
Top 90 Erwin W. Lutzer Quotes (2025 Update)

Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Temptation is not a sin; it is a call to battle.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “As children bring their broken toys, With tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God Because He was my friend. But then instead of leaving Him In peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help With ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, “How can you be so slow?” “My child,” He said, “What could I do? You never did let go.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “How do you know you have a servant’s heart? Look at your reaction when you are treated like one.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Faith is only as good as the object in which it is placed.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity. It takes time to be holy.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “God has a program of character development for each of us. He wants others to look at our lives and say, He walks with God, for he lives like Christ.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “There is more grace in God’s heart than there is sin in your past.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “If we haven’t learned to be worshipers it doesn’t really matter how well we do anything else. Worship changes us or it has not been worship. To stand before the Holy One of eternity is to change. Worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy obedience.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Often the doorway to success is entered through the hallway of failure.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “No matter how many pleasures Satan offers you, his ultimate intention is to ruin you. Your destruction is his highest priority.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “We cannot say no to temptation without saying yes to something far better.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Better to love God and die unknown than to love the world and bea hero; better to be content with poverty than to die a slave towealth; better to have taken some risks and lost than to havedone nothing and succeeded at it.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Men look for better methods, but God looks for better men.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Milk many cows but make your own butter.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Everything that God brings into our life is directed to one purpose: that we might be conformed to the image of Christ.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Someone has said that the marks of a strong church are wet eyes, bent knees, and a broken heart. We’ll never be powerful until we let God be God and jealously guard His honor.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Only eternal values can give meaning to temporal ones. Time must be the servant of eternity.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “I thank God for the way he made you, distinct, special and unique. You were not made from a common mold.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “If there is one single reason why good people turn evil, it is because they fail to recognize God’s ownership over their kingdom, their vocation, their resources, their abilities, and above all their lives.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “God does not make our choices easier because temptation is his character development curriculum.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Emotional peace and calm come after doing God’s will and not before.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Here is a lesson for us. No decision can be considered good if eternity proves it to be bad. To put it another way, no decision in this life can ever be good unless it is good for eternity. Only a being who knows the future and the past can prescribe what is best for us. We make judgments in time; only God can reveal the judgments of eternity.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “When the mask of self-righteousness has been torn from us and we stand stripped of all our accustomed defenses, we are candidates for God’s generous grace.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “You become stronger only when you become weaker. When you surrender your will to God, you discover the resources to do what God requires.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Salvation is free, but as the seven churches in Revelation discovered, there is a cost to living authentic lives of holiness in a godless culture.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Forgiveness is always free. But that doesn’t mean that confession is always easy. Sometimes it is hard. Incredibly hard. It is painful to admit our sins and entrust ourselves to God’s care.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Those who give much without sacrifice are reckoned as having given little.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Our response to temptation is an accurate barometer of our love for God.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Our brothers and sisters in Muslim countries can’t celebrate Christmas-or any aspect of their faith-openly for fear of persecution and death. And yet we, with all our freedoms, often choose to make Christmas a celebration of commercialism!”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “The work that God does in us when we wait is usually more important than the thing for which we wait!”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “God loves the world. Go thou and do likewise.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness in our pain is the indisputable proof that we believe God is a part of our pain.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “At death we cross from one territory to another, but we’ll have no trouble with visas. Our representative is already there, preparing for our arrival. As citizens of heaven, our entrance is incontestable.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Those who have failed miserably are often the first to see God’s formula for success.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “To make sure our convictions, views, and assumptions about our Creator stay based on biblical truth and not on popular consensus, we must continually check what we believe against the Scriptures.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “It is not enough to do God’s work; it must be done in His way and for His credit.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Each temptation leaves us better or worse; neutrality is impossible.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Mass communication can aid in personal evangelism and the development of Christians, but it cannot be a substitute for the world seeing the truth lived through us.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Satan’s most successful weapon is fear.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Christianity demands a level of caring that transcends human inclinations.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “The mind is a target for satanic attack.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Christianity spread rapidly during the first century because all Christians saw themselves as responsible for disseminating the gospel.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “If God is able to forget your past, why can’t you? When you confess your sins and ask forgiveness of them, God throws your sins into the depths of the sea, and then puts up a sign on the shore that reads, “No swimming.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “La verdad se hace dura si no es suavizada por el amor y el amor se ablanda si no es fortalecido por la verdad.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “There’s no such thing as a bitter person who keeps the bitterness to himself.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Spiritual maturity is marked by being comfortable with the unpredictability of God.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Better to love God and die unknown than to love the world and be a hero.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Prayer, desperate prayer, seems so simple, but it’s a step rarely taken by those in family conflict.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Christmas can be transformed into a celebration more attuned to honoring the One whose birthday we celebrate.”
Erwin W. Lutzer Quote: “Guilt is not God pushing us away from Him; it is God trying to put His arms around us.”
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