a vague idea that they must make some wonderful effort in order to gain the favor of God. But all self-dependence is vain. It is only by connecting with Jesus through faith that the sinner becomes a hopeful, believing child of God.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Many despise economy, confounding it with stinginess and narrowness. But economy is consistent with the broadest liberality. Indeed, without economy, there can be no true liberality. We are to save, that we may give.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “You need clear, energetic minds, in order to appreciate the exalted character of the truth, to value the atonement, and to place the right estimate upon eternal things.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Do not make yourself the subject of remarks either by being overdressed or by dressing in a lax, untidy manner. Act as though you knew that the eye of heaven is upon you, and that you are living under the approbation or disapprobation of God.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “God requires you individually to come up to the point, to make an entire surrender. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The masses will reject any theory, however reasonable it may be, if it lays a restriction upon the appetite.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Satan well knows that success can only attend order and harmonious action. He well knows that every thing connected with Heaven is in perfect order.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “I wish that we had much more of the Spirit of Christ and a great deal less self, and less of human opinions. If we err, let it be on the side of mercy rather than on the side of condemnation and harsh dealing.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The grace of Christ in the soul is developing traits of character that are the opposite of selfishness – traits that will refine, ennoble, and enrich the life.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Events in the train of prophecy that had their fulfillment away in the past are made future, and thus by these theories the faith of some is undermined.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The love of Christ reaches to the very depths of earthly misery and woe, or it would not meet the case of the veriest sinner. It also reaches to the throne of the eternal, or man could not he lifted from his degraded condition, and our necessities would not be met, our desires would be unsatisfied.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Now when you can no longer be active, and infirmities press upon you, all that God requires of you is to trust Him. Commit.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “We must live a twofold life – a life of thought and action, of silent prayer and earnest work. The strength received through communion with God, united with earnest effort in training the mind to thoughtfulness and caretaking, prepares one for daily duties and keeps the spirit in peace under all circumstances, however trying.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “While the sinner cannot save himself, he still has something to do to secure salvation. “him that cometh to Me,” says Christ, “I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. But we must come to him; and when we repent of our sins, we must believe that he accepts and pardons us. Faith is the gift of God, but the power to exercise it is ours. Faith is the hand by which the soul takes hold upon the divine offers of grace and mercy.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Truth is eternal, and conflict with error will only make manifest its strength...”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The soul that is yielded to Christ becomes His own fortress, which He holds in a revolted world, and He intends that no authority shall be known in it except His own. A soul thus kept in possession by the heavenly agencies is impregnable to the assaults of Satan.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “In all your temporal concerns, in all your cares and anxieties, wait upon the Lord.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “There shall be no more sin, neither shall there beany more death.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Be of good cheer,” He says; “I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “You who are suffering with poor health, there is a remedy for you. If thou clothe the naked and bring the poor that are cast out to thy house and deal thy bread to the hungry, “then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.” Doing good is an excellent remedy for disease.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is not the fear of punishment, or the hope of everlasting reward, that leads the disciples of Christ to follow Him. They behold the Saviour’s matchless love, revealed throughout His pilgrimage on earth, from the manger of Bethlehem to Calvary’s cross, and the sight of Him attracts, it softens and subdues the soul. Love awakens in the heart of the beholders. They hear His voice, and they follow Him.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Prejudice is even stronger in the hearts of men now than in Christ’s day.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “They must have His grace, the Spirit of Christ, to help their infirmities, or they cannot resist evil. Jesus loves to have us come to Him just as we are, sinful, helpless, dependent. We may come with all our weakness, our folly, our sinfulness, and fall at His feet in penitence. It is His glory to encircle us in the arms of His love and to bind up our wounds, to cleanse us from all impurity.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “At the very crisis, when Satan seemed about to triumph, the Son of God came with the embassage of divine grace.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “It is contrition and faith and love that enable the soul to receive wisdom from heaven. Faith working by love is the key of knowledge, and everyone that loveth “knoweth God.” 1 John 4:7.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “God’s tried and tested people will find their power in the sign spoken of in Exodus 31:12-18. They are to take their stand on the living word: “It is written.” This is the only foundation upon which they can stand securely.53.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The religion that comes from God is the only religion that will lead to God.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants and prophets.” While “the secret things belong unto the Lord our God,” “those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever.” Amos 3:7; Deuteronomy 29:29. God has given these things to us, and His blessing will attend the reverent, prayerful study of the prophetic scriptures. As.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Our neighbors are not merely our associates and special friends; they are not simply those who belong to our church, or who think as we do. Our neighbors are the whole human family. We.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Grace can thrive only in the heart that is being constantly prepared for the precious seeds of truth. The thorns of sin will grow in any soil; they need no cultivation; but grace must be carefully cultivated. The.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Let him who is struggling against the power of appetite look to the Saviour in the wilderness of temptation. See Him in His agony upon the cross, as He exclaimed, “I thirst.” He has endured all that it is possible for us to bear. His victory is ours.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “But self-will is blind.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The merciful provisions of the law extend even to the lower animals, which cannot express in words their want and suffering.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Recreation Is Essential to Best Work – The time spent in physical exercise is not lost... A proportionate exercise of all the organs and faculties of the body is essential to the best work of each. When the brain is constantly taxed while the other organs of the living machinery are inactive, there is a loss of strength, physical and mental.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “But in Joseph and Daniel, in Moses and Elijah, and many others, we have noble examples of the results of the true plan of living. Like faithfulness today will produce like results. To us it is written, “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9. –.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “Those who are quick to censure others, who speak words that cut and bruise the already wounded soul, are doing Satan’s work, and are laborers with the prince of darkness...”
Ellen G. White Quote: “For six thousand years, Satan has struggled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God’s original purpose in its creation is accomplished.”
Ellen G. White Quote: “The stomach, liver, lungs and brain are suffering for want of deep, full inspirations of air which would electrify the blood and impart to it a bright, lively color, and which alone can keep it pure, and give tone and vigor to every part of the living machinery.”
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