
Top 500 Emily St. John Mandel Quotes (2025 Update)
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Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It isn’t his fault that his days are so similar that he keeps sliding into memories, or into the couterlife, although it is troubling that his memories and the counterlife have started blurring together.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Not all of us will be cast in the greatest dramas. Someone has to remember them.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Quietly in the night of an aneurysm when she was seventy-five.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I mean, for all we know,” the driver was saying, “there’s a universe where your book is real, I mean nonfictional!”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I still have these moments where I think, Come on, this can’t possibly be it. I cannot possibly be expected to do something this awful day in and day out until the day I die. It’s like a life sentence imposed in the absence of a crime.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Some places have elected mayors or they’re run by elected committees. Sometimes a cult takes over, and those towns are the most dangerous.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I remember thine eyes well enough,” Arthur said, distracted by the child version of Cordelia, and this was when it happened. There was a.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “We owned a home, and then we lost it – but there was such relief in no longer having to think about the house, the vertiginous mortgage payments and constant upkeep. There were moments of true joy, actually, in this transient life. He loved sitting here on the beach with Marie. For all they’d lost, he often felt lucky to be here with her, in this life. But they were citizens of a shadow country that in his previous life he’d only dimly perceived, a country located at the edge of an abyss.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She tried to keep this opinion to herself and occasionally succeeded.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “We are living in a simulation, I told myself, as the trolley stopped a block from my apartment, but this fell so far short of, well, of the reality, for lack of a better word. I couldn’t convince myself. I didn’t believe it. There was a scheduled rainfall in – I glanced at my watch – two minutes. I stepped out of the trolley and walked very slowly, on purpose. I’ve always loved rain, and knowing that it isn’t coming from clouds doesn’t make me love it less.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Sasha found herself at a loss for words. What am I asking you? I’m asking you if I was complicit in something unspeakable, because Anna, Anna, I already carry so much.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Clark disliked the general state of unshavenness, partly for aesthetic reasons and partly because he was a believer in the broken-windows theory of urban-crime management, the way the appearance of dereliction can pave the way for more serious crimes.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Because we are always looking for the former world, before all the traces of the former world are gone.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “There had been countries, and borders. It was hard to explain. In.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Vincent realized that she felt perfectly at ease, for the first time in recent memory. The truth was that in the kingdom of money, before she’d met Mirella she’d been extremely alone.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “None of these scenarios seemed less real than the life she’d landed in, so much so that she was struck sometimes by a truly unsettling sense that there were other versions of her life being lived without her, other Vincents engaged in different events.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Vincent was lovely but not, Olivia had decided, a serious person. Since her late teens she had been mentally dividing people into categories: either you’re a serious person, she’d long ago decided, or you’re not. A difficulty of her current life was that she was no longer sure which category she fell into.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Some people have families from the beginning,” he says. “Other people have to look a little harder.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Edwin’s gaze drifted away from the man’s face, to the mild decrepitude of the September garden. The salvias were bare now, for the most part, brown stalks and dried leaves, a few last blooms wisping blue and violet in the failing light. He was struck by an understanding of what his life could be from this moment: he could live here quietly, and care for the garden, and that might eventually be enough.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I was grateful that my dog had slept through my younger self’s incompetence.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Sayid carried himself with a regality that Kirsten had fallen in love with once.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “What inspired Edwin to speak just then? He found himself dwelling on the matter years later, at war, in the terminal horror and boredom of the trenches. Sometimes you don’t know you’re going to throw a grenade until you’ve already pulled the pin.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Erin Arvedlund’s Too Good to Be True and Diana B. Henriques’s The Wizard of Lies.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Painting was something that had grabbed hold of her for a while, decades, but now it had let go and she had no further interest in it, or it had no further interest in her. All things end, she’d told herself, there was always going to be a last painting, but if she wasn’t a painter, what was she? It was a troubling question.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “What a pleasant state of affairs, he’d been thinking lately, to be with a woman who didn’t hold a grudge.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “There’s such happiness in a successful escape.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Why are the righteous so often irritating? “She couldn’t be happier,” Joelle said. “She loves that she was right.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “There was not, in fact, an email gun. Although that would’ve been nice. I would’ve preferred that.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “There are tens of thousands of ships at sea at any given moment and he liked to imagine each one as a point of light, converging into rivers of electric brilliance over the night oceans, flowing through the narrow channels of the Suez and Panama Canals, the Strait of Gibraltar, around the edges of continents and out into the oceans, an unceasing movement that drove countries, a secret world that he loved so much.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “So in order for your scheme to succeed for as long as it did, a great many people had to believe in a story that didn’t actually make sense. But everyone was making money, so no one cared, except Ella Kaspersky.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Adulthood’s full of ghosts.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It was difficult to be alive in the world.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Well, people were throwing change at me, so I did at one point decide to just turn my hat upside down in front of me, so that all the change would at least land in one place.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “If her parents loved her,” Meiying said, “it would have felt like the end of the world.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I was pleased as I said this, because I’d never really thought of myself in this way before, but it seemed to me that I’d been paying close attention my entire life. I hadn’t been successful at very many things, but I’d always been good at watching.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “You look like an executive,” she said to herself in the mirror, and the thought that flitted behind this was You look like a stranger. She pushed it away.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It’s just one future slipping away and being replaced by another.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She stopped for a decaf latte at a Starbucks and was struck by the barista’s brilliant green hair. “Your hair’s beautiful,” she said, and the barista smiled.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It was beginning to dawn on her that she had traveled so long, so perfectly, that it was difficult to conceive of another kind of life. It was difficult to imagine stopping, but stopping as imminent.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “He carried himself with the tedious confidence of all people with money, that breezy assumption that no serious harm could come to him.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Leon hadn’t understood, and he’d given Alkaitis his retirement savings anyway. He didn’t insist on a detailed explanation. One of our signature flaws as a species: we will risk almost anything to avoid looking stupid.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Every life contains a measure of terrifying moments.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I mean, here’s the question,” Joelle said, “and I’d be genuinely interested to hear your thoughts: How did he know we’d do it? Would anyone do something like this, given enough money, or is there something special about us? Did he look at me one day and just think, That woman seems conveniently lacking in a moral center, that person seems well suited to participate in a –.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Maybe not everyone needs to have a specific ambition. I could be the sort of person who just goes to beautiful places and owns beautiful things. Maybe I could film five-minute videos of every sea and every ocean and perhaps there would be some meaning in that.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “In that first year after our mother died, my thoughts often veered toward disaster.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “When he tells people in Toronto that he’s from British Columbia, they’ll invariably say something about how they like Vancouver, as though that glass city four hours and two ferries to the southeast of his childhood home has anything to do with the island where he grew up.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “So we don’t own the building,” the director said, “but we hold a ten-thousand-year lease on the space.” “You’re right. That’s magnificent.” “Nineteenth-century hubris. Imagine thinking civilization would still exist in ten thousand years. But there’s more.” She leaned forward, paused for effect. “The lease is renewable.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Vincent was asleep beside him, breathing quietly, and her hair was like a pool of ink in the room’s dim light.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “The forest had crept up to the edges of the school parking lot and sent an advance party out toward the building, small trees growing through cracks in the pavement. There were a few cars parked on flat tires. “Let’s watch for a moment,” August said, and they stood for a while at the edge of the woods.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Clark liked to think he knew London but the truth was he’d spent most of his adult life in New York, secure within the confines of Manhattan’s idiot-proof grid, and on this particular evening London’s tangle of streets was inscrutable.”
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