
Top 500 Emily St. John Mandel Quotes (2025 Update)
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Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “For as long as I could remember I just wanted to get out, and then I got to Toronto and no one knew me. Toronto felt like freedom.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Getting lost is death, he can see that. No, this whole place is death. No, that’s unfair – this place isn’t death, this place is indifference. This place is utterly neutral on the question of whether he lives or dies; it doesn’t care about his last name or where he went to school; it hasn’t even noticed him. He feels somewhat deranged.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It’s possible that no one who didn’t grow up in a small place can understand how beautiful this is, how the anonymity of city life feels like freedom.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “The caravans had once been pickup trucks, but now they were pulled by teams of horses on wheels of steel and wood. All of the pieces rendered useless by the end of gasoline had been removed – the engine, the fuel-supply system, all the other components that no one under the age of twenty had ever seen in operation – and a bench had been installed on top of each cab for the drivers.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Maybe you’re right. Turns out reality is more important than we thought,” Dion said.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “A secretary is a keeper of secrets.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “When the Antonine Plague raged through the Roman Empire,” Olive told the audience, “the army was decimated.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Well, by midmorning we’ve got twelve more patients, same symptoms, turns out they were all on the same flight. They all say they started feeling sick on the plane.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “The things we see when we’re young, sometimes they don’t stay with us.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “You walk into a room and flip a switch and the room fills with light. You leave your garbage in bags on the curb, and a truck comes and transports it to some invisible place. When you’re in danger, you call for the police. Hot water pours from faucets. Lift a receiver or press a button on a telephone, and you can speak to anyone. All of the information in the world is on the Internet, and the Internet is all around you, drifting through the air like pollen on a summer breeze.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Plague closed the theaters again and again, death flickering over the landscape. And now in a twilight once more lit by candles, the age of electricity having come and gone, Titania turns to face her fairy king. “Therefore the moon, the governess of floods, pale in her anger, washes all the air, that rheumatic diseases do abound.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “What do you live for?” “Truth and beauty,” he says, deadpan.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “A liquid movement below on the tarmac; a cat, hunting in the shadows.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “The light we carry within us is the ark that carried Noah and his people over the face of the terrible waters, and I submit that we were saved” – his voice was rising – “not only to bring the light, to spread the light, but to be the light.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “If Hua said there was an epidemic, then epidemic wasn’t a strong enough word. Jeevan was crushed by a sudden certainty that this was it, that this illness Hua was describing was going to be the divide between a before and an after, a line drawn through his life.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I was in the hotel,” he said finally. “I followed your footprints in the snow.” There were tears on his face. “Okay,” someone said, “but why are you crying?” “I’d thought I was the only one,” he said.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “You remembered.” “Of course,” Clark said. “That’s one thing I like about birthdays, they stay in one place. Same spot on the calendar, year in, year out.” “But the years keep going faster, have you noticed?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Can a house be haunted by failure?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Is there an unease that’s specific to the sense of an invisible bureaucracy in motion around you?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “August said that given an infinite number of parallel universes, there had to be one where there had been no pandemic and he’d grown up to be a physicist as planned, or one where there had been a pandemic but the virus had had a subtly different genetic structure, some minuscule variance that rendered it survivable, in any case a universe in which civilization hadn’t been so brutally interrupted.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “In the evenings there were flocks of sandpipers, running over the sand so quickly that they gave the illusion of hovering an inch off the ground, their legs blurred like the animals in a Road Runner cartoon, comical but there was also something moving about the way they all somehow knew to switch direction at once.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “There’s still a world out there,” Jeevan said, “outside this apartment.” “I think there’s just survival out there, Jeevan. I think you should go out there and try to survive.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Sure, but in what other life would I get to perform Shakespeare?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “He closed the fridge door, made his last breakfast – scrambled eggs – and showered, dressed, combed his hair, left for the theater an hour early so he’d have time to linger with the newspaper over his second-to-last coffee at his favorite coffee place, all of the small details that comprise a morning, a life.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “These are not her people. She is marooned on a strange planet. The best she can do is pretend to be unflappable when she isn’t.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “What a terrible time that was,” Clark said softly to an imaginary Robert, practicing for the future. “Awful,” Imaginary Robert agreed. “Remember those days when you were in the airport, and I didn’t know where you were?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She has felt for months that she’s nearing the end of something, even though the story has spun off in a dozen directions and feels most days like a mess of hanging threads.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “No more reading and commenting on the lives of others, and in so doing, feeling slightly less alone in the room.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “It’s the fastest incubation period I’ve ever seen. I just saw a patient, she works as an orderly here at the hospital, on duty when the first patients started coming in this morning. She started feeling sick a few hours into her shift, went home early, her boyfriend drove her back in two hours ago and now she’s on a ventilator.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I had already moved too fast, too far, and wished to travel no further. I’ve been thinking a great deal about time and motion lately, about being a still point in the ceaseless rush. Notes and Acknowledgments The quote referenced on this page, “It’s a great life if you don’t weaken,” is from John Buchan’s 1919 novel Mr.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “You don’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’re going.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “They resumed their cautious progress.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I don’t know, it just started to seem a little claustrophobic, living in the same place with the same people I’d known since I was born.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Thinking about the terrible gulf of years between eighteen and fifty.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “What if it always is the end of the world?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “He makes a careful inventory of his thoughts and decides that he isn’t unhappy. He just desires no further movement, for the time being. If there’s pleasure in action, there’s peace in stillness. He spends his days walking on the beach, sketching, contemplating the sea from the porch, reading, playing.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Not quite a room, Jeevan thought now, looking around the stage. It was too transitory, all those doorways and dark spaces between wings, the missing ceiling. It was more like a terminal, he thought, a train station or an airport, everyone passing quickly through.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She’d started paying her own rent at seventeen. How had she become so dependent on another person? Of course the answer was depressingly obvious: she had slipped into dependency because dependency was easier.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She lived in Praha, and – ” “Oh,” Clark says, “I believe when you’re speaking English, you’re allowed to refer to it as Prague.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Jeevan’s understanding of disaster preparedness was based entirely on action movies, but on the other hand, he’d seen a lot of action movies. He.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Not just the famous ones who everyone knows, the Clark Gables, the Ava Gardners, but the bit players, the maid carrying the tray, the butler, the cowboys in the bar, the third girl from the left in the nightclub. They’re all immortal to me.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She had studied the habits of the monied with diligence. She copied their modes of dress and speech, and cultivated an air of carelessness. But she was ill at ease around the household staff and the caterers, because she feared that if anyone from her home planet were to look at her too closely, they’d see through her disguise.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “When have we ever believed that the world wasn’t ending?”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “When I wasn’t playing my violin in the airship terminal I liked to walk my dog in the streets between the towers. In those streets everyone moved faster than me, but what they didn’t know was that I had already moved too fast, too far, and wished to travel no further. I’ve been thinking a great deal about time and motion lately, about being a still point in the ceaseless rush.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “Years later in Toronto, on the plywood second story of the King Lear set, the words clarified the problem. He found he was a man who repented almost everything, regrets crowding in around him like moths to a light. This was actually the main difference between twenty-one and fifty-one, he decided, the sheer volume of regret.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “The one thing in my life I have hated the most out of a long list of things, is being told what to do. I can tolerate it in a kitchen but not in the bedroom, and I tell him that.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “I don’t know what I was thinking,” said Edwin. “Actually, no, that’s not true. I do know. I am absolutely certain there was not a single thought in my head. It was like a kind of void.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “If nothing else, it’s pleasant to consider the possibility. He likes the thought of ships moving over the water, toward another world just out of sight.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “You know,” Jeevan had said, “in the movie version of this there’s the apocalypse, and then afterward – ” “What makes you think we’ll make it to afterward?” Frank was always so goddamned calm about everything.”
Emily St. John Mandel Quote: “She’d pressed her forehead to the window and saw clusters and pinpoints of light in the darkness, scattered constellations linked by roads or alone. The beauty of it, the loneliness, the thought of all those people living out their lives, each porch light marking another house, another family.”
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