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Top 500 Franz Kafka Quotes (2025 Update)
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Franz Kafka Quote: “Every one of us has a bad conscience, which he tries to escape by going to sleep as quickly as possible.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “The history of the world, as it is written and handed down by word of mouth, often fails us completely; but man’s intuitive capacity, though it often misleads, does lead, does not ever abandon one.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “A man doesn’t need to fly to the sun, he need only find a patch of clean earth, and crawl there, and let the sun shine on him.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “My writing was all about you; all I did there, after all, was to bemoan what I could not bemoan upon your breast.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “He looked sadly down at the street, as though it were his own bottomless sadness.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Ich schreibe anders als ich rede, ich rede anders als ich denke, ich denke anders als ich denken soll und so geht es weiter bis ins tiefste Dunkel.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “One must not cheat anyone, not even the world of its victory.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “At the expense of Gregor’s sacrifice, the sister, at the end of the story, stretches her arrogant body and gets the liberation Gregor longed for. Under Gregor’s care first, and then her parents’, the sister enjoys a healthy childhood, one leading to physical and mental development, and one in which she isn’t trapped. Yet our loyalty to Gregor extends even beyond death, and his sister’s cheery success story offers but a bitter pill.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Always first draw fresh breath after outbursts of vanity and complacency.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I am as I am, and that’s all there is to it, I can hardly take a pair of scissors to myself, and cut out a different person...”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I didn’t want any new clothes at all; because if I had to look ugly anyway, I wanted to at least be comfortable. I let the awful clothes affect even my posture, walked around with my back bowed, my shoulders drooping, my hands and arms all over the place. I was afraid of mirrors, because they showed an inescapable ugliness.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “No, I didn’t imagine my being alone with you the way you do. If I want the impossible, I want it in its entirety. Entirely alone, dearest, I wanted us to be entirely alone on this earth, entirely alone under the sky, and to lead my life, my life that is yours, without distraction and with complete concentration, in you.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “The old incapacity. Interrupted my writing for barely ten days and already cast out. Once again prodigious efforts stand before me. You have to dive down, as it were, and sink more rapidly than that which sinks in advance of you.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “My life was sweeter than other people’s and my death will be more terrible by the same degree.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “My health is only just good enough for myself alone, not good enough for marriage, let alone fatherhood. Yet when I read your letter, I feel I could overlook even what cannot possibly be overlooked.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “You have given me a gift such as I never even dreamt of finding in this life.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “They did not know what we can now sense as we contemplate the course of history: that change begins in the soul before it shows in our lives...”
Franz Kafka Quote: “No one sings as purely as those who inhabit the deepest hell – what we take to be the song of angels is their song.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Self-control means wanting to be effective at some random point in the infinite radiations of my spiritual existence.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Atlas was permitted the opinion that he was at liberty, if he wished, to drop the Earth and creep away; but this opinion was all that he was permitted.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Adam’s first domestic pet after the expulsion from Paradise was the serpent.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “You too have weapons.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I would be speaking even with my silence, because at the moment I am nothing but a single word.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Anyone who cannot cope with life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate... but with his other hand he can jot down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different and more things than the others; after all, he is dead in his own lifetime and the real survivor.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “And I leave my post of observation and find I have had enough of this outside life; I feel that there is nothing more that I can learn here, either now or at any time. And I long to say a last goodbye to everything up here, to go down into my burrow never to return again, let things take their course, and not try to retard them with my profitless vigils.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I can’t hold enough of you in my hands.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Asking questions were the most important thing.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “For we are like tree trunks in the snow. In appearance they lie smoothly and a little push should be enough to set them rolling. No, it can’t be done, for they are firmly wedded to the ground. But see, even that is only appearance.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Test yourself on mankind. It is something that makes the doubter doubt, the believer believe.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I hope it is nothing serious. On the other hand, I must also say that we business people, luckily or unluckily, however one looks at it, very often simply have to overcome a slight indisposition for business reasons.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I won’t give up the diary again. I must hold on here, it is the only place I can.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “The experience of life consists of the experience which the spirit has of itself in matter and as matter, in mind and as mind, in emotion, as emotion, etc.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “The gesture of rejection with which I was forever met did not mean: ‘I do not love you,’ but: ‘You cannot love me, much as you would like; you are unhappily in love with your love for me, but your love for me is not in love with you.’ It is consequently incorrect to say that I have known the words, ‘I love you’; I have known only the expectant stillness that should have been broken by my ‘I love you,’ that is all that I have known, nothing more.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “They were offered the choice between becoming kings or the couriers of kings. The way children would, they all wanted to be couriers. Therefore there are only couriers who hurry about the world, shouting to each other – since there are no kings – messages that have become meaningless. They would like to put an end to this miserable life of theirs but they dare not because of their oaths of service.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “It’s sometimes quite astonishing that a single, average life is enough to encompass so much that it’s at all possible ever to have any success in one’s work here.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Two possibilities: making oneself infinitely small or being so. The second is perfection, that is to say, inactivity, the first is beginning, that is to say, action.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “First of all, I am delighted that you are a vegetarian at heart. I don’t like strict vegetarians all that much, because I too am almost a vegetarian, and see nothing particularly likable about it, just something natural, and those who are good vegetarians in their hearts, but, for reasons of health, from indifference, or simply because they underrate food as such, eat meat or whatever happens to be on the table, casually, with their left hand, so to speak, these are the ones I like.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “The relationship to one’s fellow man is the relationship of prayer, the relationship to oneself is the relationship of striving; it is from prayer that one draws the strength for one’s striving.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Anyone who loves his neighbor within the limits of the world is doing no more and no less injustice than someone who loves himself within the limits of the world.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Devilish in my innocence.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “He had indeed been so close to forgetting that only the voice of the mother, so long unheard, brought him to his senses.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “I like to make use of what I know.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Every word first looks around in every direction before letting itself be written down by me.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Look at this, Willem, he admits he doesn’t know the law and at the same time insists he’s innocent.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “And, incidentally: freedom is all too often self-deception among people. Just as freedom is among the most exalted of feelings, so the corresponding deception is among the most exalted of deceptions.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “Towards the avoidance of a piece of verbal confusion: What is intended to be actively destroyed must first of all have been firmly grasped; what crumbles away crumbles away, but cannot be destroyed.”
Franz Kafka Quote: “A man might find for a moment that he was unable to work, but that’s exactly the right time to remember his past accomplishments and to consider that later on, when the obstacles has been removed, he’s bound to work all the harder and more efficiently.”
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